AKB48 中西里菜 Rina Nakanishi (やまぐちりこ Riko Yamaguchi) does goes XXX!

She doesn't have another sister by the way, does she?
Another sister, as in a third sister? No.

Rina (AV name: Riko) has one younger sister, Marika (AV name: Riku).

As in the translation (and reported in earlier interviews), Rina says she lost her virginity to a staff member when she was in AKB, while she was 16. She didn't have any particular history or relationship with the man, but he just asked her out and she thought he was a nice enough person to hook up with.

In the more recent Riku AV debut interviews, Marika says she was naturally shocked when she found out her sister went into AV (Marika says Rina didn't tell her, and that she only found out after reading some magazines).

Rina and Marika also have one younger brother. And when Rina was in AKB, it was reported that her father was a teacher at a junior high school (no word on whether that has changed since the AV debuts).

I read on another forum a post similar to this thread where someone says Riko says AV "is her hometown" or going to AV is like "going back to her hometown" or something.
You'll have to post that source, or ask in that forum for the source.

yeah I was hopin for a third sister. Im surprised Riku is younger she looks older to me.

In what interview does she say she was 16? In the Dec 2010 interview I translated, she says 2 years ago, which would make her around 20 (or 18 by her Rina age). No? Where is that interview you mention where she talks about being asked out and she thought he was nice?:study:

I'll try to find that page where I read that....

btw heres another page about this with some info on Idol salaries http://forum.nihongogo.com/topic/9413-rina-nakanishi-missing/
In latest movie title "Love Love AV Debut to AV Retirement Super Idol"
She'll retired ?
i saw her latest video, i dont undestand japanese but i think its not her retirement video, and i hope she will do more videos along with her sister riku:grassdance::grassdance:

Well Rina Nakanishi enter the JAV World is not surprising. There are 2 ways for an Idol to enter JAV, Drop Out [because of their bad attitude or failure like the W Team in Morning Musume] or Graduated. Rinatin is graduated, so she's got nothing to do with AKB48 anymore.

To me, there are much perfect AKB member for JAV, for example:

1. Ono Erena, She's a big breasted cutie and graduated. I remember she played in 1 movie title as a seducer to her brother in law and she's so hot hot in there. To bad there's no sexual intercourse or anything sexual in there. The drama title is "SANKAKU".

2. Haruna Kojima, She's a big breasted cutie too. She didn't finish her high school, because she wanted to focus on her career. Without college title or business skill means if she screwed up in AKB48, she wouldn't had a chance to survive in entertainment world.

To me it's strange for a girl like Rinatin to choose a path as JAV Actress, especially if she wants to be Top Musician, cause she already has angelic voice there. She could:

1. Choose to become a voice actress, cause in Japan there were thousands titles of anime every year, so it's easier for her beautiful voice to enter anime industry. Who knows she could be in K-On, Naruto, etc cause they were so popular.

2. Join Indie label, and with her voice and daily vocal training, she could rock the world too.

3. Try to write or compose her own song, she can use her savings [from her salaries as AKB member] to buy some good musical related software like Sonar or Cubase. That software isn't to expensive.

Or perhaps she compared herself to Nao Oikawa, a former JAV Idol who succeded in getting the regular main villain role in Super Sentai Show while only 2 members of AKB got small role in Kamen Rider Show for fewer episodes only.

Oh well, anything goes.
To me, there are much perfect AKB member for JAV
Just because you would like to see them in JAV doesn't actually mean they are "more perfect" in any way. Both Erena and Haruna are far, far more popular in AKB than Rina ever was -- and it's popularity that decides who stays and who graduates.

It's also popularity that influences what they can do after leaving or graduating from AKB (or any other pop idol fame). With as large a fan following and as much on-TV/radio experience as they have, they have far more opportunities to continue a career in entertainment before having to ever consider JAV. Erena herself has left AKB to study abroad in the hopes of becoming a true actress -- something that would be impossible for less popular idols.

Seiyuu is unlikely for an ex-idol. They simply don't have proper voice training, and their professional experience has been about developing their own idol personality; they have no experience developing the personality of an anime character.

Indie labels don't want generic pop stars. Rina would have to show true musical talent (and not just "I like singing and dancing"); but if she had any of that, she probably would've been picked up by an indie label before joining AKB.

And being an independent musician is even harder. Frankly, AKB members (and most pop idol girls) don't earn all that much money. Enough to survive in Tokyo with a little extra to play once in a while, but not enough to secure a career. And composing by herself is a joke; she'd have to go to school and take classes on music composition, considering how all of that was done for her when she was in AKB.

