Anyone else frustrated with Nintendo?


New Member
Jun 27, 2008
I own a DS and a Wii. Everytime I go into the store to buy a game, all I find are kid games. I wish they had told us that DS was designed specifically for games where you take care of animals and videogame versions of childrens tv shows.
I knew what I was getting into when I got the Wii but now the 360 and ps3 look more tempting with the price drops.
Frustrated with the Wii, yes. Frustrated with the DS, hell no.

I bought the Wii ...
  • with the hopes that games like Fatal Frame and Shenmue would one day come out on it. And guess what? No Shenmue. Yes Fatal Frame -- the newest addition, Fatal Frame IV -- but it's a Japan-only release with little sign of coming stateside because of a fucking anal-retentive poor reception amongst Japanese Wii owners and a lot of bitching from PS2 owners who feel Tecmo betrayed them by switching consoles.
  • for the realities that were Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, and Super Smash Bros. Brawl. To me, four tangible games is the minimum I apply for justifying a console purchase. (Exceptions to the rule exist but are very few. Like, two, Shenmue III being one of them.) The problem is, none of these games was nearly as fun as I had hoped they would be.
    • MP3 was better than MP2 but still worse than the original Metroid Prime. (I put it down at the first major boss battle, i.e. I'm like 25-30% of the way through the game.)
    • Mario Galaxy was more fun than Mario 64, but I hated Mario 64 (yes, I know, I'm with the 0.00001% of Nintendo fans who also hate what many incorrectly label the best game ever made), and Mario Galaxy isn't all that different. Give me 2D Mario platforming any day over this 3D-with-poor-controls-and-even-poorer-power-ups garbage. Leaf? Cape? Yoshi? Nintendo, we'll talk when you get your shit together and quit making the cool power-ups last all of 15 fucking seconds (Ice Mario, I'm looking at you!) !
    • LoZ:TP was fun for the story and sort of fun for the gameplay. Beautiful GameCube game (graphics-wise). Really is one of the better Zeldas. But it just wasn't unique enough to make me come back to it after I had to put it down for school again in January 2008. Haven't loaded it up since. I'm around 50% of the way done. The last few things I remember are a confusing cut scene with black-skinned red-eyed Links, Midna becoming white and sick, Midna being healed by Zelda, Zelda being kidnapped, our new quest beginning ... or something ... yeah, it's been a while. Almost a year. @_@
    • Super Smash Bros. Brawl, don't even get me started. I never much liked SSB or SSBM but I said, "Y'know what, Saku? You should get this. Just get it. Everyone else likes it, so you'll want to have it for Wii parties and stuff." It's an okay-fun game, but it's no fighter. It sure as hell isn't as fun as DOA:U or as challenging as Guilty Gear XX Reload for the XBox. If I owned an XBox 360 or a PS3, I'd be looking forward to Street Fighter 4. SSBB ... I just don't see the appeal. :\ They're all like the same three or four characters but with different skins and visually-different moves. And they don't have all that many moves, either. -_-; Compare Dead or Alive's "small" move pool of like 60 moves per character to SSBB's 10 or so moves. Unbelievable. Unacceptable.

But my DS? Dude, I love my DS. Every single game I own for it except for like two (of almost 20) has been one of my favorite games in years. I know that sounds impossible but it's true. I'll explain:
  • Phoenix Wright (played 1-3, own 4)? One of the best games-that-isn't-a-game I've ever played. It's essentially a visual novel for the DS. No complaints from me! Visual novels rock so long as the story is good. And PW never disappoints!
  • Mario Kart DS? One of the best Mario Kart incarnations in years. I'm partial to the GBA version myself, but the DS version is certainly the GBA version's graphical replacement and what's more the gameplay is leagues better than either the GC or the Wii's Mario Kart versions.
  • New Super Mario Bros.? THERE IS A GOD! You have no idea how long I had been waiting for this game to come out -- since 1994 when we saw Super Mario All-Stars come out for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES). Twelve years I waited. And NSMB, while far from perfect, definitely scratched an itch that Mario 64 and Mario Sunshine could not.
  • Mega Man ZX and ZX Advent, pretty fun. Not as powerful emotionally nor as impressive a game-engine overhaul as was Mega Man Zero for the GBA, but MMZ is a once-in-a-decade Capcom game, so I can't complain.
  • Final Fantasy IV? Never played it till the DS. Great story. I hate Final Fantasy games but this one's story more than makes up for the annoying gameplay.

