If you can't/won't re-upload your torrents, could you please delete the threads?ATTENTION EVERYBODY
I will keep reposting untested torrents in shibuyabashi Forum ! DON'T WORRY, my friends. XD
Maybe I will begin again tomorrow, after I come back from my job.
But, I NOT re-upload any torrent posted by me before. I posted so much torrents, will be very tiresome to be re-uploading everything again. :negligent:
Is better to use my free time to be reposting NEW torrents.ayup:
and, most of these torrents posted by me before is already dead. Is a waste of time re-uploading it. :miserable:
If you can't/won't re-upload your torrents, could you please delete the threads?
You now have the access to delete your threads and possibly save any you don't want deleting. Either that or a moderator or myself will have to delete them for you.
I'm currently re-uploading all of my torrent files. I did over half of them in under 30 minutes, so the timescale for my 80 or so torrent threads is about an hour give or take. That's really not very long at all.