an insult to Asians

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I think that was me...
Sorry, all anti-americans look the same to me sometimes.
Volcan is just bitter because I don't love his shitty country that lies about killing terrorists.

EDIT: Go ahead and post a topic about how white guys have a small penis. I'm not an insecure little bitch who worries about what the interweb says about my dick size because it doesn't bother me. Apparently Asians have a penis complex (with good reason, it's small).
I'm not sure what you're talking about but you're barking up the wrong tree if you want me to feel bad about something.

I already said penis size is not that big a deal... well, once you get past 'big enough to work'. But you saying that, seemingly out of nowhere kinda makes me wonder if you do care, even a bit? Probably way too much?
I'm not anti-yankee, I'm anti 'gaijin'. There's two kinds of people that aren't from Japan IN Japan... Gaijin and Gaikokujin.

Gaijin TYPICALLY are Americans since they are the easiest to spot, being loud, not being respectful of the rules here (and by rules, I don't mean cultural rules, I mean rules that are posted all over the place and in easy sight). The other kind of foreigners are gaikokujin. They respect others, they aren't loud and ass-fucks, they typically are not English teachers and aren't here just to fuck every piece of tail they can grab in the club.
I'm not anti-yankee, I'm anti 'gaijin'. There's two kinds of people that aren't from Japan IN Japan... Gaijin and Gaikokujin.

Gaijin TYPICALLY are Americans since they are the easiest to spot, being loud, not being respectful of the rules here (and by rules, I don't mean cultural rules, I mean rules that are posted all over the place and in easy sight). The other kind of foreigners are gaikokujin. They respect others, they aren't loud and ass-fucks, they typically are not English teachers and aren't here just to fuck every piece of tail they can grab in the club.

But Aquamarine, apparently white people can't get ANY Asian girls except prostitutes and ugly girls!
I'm not anti-yankee, I'm anti 'gaijin'. There's two kinds of people that aren't from Japan IN Japan... Gaijin and Gaikokujin.

Gaijin TYPICALLY are Americans since they are the easiest to spot, being loud, not being respectful of the rules here (and by rules, I don't mean cultural rules, I mean rules that are posted all over the place and in easy sight). The other kind of foreigners are gaikokujin. They respect others, they aren't loud and ass-fucks, they typically are not English teachers and aren't here just to fuck every piece of tail they can grab in the club.

Well, since I'm never going to japan, none of that applies to me. I don't want to go anywhere I'm not fully welcome (hey loud is part of my culture). And while japan is better than most, I've heard enough to know they wouldn't accept me. But that's fine, I can buy my anime and steal my jav from home. And anyway, there are tons of japanese (and korean) girls here that can refuse to give me the time of day without the annoying language barrier.
I'm seeing more AMWF (Asian man, white female) couples... especially near downtown and university campuses including University of British Columbia which is in Richmond, the near suburb of Vancouver, BC.

I'm a 6'2 Asian man with a normal figure and I'm able to attract average height to tall(upto my height) white females fairly easily both in North America and in Europe(especially Germany). I for one often prefer white females over Asian females. The question which is similar to the title, does Asian females get insulted seeing more and more Asian men nowadays being with white females? lol. I know my sister and my ex-Asian girlfriend does.

It's not a new phenomenon, almost all of my asian friends in high school (none of whom liked anime, manga, or the asian kitsch I dug), keep in mind this is like 15 years ago, where actually mixed, usually from amwf couples. I never notice any jealousy, but then I'm not asian so...
When do I see a double-asian couple these days it's usually safe to assume they're foreign.
any Asian women can easily cheat narcissistic white males, are you one of them? Here is an american man sharing his story:

"Asian women were so approachable and didn't appear to hate men, [They are shockingly] sweet and feminine?"


Chinese women are only so because, in the initial stages, they want to trap you; later properly married they put the screws on you.

I am Max. I was teaching English in China. I was attracted by the advertisements calling to teach English in China, and for exotic locales and adventure. I got that alright. Now back home in the US I am completely pissed off and unhappy. I honestly wished to God I had not gone to China and tangled with Chinese women. They are the most cunning and manipulative in the world. I am now left with a whole hole in my life; and a great sense of having been used and abandoned.