I could keep listing games -- Pokemon Pearl, Professor Layton & the Curious Village, Shonen Jump SuperStars -- but you get the idea. I love my DS. I in no way shape or form think it's just for kids. I think the DS is the #1 video game machine on the market right now which has games that people from ages 5+ can enjoy. A 5-year old can figure out Mario Kart and so can I. To me it isn't Dig Doug, and to him it isn't The Crow. It's a game where we can all come together and have tons of fun. Games like that are increasingly rare, and I find that the XBox 360 and PS3 are especially guilty of this, alienating small children with their Gears of War this and BioShock that and then saying "hey, kiddies! come play Dora the Shovelware Explorer!!" with titles like the new Sonic game where he turns into a werewolf (ugh).
Don't forget Castlevania: Order Of Ecclesia on the DS. It's my most favorite game on the DS.

You own 20 DS games? Use R4 card and download lots of DS roms lol!

@noriihiro: Your frustated with nintendo? Buy yourself a PS3, 360, or PSP!
You own 20 DS games? Use R4 card and download lots of DS roms lol!
You say this as though you believe that I do not know about the R4 and similar devices. :sigh: I think everybody on Akiba-Online who owns a Nintendo DS knows what an R4 is. The thing you ought to recognize is that if he doesn't use an R4 it's probably because he chooses not to. Thanks anyway. :happy:

Some food for thought, Sergei, tell me what you think about it:
  • the people smart enough to know about R4 carts and willing to employ them are generally (1) teenagers and (2) young adults.
  • the people not smart enough to know about R4 carts or smart enough but not willing to use them are, generally speaking, (1) small children, (2) middle-aged adults, and (3) the elderly
  • Of these two groups, which one has the most interest in "hardcore gamer" games? (e.g. Metroid, Zelda, Phoenix Wright, Mega Man 9)
  • And which one has the most interest in "shovelware" titles? (e.g. Barbie, Bratz, Ben 10, The Incredibles, Harry Potter)

When you ask yourself why Nintendo and now Microsoft and Sony too are producing more and more garbage games and fewer and fewer good games, now you'll know who to blame. Because it's the little kids(' parents), the adults, and the elderly who are the ones paying for their games whereas it's the teens and young adults who pirate theirs. No sales? No revenue. No revenue? No new games. It's that simple. It doesn't matter that Metroid was good or that Bratz Backpack Attack was awful. All that matters is which game makes the most profit. If the answer is Bratz, then more Bratz games we're a-gonna get. Since little kids think Metroid, Halo, Gears of War, etc. are too scary and since older adults have no interest in them, it entirely falls to our generation to pay for these titles.

If 2008's video game economy were like 1988's, then I would say that you could pirate, pirate away: because 100% of gamers were "hardcore" (by our standards today, even though we were all children back then), and so it really wouldn't have affected the demographic data much whether 90% of gamers bought games or only 10% did. All 100% of us liked Mario and hated the Karate Kid, so even if only one child bought games with real money he would still have sent the proper message to Nintendo and the others. But that isn't the situation today. Our generation has to vie for Nintendo's attention. Our competition? Our grandmothers, our parents, our siblings, and the youngest generation of them all. These parties do not share our values, so unless we shout the loudest (i.e. throw the most money Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft's way), our voices are going to be drowned out in a sea of noise.
I got your point sakun. Piracy is the one to blame. I'm really not surprised why there are so many garbage games. But don't say "garbage" I find it a little brutal.

But remember. Piracy can't be stopped. It's always there.
Sure, sure. I wouldn't deign to say "let's stamp it out!" I'm just saying, I purchase video games because I want to cast my vote for the games I like. Let's say it was like this:

Me: love Phoenix Wright, hate Gears of War
You: hate Phoenix Wright, love Gears of War

If I buy my games and you pirate yours, of course the companies will make more games that fit my tastes and fewer that fit yours. They'll go whichever way the money is. That's fundamental. Video game companies like any other are in this to turn a profit. So in a competitive world with so many video game companies fighting for survival and trying to latch on to consumers, I feel I owe it to myself to purchase: because it's my way of getting the games that I want (and not necessarily what gamerdom wants) in the long run.

