Another way of downloading JAV

i have that ip from the page source, should i change it?
i check my ip via google, my ip "" and after i changed, they ip they said "IP eror!MD5 code eror!
how to fix that?
and how to check my ip actually?
i want to download it. could you generate it for me?
i have that ip from the page source, should i change it?
i check my ip via google, my ip "" and after i changed, they ip they said "IP eror!MD5 code eror!
how to fix that?
and how to check my ip actually?
i want to download it. could you generate it for me?

This is the code I got and it worked
http ://\UserFile\18211\60857.wmv

Try switching out my ip for yours (remove the 3 spaces also)
Thanks for this!

These are all great, but for some reason, most all of the videos have no PAR or DAR defined so they look all squashed. I found this tool that allows you to change the Display Aspect Ratio without having to reencode the whole movie and it works perfectly on all of these! Tip: use 570x480, and then it'll display as a 16:9 perfectly in VLC or Media Player (etc).
Wake Me Up Before You Agogo

I haven’t tried the “WMV Aspect Ratio Changer,” but the tool sounds like a useful one, R00g; it was good of you to point it out. I have only downloaded one video from Agogo, and when I tried playing it on my favorite player, GOM, I was shocked to see the squashed effect. It took me a long enough time to download the video, as I self-righteously thought to myself, and so it should have been perfect!

I tried the video on another player, Windows Media Classic, and it played fine there. I tried a third player, UMPlayer, and got the squashed effect; I changed the Aspect Ratio (see under “video” for most players) to 4:3, set the view to Fullscreen, and the video played fine. The same with VLC as well. I tried with GOM again, and now the video suddenly became normal, for some odd reason.

I sent Jswift255 a private thanks, as his having chosen to share this valuable secret was extremely gracious of him. I also tried to pick his brain on how to navigate through Agogo and its mirror sites. He replied that he generally checks out the covers.

The site is very buggy. I’ve noticed the same videos listed again on the same page, for example, and also when I try to click on the next page of a series, after a point I get unrelated returns, Worst of all, the search function does not work, or at least I have been unable to get it going.

You get three choices on the search bar at the top of the page, according to Google Translator; Film Actor, Video Name, and the Movie Barcode. The first two appear to be unworkable, since you probably need to put in Japanese lettering – although I have tried that as well, to no avail. The code is the best bet, but the returns one gets have nothing to do with the code one is looking for.

I hope your experience has been more fruitful than mine, but it’s almost as though Agogo anticipated this sly maneuver, and has thrown in all of their monkey wrenches to gum up the works!

I know I’m in the minority, as many of you love gigantic-sized files. Since there is so much JAV, I can’t justify spending the time for a big old 1.5 GB file (I’m a big fan of the smaller-sized RMVBs and FLVs, springing for the high quality only if the video proves to have repeat viewing value), but for Agogo, a 1.5 GB file is actually one of their miniature-sized ones. Very often you get 2 to 3 GB sizes..!

This is why, for my purposes, the site has become of great value for the films that I have failed to get anywhere else. If anyone else is in a similar boat, perhaps you can lend wisdom as to how one goes about zeroing in on that one elusive film, instead of having to wade through pages and pages of material. Maybe you’ve found ways to make Agogo your bitch.

Since Agogo is still acting like a wild and untamed bronco in my experience, here is the best way I’ve found for the site to behave a little, while going on the hunt for a certain film. I go to the left-hand column, the one that begins with the red box for fill-in of username and password, and scroll down to the fifth section, the one with the colorful icons. This is the manufacturers’ section, and you can identify the video suppliers by their logos. (The section expands to display a very long list of them, once you click on the red button at the bottom right of the section.)

So what you’ve got to do is dig up the cover of the video you’re hoping to snatch, and check out (usually} the back cover – in order to determine the manufacturer. Sometimes the manufacturer is obvious, other times not.

When in doubt, you can travel to a user-friendlier supplier site, such as Javparadise, that has a working search function. Put in the video code, and you’ll get a no-sweat return, if they carry the film. The manufacturer is handily listed on the right hand side of the return.

This is a real grind, because you have to try and identify the manufacturers through their logos (yet luckily we are offered these graphics, instead of the names of the manufacturers in Japanese). Once you get the manufacturer locked down – and this is tricky, because some of the larger ones have subdivisions, like Soft on Demand and Madonna – then you’ll need to wade through the pages of that manufacturer and try to match the covers that come up with the cover of the one you have in mind.

While Agogo offers a whopping near-15,000 videos at this date – it’s an impressively massive collection – there is no guarantee that they will even be carrying the video you are looking for, given that “All That JAV” is simply endless! So be prepared for your time-consuming hunt to wind up being a bust.

One more tip: Jswift255’s wonderful secret did not work on one of the mirror sites,, at least not on the few videos I checked out. (The second critical part is missing from the download URL.) I have not looked into the other two mirror sites, but when you lumber around these sites, it may be best to stick with Agogo.

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And, if you DL a squashed HD movie, I found that forcing 1440x1080 will display the proper aspect ratio.