Like Tom I initially thought I found heaven. Indeed, I fell head over heels with my Chinese wife, one of my students at English class. She was so sweet and nice. After marriage, things changed ever so slightly but surely. She became ever so unhappy with my job as English tutor. She said it was 'a job with no future'. She said it was 'a low class job' with little pay and gave her no 'face'. She egged me to go home to the US telling me how wonderful life would be there. Besotted with my 'sweet' wife, I became more and more uncomfortable in China when even her parents and relatives became 'cooler' towards me, just after a half year of marriage. I decided to go back to US with my wife, moving to San Francisco thinking she would be happy there, many Chinese.

Indeed in the first year back I thought I found heaven. My wife immediately started to get to know the local Chinese community and started working in the Chinese restaurant, starting as dishwasher and moving on to assistant cook, keeping long hours. Her earnings were not much; how much can you get from a Chinese restaurant? But she was happy and did not have much complaints. She insisted though to get her 'green card' as spouse of an American citizen; and I was proud of her to do so, thinking that this proved her commitment to me and my country. Little did I know.

My 'sweet' wife got her US citizenship and things changed from thereon, overnight and never looked back until she left me.

After she got her citizenship papers my wife asked me, demanded me to get her parents and relatives over, to sponsor them. I told her I cannot get her parents over as I was not earning enough; what are they going to live on? At this she laughed and said that 'in China men took care of the family and wives hold on to what they earn'. She would not give what she earned, she laughed at my job and earnings saying that most Chinese think Americans are 'well off', 'Now she really knows this is not true. I was the example.' This really hurt me bad. She then nagged me to sponsor her brother and family over; he is a computer technician. To keep the family peace, hoping things will go back to the good old sweet days I agreed. I went through hell and high water to get them over. She, my wife, was ecstatic to see her brother and family. But things did not really change. She worked long hours, scarcely gave me time and mixed even more with her brother's family.

She kept egging me on to get her parents and a cousin over. She kept on saying my job and earnings were 'a disgrace'. I could not even help her take care of her parents. I was 'indeed a great disappointment'. She kept on being cold to me and spent little time with me. I was not able to get her parents over; but I did manage to sponsor her cousin. This was my greatest mistake.

It turned out that he was not her cousin after all. He was a smooth looking young man with a computer science degree. Six months after her 'cousin' came over; my wife just quietly left the flat. I came back one evening and all her clothes and things were cleared out, clean. I searched hell and high water for her, I could not find her. Six months later, I received papers from a lawyer in Chinatown for divorce. It turned out that her 'cousin' is now her partner. The last I heard of her is that her parents are now over here. Her 'cousin' and her brother had got them over.

"Chinese women were so approachable and didn't appear to hate men. [They are shockingly] sweet and feminine."

This is COMPLETELY UNTRUE.They are only so because they want something from you. They want to get 'a green card' to a Western country, and they want to get their Asian lover, parents and relatives over to have the good life here, also to sponge of welfare and the pension. I have seen this many times from many friends. Same experience. Once they get the green card the will leave us 'hairy gweilos'. They think we are rich; once they realise we are not, they change overnight. They look down on you.

The best ladies my friends tell me are Filipinos. They are more westernised and they are actually prettier. They are warmer, have more 'heart'. They really love Americans. Many of my friends are turning off the East Asians - Chinese, Koreans, Japanese. They are too rich now. They look down on you. Filipinos and South East Asians like Laotians are better. Particularly FILIPINOS. They know American culture better; and they love us. They have more 'heart'.
any Asian women can easily cheat narcissistic white males, are you one of them? Here is an american man sharing his story:

"Asian women were so approachable and didn't appear to hate men, [They are shockingly] sweet and feminine?"


Chinese women are only so because, in the initial stages, they want to trap you; later properly married they put the screws on you.

