akiba resident JAV subtitlers & subtitle talk★NOT A SUB REQUEST THREAD★

Hi .. why subtitles edit is horrible at generating subtitles, and translation makes it even worse.. like not being able to generate subtitles if BG music exists. Can you suggest me alternative applications
You must understand no translation machine is perfect.
They will never capture the tone, the context, the mannerism, etc of ANY language.
Speaking for me, I've seen where the "subs look good and sound good" but...
when you hear it and understand the context, it's wrong.

They also add words and make up words that doesn't exist lol.

What works is its a base to help you understand the scenes a little better.

If you want perfection or greatness. Then you will need to find a
native Japanese person. Or someone who has study the language.

Just remember IF you are using any ML than it is up to you to clean
up the repeat lines, the hiccups, the missing dialogues, etc.

I don't use ML but my problem when I sub is deciding
should I add the repeats like "Oneechan/Onechan/Sister/Neechan".
Or any words that's repeat so often after being said.

Just do your best and ask for help if you need it.

REAL subtitling takes a very long time.
ML subtitling will be faster and more wrong
but help you understand.

I guess you can't go wrong and depends on you.
Just wanted to add this here. I will add more from my other laptop later.

1. I'm not hitting you = You're too close.
Also, it could mean, Isn't it standing?

2. It feels good to be very slippery = It feels so nice and smooth.
Also, It's so smooth and comfortable.
It's so slippery and feels good.
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You mean SubtitleEdit, right? I don't think SubtitleEdit has any capability to accept external glossary.
You cant edit the glossary, but if you use the free translation and large model it usually comes back with the same type of translations consistently. Like "nani/what" is usually translated as "picture". You can click on edit then multiple replace and make it replace "picture" with "what". You can do this with any wording, like chenpo, go, chew, etc. Subtitleedit isn't perfect but hopefully they continue updating the program and whisper until its near perfect, hopefully not long either.
Japanese interjections in JAV plays a big role in writing.
And for me sometime I get it and most time i ignore. Ignoring it in your subs is probably easier :D
But if you can't ignore it than here's an interjection that's constant in Jav;
ano' meaning, Well... Um... You know... What? See... Excuse me... Hey... Say... etc, etc
It's like an interruption in speech when you're thinking of what to say next.

Then, you might hear something similar...
an ne あんね. Also it can get a little tricky if it's made into a question. So then...
it could mean Yeah?(Yeah) Okay? Eh? See? Hey? You know? Well. etc, etc.

Again, if there are any native speakers or masters of the Japanese language please correct me
or give further advice. We are all here to have fun, share, and learn.;)
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its super irritation how the standard translation is coming out from Japanese to English SubtitleEdit. i haven't tested enough and use the translation together with the coding Purfviews faster whisper xxl. some of the words i just laugh. i am not sure what they use in sextb because i feel that's very good.
its super irritation how the standard translation is coming out from Japanese to English SubtitleEdit. i haven't tested enough and use the translation together with the coding Purfviews faster whisper xxl. some of the words i just laugh. i am not sure what they use in sextb because i feel that's very good.
about sextb, do you know if there's a way to download their subtitles? I know there is a button but it never worked for me
its super irritation how the standard translation is coming out from Japanese to English SubtitleEdit. i haven't tested enough and use the translation together with the coding Purfviews faster whisper xxl. some of the words i just laugh. i am not sure what they use in sextb because i feel that's very good.
It's difficult to know in honest. Because sextb seems... and no offense to you or anyone, but quite bad/laughable too.
I gave up on trying to understand the aspect of ML. And decided the heart in the right place but...
the tech has a long way to go.
Often you will hear a phrase/word repeated.
Sometimes it will make that word more urgent or emphasize it.
But for JAV, sometimes it's fine on its own.

For example you might know these words or heard them used alone.
Hora, Look. Listen. Hey. Come on. Here. See, etc
īkara Okay. It's okay. It's fine, It's good, Good enough. Just do it. You're good. Listen to me, etc
Hai はいはい Yes. Hey. Hello. Hi. Okay. Here, etc

But when it's stated repeatedly, it can change...

Hora hora hora ほらほらほら Hey, hey, hey. Here, here, here.
Look, look, look. Now, now, now. Come on, come on. Come on, let's go.
Come on, all of you. Here you go, etc

īkara īkara いいからいいから It's okay, it's okay. It's fine. I'm fine. It's okay, Alrigh, alrigh, etc

Hai hai はいはい Yes, yes. Hey, hey. Hello. Hi. Okay, okay. Here you go. Yes, sir. Sure, okay, etc.

I don't think it gets too complicated in JAV so keep it simple unless you wanna do more. :D
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