AkumaMega's Fighting/Boxing/Wrestling Downloads (keep discussion to material only)

Download file - 664.9 MB
PWXS-03.wmv (664.9 Mb)
PWXS-03.wmv - 664.9 MB
how do you pay? All I can see are videos I download then I need a password to watch them.
Register Forum and PM to Admin ZEUS. He will tell you how to pay him by bitcoin and how to download password to extract those files.

By the way, I don't have bitcoin currency, So I haven't contacted him for 3 months now. I don't know payment the method was changed yet.
Hey i have idea ...

How if we all give a donatur for buy something videos in catfight.co.jp. i want it btp-08


Because it's very expensive 8000$ so ...
If you like too, maybe we can collect 10$ in bitcoin from 10 or more users and order to user from Japan to buy it. And each user who have pay 10$ can have this video.

So together we buy this video.

How? Please think it guys.