I am Max. I was teaching English in China. I was attracted by the advertisements calling to teach English in China, and for exotic locales and adventure. I got that alright. Now back home in the US I am completely pissed off and unhappy. I honestly wished to God I had not gone to China and tangled with Chinese women. They are the most cunning and manipulative in the world. I am now left with a whole hole in my life; and a great sense of having been used and abandoned.

Like Tom I initially thought I found heaven. Indeed, I fell head over heels with my Chinese wife, one of my students at English class. She was so sweet and nice. After marriage, things changed ever so slightly but surely. She became ever so unhappy with my job as English tutor. She said it was 'a job with no future'. She said it was 'a low class job' with little pay and gave her no 'face'. She egged me to go home to the US telling me how wonderful life would be there. Besotted with my 'sweet' wife, I became more and more uncomfortable in China when even her parents and relatives became 'cooler' towards me, just after a half year of marriage. I decided to go back to US with my wife, moving to San Francisco thinking she would be happy there, many Chinese.

Indeed in the first year back I thought I found heaven. My wife immediately started to get to know the local Chinese community and started working in the Chinese restaurant, starting as dishwasher and moving on to assistant cook, keeping long hours. Her earnings were not much; how much can you get from a Chinese restaurant? But she was happy and did not have much complaints. She insisted though to get her 'green card' as spouse of an American citizen; and I was proud of her to do so, thinking that this proved her commitment to me and my country. Little did I know.

My 'sweet' wife got her US citizenship and things changed from thereon, overnight and never looked back until she left me.

After she got her citizenship papers my wife asked me, demanded me to get her parents and relatives over, to sponsor them. I told her I cannot get her parents over as I was not earning enough; what are they going to live on? At this she laughed and said that 'in China men took care of the family and wives hold on to what they earn'. She would not give what she earned, she laughed at my job and earnings saying that most Chinese think Americans are 'well off', 'Now she really knows this is not true. I was the example.' This really hurt me bad. She then nagged me to sponsor her brother and family over; he is a computer technician. To keep the family peace, hoping things will go back to the good old sweet days I agreed. I went through hell and high water to get them over. She, my wife, was ecstatic to see her brother and family. But things did not really change. She worked long hours, scarcely gave me time and mixed even more with her brother's family.

She kept egging me on to get her parents and a cousin over. She kept on saying my job and earnings were 'a disgrace'. I could not even help her take care of her parents. I was 'indeed a great disappointment'. She kept on being cold to me and spent little time with me. I was not able to get her parents over; but I did manage to sponsor her cousin. This was my greatest mistake.

It turned out that he was not her cousin after all. He was a smooth looking young man with a computer science degree. Six months after her 'cousin' came over; my wife just quietly left the flat. I came back one evening and all her clothes and things were cleared out, clean. I searched hell and high water for her, I could not find her. Six months later, I received papers from a lawyer in Chinatown for divorce. It turned out that her 'cousin' is now her partner. The last I heard of her is that her parents are now over here. Her 'cousin' and her brother had got them over.

"Chinese women were so approachable and didn't appear to hate men. [They are shockingly] sweet and feminine."

This is COMPLETELY UNTRUE.They are only so because they want something from you. They want to get 'a green card' to a Western country, and they want to get their Asian lover, parents and relatives over to have the good life here, also to sponge of welfare and the pension. I have seen this many times from many friends. Same experience. Once they get the green card the will leave us 'hairy gweilos'. They think we are rich; once they realise we are not, they change overnight. They look down on you.

The best ladies my friends tell me are Filipinos. They are more westernised and they are actually prettier. They are warmer, have more 'heart'. They really love Americans. Many of my friends are turning off the East Asians - Chinese, Koreans, Japanese. They are too rich now. They look down on you. Filipinos and South East Asians like Laotians are better. Particularly FILIPINOS. They know American culture better; and they love us. They have more 'heart'.

