Not sure if this is your problem or not, but sometimes agth doesn't work on the opening sequences. For several games, I have to start to play a game first before the userhook option shows up in agth. See if that helps, I don't have tsuyokiss yet so I can't really help much.
above was for kazuhiro.
for Mike:
try clicking on the option several times (sometimes it takes me about 20-30secs to be able to select another option), if that doesn't work, I usually just have to alt+ctrl+del and forcefully shut down agth. But try to remember which option so you don't pick that repeating option again.
Is your comp configured to read japanese text? i.e. you have the east asian language support pack on. I'm not sure if you're saying AGTH has the ???? or the ATLAS has the ???? in its translation. For me, when I try to manually translate certain words in AGTH to ATLAS, I get the ??? problem, but you can fix it by copying the AGTH phrase, pasting it somewhere first( i.e. notepad or web browser), then copy that paste and ATLAS will correctly capture the japanese text. I usually do this when ATLAS can't translate a phrase and I need to check it on an online dictionary, then add that phrase to the ATLAS dictionary.