Yes, fellas. It seems as though a bunch of us are in need of more Anjyu in our lives. I'd like to let you all know that a concentrated effort will begin now to get those interested up to speed with her.
@aikonhey you're more than welcome to join us in our efforts!
Also she's just released new content imouto is calling VR 2.5?! Not quite 2D BUT also not quite 3D?! It seems to just be a fish eye lens. With some semi-interactive scenes and less like the traditional 2D junior content that made her so popular… Anyway here are the thumbnails to all of that. Here's the sample as provided by imouto too. It might get pulled down but because it's small I'll just repost it again, it's only 20 seconds after all!
Anjyu 2.5 VR Sample
I'll give us 2 weeks to recruit members and then we can get the collection in motion. We will first get 22, then move on to the next one in the list.
Those seriously interested can send either d or me a PM.