

im dominican american
Nov 22, 2006
do real intelligent, extraterrestrial life exists ? :snicker2:


Swedish Meat
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Dec 7, 2006
Yes. In a sense, we are extraterrestrial life, if seen from an extraterrestrial microorganism's point of view.


New Member
Oct 1, 2007
I cannot say with any absolute certainty that we are not alone in the Universe nor can I say that we are. If I go with my gut I say; Yes, we are not alone.

Our interpretation of intelligence and another Life-forms interpretation could be entirely different and likely is.

Besides, Michael Jackson exists... And if you've looked at that guy recently you'd swear he was a ringer for E.T.

Matsu'o Tsurayaba

New Member
May 22, 2007
They do,but people don't belive in it for a number of reasons.One could be religious social views,other's are they want to feel unique and that humans are the only source of life in the Universe.


New Member
Oct 9, 2007
There isn't sufficient evidence to suggest they exist (none). Although absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence and the universe is so big it'd be even more amazing if there wasn't life elsewhere.

As for intelligent life, maybe maybe not, that would be less likely....

As far as them visiting us, sorry, there is absolutely no evidence to support this, there's much better explanations for so called encounters and it's also clear that such encounters are a cultural phenomenon.


Swedish Meat
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Dec 7, 2006
I don't believe we've had any encounters.
There not being any evidence that they exist also is equally true in reverse.
Saying they absolutely do not exist is about as stupid as prancing around in tinfoil hats saying they're invading, as in both cases, you're talking out of your ass.
Possibly insane in the latter case.


Vampire Shinobi
Dec 22, 2006
I dont belive that alien exist because there is`nt any solid evidence, like come on ppl alines are like bigfoot , nassy and other crap like that its just a big turistic scame or just SiFi geeks that have no girlfriends or any meaning in life


we all make mistakes
Jun 6, 2007
they do not exist

if they existed, you couldn't know about them

if you knew about them, you couldn't communicate with them

Knight of Cydonia

New Member
Sep 23, 2007
I dont belive that alien exist because there is`nt any solid evidence, like come on ppl alines are like bigfoot , nassy and other crap like that its just a big turistic scame or just SiFi geeks that have no girlfriends or any meaning in life

What an eloquent argument. You've sure won me over. :p

Yes, i think intelligent extra-terrestrials exist and have visited us in fact. It is a belief though, and not a fact, because i can't prove it beyond reasonable doubt. I could provide a mountain of links, but i doubt many would really look at them, so here is one of the better ones that will show u that it is not just us Sci-fi geeks with no girlfriends who think it is very possible lol...

Taking into account the quantum-mechanical side of the argument, in a universe this vast, how the hell couldn't it be possible? Maybe they haven't visited us, but they surely exist, or did God get bored after seeing the mistake he made in creating us and decided to stop there lol?!