Anybody know tall Jav actresses(182cm++ / 6ft++)

Hmm not entirely... Human proportion is not strictly linear with height. A lot of lolis look tiny no matter what camera trick/small surrounding you put them in, because of head/body proportion. That's why there's a particular fetish call "eight heads body" meaning I think the height is 8 times (or even more) the height of the head. It's rare in East Asians, especially rare in Japanese. They look tall (and amazing) even when photographed against a white background.
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I don't care what their real height is, they can use a fake ruler to show they're all 2meters tall for all I care I'm never going to meet them in person, how tall they come across to me depends entirely on the relative height of the things around them in their movies, namely the furniture and their partners.

You're not able to tell a jav girl's height if she's alone and you couldn't tell the difference between a 1m70 chick paired with a 1m50 dude vs a 1m95 chick paired with a 1m70 dude.

its your right to care or do not care

but actually we are able to tell if they are really tall or not, however if you're ignorance to detail you won't notice

I second that. When you're in bed with a JAV actress 1.75m or 1.5m with the lights switched off, its the same. Haha.

yeah but very few normal males are comfortabe having sex in the dark

and if I get chance to have sex with JAV idols I would never turn the light off or close my eyes :p
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That's Mayu Uchida.

Well RCT-232 (182 cm) is an epic example for this thread. Amazing she carries a male on her shoulders while sucking his cock.
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This new release is very good if you into Lez movie

The tall one is Erica Kakui and the short one is Chiharu Miazawa


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Nice list, it's unfortunate most of them have been retired for years at this point. The genre is unfortunately not the most popular but there are still some releases and girls.

I think the best release this year, one of the few releases, would be this one where they pick up shorter men off the street and have some fun:

Eru Sato is in the release up above and with all her tattoos and gal look isn't for everyone but she's still in the occasional solo release or compilation release:

Shoko Otani another girl from the release up above is still going strong. Christmas day release this year, second screenshot from December 2019 release. I think 180cm might be a bit of an exaggeration with her but she's always marketed as tall so that's good:


A recent debut in MMNT-004 at 174cm but at least height is highlighted and I think this is probably the future of the genre. Girls short enough that an average height male JAV actor can still pair with them but tall enough they can cast a shorter male JAV actor to get shots like these:
It such a pity that Japanese studio are forgetting or ignoring one of the most liked genre of Tall girls or Shorter males.
It's been long since we get any good movie on this genre.