I know that 570x480 and 1440x1080 are not the values what you would expect to work for these, (they should be 720x480 and 1920x1080) but this is what actually works as found by trial and error.

Have fun! I personally am having a blast going through and backfilling movies from all of my favorite actresses and studios.
And, if you DL a squashed HD movie, I found that forcing 1440x1080 will display the proper aspect ratio.

I know that 570x480 and 1440x1080 are not the values what you would expect to work for these, (they should be 720x480 and 1920x1080) but this is what actually works as found by trial and error.

Have fun! I personally am having a blast going through and backfilling movies from all of my favorite actresses and studios.

When you changed the resolution with the program you found, did you find the sound be off a little bit. I don't know if it's just me, but it seems like the sound is a bit off. I tried changing the Track Sync on VLC, but can't quite make it work.

Plus the changing of resolution doesn't work on Media Player Classic.


There was mention of Media Player Classic being unaffected by the WMV tool r00g kindly led us to, but to my experience, the proportions OF Agogo videos come out all right in MPC; one doesn’t need the tool. As for the tool, I gave it a try, and it seemed distorted when I attempted r00g’s recommendations. 720 X 480 worked better, but I didn’t tinker around with it too much. It’s possible not all videos downloaded from Agogo are technically the same.

I only downloaded four Agogo vids, because they are just too large for me. The beauty of Agogo, as I mentioned above, is that one has the potential for picking up the hard-to-get films.

But I must say, for this purpose, Agogo has fallen short time and again. As of today, they boast over 13,500 entries – but in the world of JAV, I suppose that is only a drop in the bucket. I get the feeling they understandably concentrate on the later releases, which means the obscure titles keep remaining obscure.

For example, I discovered a film that I thought had a great premise; and it turned out there was a whole series devoted to the premise. I suppose the series is called “Tormented Wife,” and the catch is, either the daughter or the sister of the husband gets the better of the poor wife. The one I saw (with a beautifully innocent looking Mei Kagura as the wife, featuring huge Anime eyes) had the daughter/sister sic the perverted father on poor Mei, and then Mei had to deal with the perversions of the daughter/sister herself. (Who looked believably evil, bringing to mind sinister images from old WWII movies.) There was a whole compilation to “Tormented Wife” in a release numbered JUSD162, and I liked this series so much, I spent the time finding the four other films featured on its cover (by going to the “Madonna” section of the absurdly comprehensive DMM site).

Once I tracked the other titles down (they happened to be, if you’re interested, 671, 778, 824 and 905 under JUKD; the one with Mei is 555), I tried to see if there were regular downloads out there. You know the drill; it’s a whole new world for non-torrent downloaders, and there were a number of, say, outdated Filesonic and Fileserve downloads from 2009 and 2010. A total bust.

Well, not to worry; I’ve got good old Agogo as a last resort. I went to its Madonna section, featuring 448 entries as of today (there is also a Madonna subdivision, Fitch, with 76 films), and after clicking page after page… not a sign of a single one!

What a downer! I’ve tried a number of times tracking down other titles I’m interested in, and the story is the same.

It’s not hard to understand why, because even in the case of major distributors, the pickings could be very slim. For example, check out “Dandy”; only 68 titles. Other semi-famous ones, such as “Center Village” and “Switch”: around 20 apiece.

By the way, I don’t see any entry in the manufacturers’ list for “CROSS.” You know, the company that puts out some great titles under its CRPD banner, among others. I thought this was a fairly large firm, and was surprised Agogo bypassed them. If any of you came across Cross, would you please point it out?

On the other hand, there was a title I just loved the sound of. A destitute mother and her daughter victimized by three men in the same household. I suppose it is a new release, and was completely unavailable anywhere. With a heavy sigh, I thought I’d give Agogo a go.

I tracked down the manufacturer, which turned out to be “Nakajima,” and yes! Agogo listed them. But, no! Only two titles..!

Then to my shock and surprise, among the paltry two titles, there it was! (Take a look.)

I couldn’t believe it. Thank you, JSwift255.
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Glad I could help:pandalaugh: I must say though. I am rather disappointed in the number of Dogma titles they have available:rainyday:
FUCKING A MAN!:pandalaugh:
it's damn work. just need a little patient when you reloading the page like 4-5 times

Btw does anyone have any tips on navigating this site? Is there a way to search for an actress or movie title without knowing chinese? Just typing in the movie code doesn't seem to work

Btw does anyone have any tips on navigating this site? Is there a way to search for an actress or movie title without knowing chinese? Just typing in the movie code doesn't seem to work

Searching the actress's name in the top search bar should work, but the best way to navigate seems to be to just click on the company of your choice and see what they have
Daimn, did they catch on?

All the Downloads I initiate work for 5-10 minutes then the connection gets disconnected.

Regardless, Cudos to jswift.
Just downloaded a movie. Still works:virtuous:
It used to cut downloads when I first started using it a few months ago, but it's been fine since
One thing I've noticed is that most of the older movies, even less than a year old, don't work. On Jdownloader, it shows that the movie is offline.

Other than that, it's good that if you lose internet connection, it will continue where it left off instead of restarting the download.