Another way of downloading JAV

why is is that the wmv files are all corrupted on the agogo site. I downloaded a large 4gb file, two thirds are viewable the latter produces an error on VLC and any video editing tool

Is there a method in obtaining avi files from agogo (and similar sister sites)
It works with IDM. Right now i'm downloading a 1.5 GB file.
I had same issue like you in actionjav (html file). It happens because my ISP bloked actionjav (internet filtering). If the problem similar so you must used VPN connection and TOR Browser together to download.

I doubt it's internet blocked. I think it's more than IDM can't recognize. If it was internet filtering it wouldn't work with Jdownloader, but agogo links works with Jdownloader. The issue, recently, is that when ever the connection is lost, you just have to start over download instead of continue.

In the past you could continue the download even if you lose internet connection for a bit. My internet is unreliable sometimes so this is an issue for me.

You're right, sorry, friend, I get them confused. If you use Firefox give DownloadThemAll a try. It works fine for me on both agogo and actionjav AND everything else. Never had a problem.

But you're not using IDM. It doesn't work with IDM.
WOAH! Nice find on that ActionJAV trick! WMVs here I come!

Are there any other websites, JAV or not, that this Cookies Manager trick works on? It's such a simple idea, hopefully it works on other sites!
Just install Firefox and click No whenever it asks to be your default browser. Just use it to get your agogo downloads.

sucks that downloadthemall is not on google chrome, which is what I use.
How do you get IDM to recognize the link? When I use the link IDM sees it as a HTML file...

I am getting html files too, even using DownThemAll. Weird because I'm having totally no problems dl from actionjav. If anyone has a solution please enlighten me:please:
I copy the link and manually enter it into DownThemAll. I've never received an HTML file doing that. Haven't tried any other way, really. Even that gets you an HTML file instead of the actual file?

I am getting html files too, even using DownThemAll. Weird because I'm having totally no problems dl from actionjav. If anyone has a solution please enlighten me:please:
Anyone having trouble accessing actionjav right now? getting a "bad gateway" error. really hope it's the site and not me getting IP blocked.
I think we need to kill threads like this. It's only going to expose the fact that there's a flaw in their system and prompt them to fix it.:scared:
I think we need to kill threads like this. It's only going to expose the fact that there's a flaw in their system and prompt them to fix it.:scared:

And so only some of us we could still download and the other not. Does not seem right to me.
I prefer that everyone can download a little, rather than just some have it all.
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