AKB48, Misia to sing at cherry blossom concerts in Washington to thank U.S.


Jul 23, 2008
Two of Japan’s best-selling pop acts will play in Washington to mark the centennial of the capital’s cherry blossoms and offer thanks for U.S. support after last year’s tsunami, organizers said Monday.

Misia, Japan’s best-known R&B singer who has sold more than 30 million albums, will perform on March 25 at a ceremony to celebrate 100 years since Japan gifted the celebrated pink-flowering trees to the United States.

AKB48 will perform two free concerts on March 27 and also visit a local school, the Japanese embassy said.

“This is one of the examples of ‘Cool Japan,’” Ambassador Ichiro Fujisaki told reporters. “I think people will enjoy it—the traditional and modern Japan, both sides of that.”

Other performers will include Hideki Togi, who revived the gagaku classical music of Japan’s imperial court, and a jazz orchestra from Miyagi, one of the prefectures worst hit by the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami disaster.

Fujisaki said that Japan wanted to use the cherry blossom centennial “to show that we are recovering from this huge disaster and, second, to show how much the Japanese are grateful” for U.S. assistance.

Japan has also been running television and newspaper advertisements to thank the United States for its round-the-clock support following last year’s disaster, which killed more than 19,000 people and set off a nuclear crisis.

The Japanese have for centuries celebrated the annual blooming of the cherry blossoms, whose short-lived beauty has inspired generations of poets and each year is celebrated nationwide in picnics with copious amounts of drink.

Japan sent 3,020 cherry trees in 1912 as a symbol of friendship with the United States and—even though the two countries went to war three decades later—the annual festival remains one of Washington’s major tourist draws.

Apr 11, 2007
Pretty slimey.
The U.S. wouldn't have done shit if Japan wasn't their proxy slave giant aircraft carrier for the South-East territory.


Where are you, Miho =(
Mar 9, 2009
In an slightly-related news item this week, the Washington Post (I think) reported that due to the unusually warm weather, those cherry blossoms would bloom maybe a month early this year. I'll update this posting if I can find the link.


Active Member
Nov 20, 2008
I wonder what they'll do a hundred years from now.

Pretty slimey.
The U.S. wouldn't have done shit if Japan wasn't their proxy slave giant aircraft carrier for the South-East territory.
I think 9-11 truffers, Birthers,Aliens abduct and shove probes up people's asses, flat earthers, Lee Harvey Oswald didn't shoot JFK, Bigfoot and other conspiracy loons already have a website that you can post your prepubescent anti-American tin-foil hat drivel on.
Apr 11, 2007
I think 9-11 truffers, Birthers,Aliens abduct and shove probes up people's asses, flat earthers, Lee Harvey Oswald didn't shoot JFK, Bigfoot and other conspiracy loons already have a website that you can post your prepubescent anti-American tin-foil hat drivel on.


Russia doesn't care about any Middle-Eastern conflict, but all of a sudden they rage at Syria, because.... they want to protect their fleet position. Coincidence of course...

You're just a brainwashed fascist child who is mad that your empire is crumbling + you're incredibly naive to think ANY nation would provide help to a matter that doesn't secure their interests.

Oh, and on a sidenote: In case you still haven't noticed, but the entire planet is sick of you.
Fascist military empires are pretty much out of fashion since WW2. Get with the flow.
I'm sure the people in the Middle-East will soon hold a concert too in order to show their gratitude for bombing and occupying their land, massacring and humiliating them, urinating on their corpses, burning their cultural sacraments and the latest hype of slaughtering their women and children. You're so right, how could I ever doubt the great AmeriKKKan empire...


Active Member
Nov 20, 2008

Russia doesn't care about any Middle-Eastern conflict, but all of a sudden they rage at Syria, because.... they want to protect their fleet position. Coincidence of course...

You're just a brainwashed fascist child who is mad that your empire is crumbling + you're incredibly naive to think ANY nation would provide help to a matter that doesn't secure their interests.

Oh, and on a sidenote: In case you still haven't noticed, but the entire planet is sick of you.
Fascist military empires are pretty much out of fashion since WW2. Get with the flow.
I'm sure the people in the Middle-East will soon hold a concert too in order to show their gratitude for bombing and occupying their land, massacring and humiliating them, urinating on their corpses, burning their cultural sacraments and the latest hype of slaughtering their women and children. You're so right, how could I ever doubt the great AmeriKKKan empire...

Did conspiracy-loon.com kick you out or were you too young to join their site? Flat Earthers,9/11 truffers or Obama is a muslim wouldn't take you?

I have to wonder what country you are citizen of. I guess when you throw rocks the last thing you want is for someone to find out where your glass house is.


Jul 23, 2008
Many people would be surprised at the great relations between Japan and America. Sometimes I am myself. But Japan has conducted itself with honor and respect and has earned the admiration of America since the end of WWII and the fact that we were on friendly terms for the most point prior to the great World Wars is no small factor. There is much to be gained from the cultural exchange of ideas and philosophies and I, for one, welcome this gesture from Japan with a smile and an open heart. Many members of my church were among the first responders in the American military aid after the earthquake and tsunami.

While many countries spit on, ignore or outright refuse Americas gestures of aid and goodwill during times of crisis, Japan is one of the rare few that not only acknowlege it but honor it. My hat is off to the great people of Japan. They are a class act.
Apr 11, 2007
Did conspiracy-loon.com kick you out or were you too young to join their site? Flat Earthers,9/11 truffers or Obama is a muslim wouldn't take you?

I have to wonder what country you are citizen of. I guess when you throw rocks the last thing you want is for someone to find out where your glass house is.
Denial and silly accusations.

There is much to be gained from the cultural exchange [...] Many members of my church were among the first responders in the American military aid after the earthquake and tsunami.
much to be gained [...] American military
The U.S. wouldn't have done shit if Japan wasn't their proxy slave giant aircraft carrier for the South-East territory.

Keep breasting yourself with your fascist empire while it lasts.
We all know it won't be long.


Nutcase on the loose
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2007
this started out as simple bit of news, as girl band doing a gig in Washington to celebrate cherry blossom,


if you like to go them go, for the rest of who is not interested, just drop it, we have a choice to go or not,

I hate the war on words, it really upsets the board, and we only have one life, so just enjoy your own part of it, we would all be happy