Although we will never know the real reason why Rina went JAV, it most likely has to do with how, when she moved to Tokyo to be in AKB, she often felt lonely and therefore was impressionable to an extent. And how she seemed to really enjoy the popularity and living in Tokyo, and probably had some aversion to giving it up and returning home. And by her own admission of losing her virginity to a random AKB staff, her comfort with her own sexuality.

Since Rina really wasn't popular enough to get other jobs in entertainment, JAV probably seemed like an easy way for her to keep her pop idol lifestyle. And to be honest, she's far more popular now after doing JAV than she was when she was in AKB. But only because she made the jump, not because she has shown any potential of becoming a professional entertainer post-AKB.

Just because you would like to see them in JAV doesn't actually mean they are "more perfect" in any way. Both Erena and Haruna are far, far more popular in AKB than Rina ever was -- and it's popularity that decides who stays and who graduates.

Nope, I don't want to watch them in JAV, that will make me to suffer massive internal bleeding in my heart organ and invisible blunt force trauma [daily headache] seriously. I'm just comparing their assets based on my subjective preference, not for real life or global fact. :cheer:

LOL, a new fact for me, someone in pop idol group will graduate if they gain lesser popularity [bad score for the company and the artist], while in academy, school will only let you graduate if you gain enough score/GPA. It's an irony and that's must be confusing for young mind like Rina.

I think I made a mistake cause I think AKB48 got the same level of popularity in Japan was similar to other pop idol group in another country, like SNSD in South Korea, cause the Korean Girl Group gained both great popularity and million dollars. That must means, popularity doesn't come with profits in Japan? :puzzled:

One last thing, I know only a few things about japanese, one of them is they are hard-working people. They like to study, improve & innovate. That's why I believe most parents don't want their precious daughters choose a career like jav artist. I kind of understand the sadness and deep feelings of maria ozawa's parents when they threw their daughter away, but Rina's parents, where the hell are they? Are they proud that their daughter become a sexual object, and now the younger girl in the family also fall to the same river of mud? :study:

According to Japanese culture, when they can't stand the disgrace upon their life or to redeem their honour, they will commit seppuku!
Profit does come with popularity. But most of those profits go to the producers and the companies, not to the idols themselves. Most girls who work to become and idol do so because they want to be famous and well-known.

And the rest about hard-working and seppuku are just stereotypes about Japan. Aside from the various oddities about Japan, it's as normal a society as anywhere else. Most people just want to get by in life, earning just enough to be comfortable, and if you fail you just learn to move on. Rina's (and her family's) situation is as newsworthy as it is uncommon.
someone in pop idol group will graduate if they gain lesser popularity
they sometimes grad for popularity, like if they can make it on their own theyll grad even tho the group would rather keep them. Grad just means leave the group on decent terms.
the sadness and deep feelings of maria ozawa's parents when they threw their daughter away
whats your source for this? I'd like to read it.
Sorry to reply lately

whats your source for this? I'd like to read it.

Well I've got it from many news about her parents felt so shocked and so pissed that their precious daughter walked in the exact opposite path of their ideals, being a lawyer or a doctor, or anything else 'honourable'. As the result of her choice of career, they cast her away eternally.

She's so popular because most of the porn blogs with the language of my country never missed to mention her, including her history.

Don't ask me why, I had no idea what's the reason.

Japanese should start a movie with a story behind the life of most porn stars, cause I think they were tragic and inspiring.
... When she brought several of her videos home to show her parents, they refused to watch them and told her to leave."

That's hilarious. Who the hell'd want to see their daughter perform in porn? Eh...nix that. I'm sure there are many :sigh:
That's hilarious. Who the hell'd want to see their daughter perform in porn? Eh...nix that. I'm sure there are many :sigh:

Hopefully not
you only have to look at how many incest dvds there are, which only means one thing, there is a lot of people want them,

do not think Japan is alone in fetish and craziness, it is everywhere, and in some places it is more hidden than others, and the more oppressive the government the more likely there is a bigger market
LOFL. thats rediculous. Probably that's just an AV company line. Its possible, but I don't think any girl would really bring their AV videos home to their family to watch. Although there is that chick from American Pie who played the exchange student. She did playboy, and her dad bought the mag and brought it to work so show his friends. Even still that's different, since she didn't bring it home to show him.

To me, Ozawa's story does not seem tragic or imspiring, since she had to face no barriers in doing what she believed in and was beset with no hardship. I mean like Ai Iijima (even tho she may have been heading that way anyway or may not have been much to protect from all this) got r***ing by some guys she knew at school when she was 17 or 16 and got kicked out of her parents house because she "liked sex" and was broke, and got scouted to blah blah. Actually her story's not trajic really either except that she didn't really chose it.

Does anyone have a link to Ai IIjima'searly life story? (Not just the Wiki page)