I stopped reading this after I saw the words "American, Teaching, and China"

Once again, this is COMPLETELY OFF TOPIC and pussyhunter is just ass hurt that an ASIAN GIRL impled ALL THE ASIAN GUYS SHE'S DATED HAVE SMALL DICKS. Live with it. This has absolutely nothing to do with people teaching in other countries dating women. Half the chicks I dated in Korea can easily get a VISA, go to Canada and get a company to sponsor them if they wanna stay there, I know 4 of them that have and are now Canadian citizens. They date caucasian guys because they prefer them. But once again, delusional little (emphasis on the little) Asian boys will deny it until they die.
Canadian visa, why's that feel like it needs a drum roll? We digressed a long time ago, and you're both guilty of generalising a whole country worth of women and stating opinion as fact.
And anyway, a guy with three posts is already in an argument and posting blocks of text? I'm not unconvinced he isn't just trolling you.
well this is coming from a girl I couldn't even fit more than one finger in her vagina, so whoever she's fucked must have had a pencil dick.

this was a one night thing, we are friends (not dating) and she had no reason to actually say that. Having been her friend for almost half a year, I can tell if she's lying or not, it was an honest question.

anyways JAV/KAV is a clear sign that most Asians do have small dicks, but I thought maybe it was just a coincidence.

Even if she did 100 asian men, that's still a tiny tiny sample, statistically completely not relevant at all. Similar to ALL studies done in this field. There is no conclusive study that really proves anything like that.

With such small sample sizes, statistically you could as well "prove" that left-handed guys have smaller penises just the same way.
So I was with this Korean chick who's had her fair share of boy friends in the past, but she's only dated Korean guys with one exception, one Chinese guy. Anyways I'm caucasian despite my online alias and we were lying on my bed and she was jerking me off. She leaned in to give me head and asked me "why is it so big?" I told her "'s average?" and she said "maybe for white guys!", then she sucked me off. Anyways, I'm not well endowed I guess, I'm 17.5cm (7") long, but apparently Asian guys are much shorter. It's funny because every Asian guy I know says that it's all lies.

you posting doesn´t have any sense
we dont care ...we only care of AM WF vids here, if you are starting a flaming thread here,..the moderator will banned your ass forever
you posting doesn´t have any sense
we dont care ...we only care of AM WF vids here, if you are starting a flaming thread here,..the moderator will banned your ass forever

nobody on Akiba gives two shits about AMWF videos here, they care about AF you n00b. Go ahead and try to have me banned because I'm more respected and active than most people here. If you don't care than don't post, but clearly you cared enough to type that entire message out.
I smell a flame thread. I vote to close this thread.

Btw, there are many people here interested in AMWF video scenes including one giant mega thread with 4.7 million page views with 3100 replies to that thread and numerous other threads as well.

just ignore all morons Antirad the way thanks for your new AMWF videos
nobody on Akiba gives two shits about AMWF videos here, they care about AF you n00b. Go ahead and try to have me banned because I'm more respected and active than most people here. If you don't care than don't post, but clearly you cared enough to type that entire message out.

Here you go. I've been subbed to this thread for ages. You are just full of unfounded opinions.
Give me your korean reach 7th heaven...:cheer:
it is not about the GUN, dude...
Its about the MAN behind THE GUN....:sadomaso:
Volcan is just bitter because I don't love his shitty country that lies about killing terrorists.

You do realize you are from Canada, right? Canada is the worlds largest third world country with the smallest population to land mass ratio. I mean nobody goes to Canada to live, it is the Siberia of North America. You only go there if you are being punished. Not that I don't like Canadians, it is just that I generally feel sorry for them. As in this case. So it is natural for you to be jealous of a country that actually makes a difference in the world and is not just ignored like Canada is.

My apologize to aquamarine and the Toronto Blue Jays in particular for my insensitive comments. This thread is full of them and it seemed the right time to add a few.
Nah, don't fall for his nation bashing.
We're having an argument about cocks (something that irl always ends in angry sex) and he starts bashing my country's foreign policies, like I fucking wrote them or something? Not that I disagree with all of our policies... I forget where I was going with this.
I heard "No matter"

whites got big, but very soft whereas asians got smaller, but very hard.

I'm coming up to my gay quota pretty soon, but I have got to point out that that varies form person to person and even then there's a whole load of other factors that probably make it impossible to test such sweeping statements.
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