The thing only difference between commercial hentai piracy and gamer piracy is that hentai piracy is pretty uniform across the demographics (i.e. loli fans pirate as much as mature women fans, softcore sex fans pirate as much as hardcore sex fans, etc). But I'm 100% certain that if the day were to come when the balance was tipped, and if one of the fanbases paid a little bit more than the other fanbases, we would observe a market shift towards more of that fanbase's fetish.

Notice I said "commercial hentai piracy" : because another major difference between hentai (overall) and gaming (overall) is that there's such a strong hobbyist mentality in the hentai community. So many hentai artists produce works for free or near-free. And even for the ones who make money doing hentai, it's not a living for them and the money is secondary to their love of drawing hentai. I think that while that might have been true for gaming back in the '70s, it's in no way true today. There almost isn't a single solid game you can find today for free -- all of the great games are produced by companies big and small.

Man. Sorry for going so off-topic. ^_^;
I don't want to join the piracy debate, but I've hated Nintendo since the 64. Loved the NES and SNES, don't get me wrong; they dominated my childhood. But the 64? I didn't like Super Mario 64 that much, and Goldeneye was fun, but its hard to justify buying a console for one game. Plus Nintendo got a great idea (the analog stick) but failed at execution; Sony copied the idea and made it great (Dualshock). I knew what to expect from Nintendo when the Gamecube was announced; I was tired of the same old franchises and countless Mario spin-offs. There was one game on the Gamecube that was good - Resident Evil (Remake), in my opinion of course. And, once again, hard to justify buying a console for one game, no matter how good. Then the Wii comes along. I knew what to expect from Nintendo, but I fell for their gimmicks anyway, and bought a Wii. Hated it, especially when I think of what else I could have spent that $250 on. RE4 is the only worthwhile game, and it was on the PS2... hell, it was on the GameCube. I find myself wishing I was using a PS3 or 360 controller with every Wii game I play. And Sony kinda copied the motion control idea with the Sixaxis, and I had way more fun with Lair than I have with any Wii game.

Nintendo sucks, and I really don't see that changing. It's great to remember the good 'ol days of Nintendo, back when I was young and all I did was play SNES all day. But that was then and this is now; Nintendo probably won't clean up its act any, especially when its making so much money from "casual" gamers.

Don't own a DS. My friends do, every "must-play" game for the DS he generally tries to buy, I play some of them but never really enjoy them. PSP for me, for what little I play mobile games.

I try not to be a fanboy; I own all three consoles. But I seriously regret buying my Wii. I hate it.
When has Nintendo stated otherwise? Nintendo products have been pushed towards children for years now with their family friendly titles such as Mario, ect. I believe Nintendo stoped caring about the "hardcore gamer" years ago. I know every here and now we'll see a title that's violent or with a mature theme that breaks the cycle but at the end of the day their products are geared towards a younger audience. Do yourself a favor and trade in your Wii and DS, buy a 360 or PS3 and never look back. I think Nintendo products are gimicks (Wii) that haven't delivered in far too long. The company itself sold out, their all about making money now and not quality products that deliver and appeal to real gamers like myself who supporting them through out the years. I'm actually happy you made this post because I can relate to you, my Wii has been collecting dust since No More Heroes which came out how long ago? I guess I'll end with this statement, I'm not a fanboy of any of the other consoles going on a hate rant I'm just a dissapointed consumer who believes the Wii is a piece of sh*t :yell:.

I own a DS and a Wii. Everytime I go into the store to buy a game, all I find are kid games. I wish they had told us that DS was designed specifically for games where you take care of animals and videogame versions of childrens tv shows.
The sad thing is I think that game blew an ever since Nintendo has has next to zero in third party support. The Wii is over my friends, as I said earlier this is just the GameCube re-packaged with motion controls. What a jip huh? :ban:

no more hero's is the only good non nintendo game on wii:warning2: