Attackers Slave Color Overview & Summary-- List of titles, which ones have English Subtitles, and plot order and connections!


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2011
Subtitles for 45 Slave Color entries, including spinoffs.

Over the course of the last year there has been a giant increase in English subtitles for JAV. In particular, this thankfully appears to have extended to the plot heavy Slave Color series. For those that aren't familiar with the series, they are focused on "realistic" stories of r*** and slavery and are heavy on plot connections, with many characters being relatives or friends of characters in other films. Slave Color even has a consistent tagging system to show the decade-long passage of time for the slavery organization. Good English dubs have made these connections far easier for the English audience to understand. I hope to document the full series here, note the connections, and in particular note which ones have English translations.

Bold denote titles that have English subtitles that I can find. Italics denote titles that currently only have bad quality rips, like 800MB for three hours is terrible and these titles deserve better. I'll also note where the English is outright awful, because there are a bunch that are terrible.

I plan on editing and revising this post with more details.

Title and Theme:

Slave Color, as in, filling in a slave with her training and purpose. The series is about turning women into sex slaves by sexually training them and breaking down their spirits. Over the decade long run, there are many different schemes and relationships on how to convert a woman. Some are blackmail to start before pullling the rug, others are extortion, others are forceful. Sometimes there is a soft touch while other times it is complete dehumanization.


Core Series:

Scene Encoding:
I will add codes to each entry for features of them. There are basic building blocks used over and over.

F: First r*** Show - The abductee is introduced to their new slavery in a public r*** show in front of guests, rather than just a training r***.
N: Nakadashi Show / Continuous Nakadashi Show - The slave is put up on stage and gangbang creampied over and over against their will.
D: Dog Bowl - The woman is made to eat from a dog bowl to humiliate her and show her that she is no longer going to be treated like a human.
I: Incest - Two of the women are relative forced into some sort of sexual act together. I'm including step siblings here, and will note when the plot says otherwise.
G: Gimps - the entry has the gimp squad of four gimps that are mindless fuck machines. Each gimp has a different fetish the woman needs to please, or she will get no rest.
L: Blowjob Line - Multiple men sitting down in a row with a woman sucking on each cock.
S: Shirokuro Show - White / Black Show, or live sex show of a trained woman. Usually smaller scene with one or two men in the ryokan setting.
K: Kusunoki School - The School is the main setting. Usually features students and teachers abducted
Y: Yabuta Group - Yabuta Group is the main set of villains
C: Chastity Belt - The women is set free wearing a chastity belt.
R: Failed Rescue/Escape Attempt
G: Fake Gun bet. The villains bet on whether a slave will try to take an unknowingly fake gun to try to escape if given the chance. Punishment for proving they haven't been tamed is severe, sometimes including death.
D: Dominant Lesbian Scene - Most of the female dominants are old, but sometimes there are younger dominant women that actually have credited sex roles.

The series has had a rotating case of recurring female characters, mostly from a small set dominant woman that guide and manage the slave training that is core of the series.. I will list who is in each film when I get the chance, but the vast majority of entries have a female dominant leading the training and sometimes being involved.

YUKIKO YABUTA, played by ??? - Member of the Yabuta family. She is more of a detached manager type. Her involvement spans from Slave Color #4 all the way into the 30s.

AKANE: An aspiring movie director that condemns her enemies to slavery, before eventually ending up a slave herself.

SHIORI: Riria Himesaki's character. Appears in the first entry of the series, and then Slave Teacher 2 and Slave Teacher 3.

HITOMI, Slave #154.: The most recurring slave. Mostly in the ~30s of the main series but several spinoffs, she is a long-term slave that sees many of the other women come and go. I think Slave Color 45 is her final appearance.

MAYUMI, played by Miki Yoshii: Trash-talking villainess. She causes a lot of problems for Yabuta group with her indiscretions but gets stuff taken care of.

KIRIKO Orisaku: The older, skinnier woman that appears in multiple entries that MAYUMI is in. At some, she is murdered, and a reporter looking into her death death is the subject of Slave Female Reporter.

Slave Color Series:

This series has changed names multiple times and can be divided into many distinct phases. The number is the core series, but the Lawyer, Teacher, and Fiance series, etc. fit into this chronology, and I list them here in plot order, not release order.

The Original Series
  • 4: RBD-136 - Technically the first entry as far as I can tell. This is where Yabuta group kills the original head of the the high school and takes control. Notable for YUKIKO's first appearance, and her telling the slaves that they had surgery while unconscious so they are sterilized, all for the sake of servicing more men each day.
  • 1: SSPD-053 - The first is also the most expensive. Five slaves, which is two teachers and three students of the women's academy. Good scenes with al five dancing, and sets the stage well for a corrupt school where the students and teachers are entrapped by the yakuza and boardmembers of the school. The villainess (Tsukamoto) is good but she is not used again in the series.
  • 2: RBD-117
  • 3: RBD-126
  • 8: RBD-184
  • 5: RBD-152
  • 6: RBD-171
  • 7: RBD-179: Great entry. It is framed as "sisters" but really it is sister-in-laws. The main claim to fame for this entry is being chained down spread eagle during early r***s and the forced blindfolded fucking by one sister of the other.
  • Teacher 1: RBD-190
  • 9: RBD-200
  • 16: RBD-289
  • 10: RBD-208 - I think this is one of the best entries with two sisters enslaved, but any interactions are fully blindfolded and gagged so the threat of going after their loved one seems valid. Hot women, good acting, pained expressions.
  • 11: RBD-218
The Crossover Era - This is where there starts to be more of a focus on crossovers, including Riria Himesaki returning as the enslaved student from the first film.
  • Teacher 2: RBD-214
  • Teacher 3: RBD-224 - Subtitles exist but have not been shared anywhere.
  • Teacher 4: RBD-237 - Bad and incomplete subtitles. Seemingly just doesn't translate more than the first part.
  • Fiance 3: RBD-292 - This is the first in the AKANE series. She eliminates her enemies by having Yabuta enslave them. In 364 she is purely in a dominant role. The Fiance is #74, and has an off-screen death in Slave Color 20.
  • 12: RBD-230
  • Fiance #1: RBD-193 - This has slave #77 in it, which places it after the other films listed above, despite releasing sooner.
  • Fiance #2: RBD-248 -
  • 13: RBD-267 - "This woman had a baby just two months ago. We kidnapped her at the height of her happiness." Real breast milk. Awful subtitles. Just gibberish half the time. Notable appearance for the evil student helping out as a dominant.
  • 14: RBD-276
  • Teacher 5: RBD-260 - Pine Shizuka's first film in the franchise.
  • Teacher 6: RBD-275 - Pine Shizuka's Return
  • 15: RBD-283 - The Death of Pine Shizuka. Near the end she bites a man's cock, so gets shot and then r***ing in the series' rare "Death Shows". YUKIKO proves her villainy by making out with the dying slave.
  • 17: RBD-303 - Slaves 61 and 69, showing a time gap in when they are enslaved but also showing how far before the next trilogy this takes place.
  • Fiance 5: RBD-364 -
  • 18: RBD-311 - One of the standout entries of the franchise, with four slaves used together far more often than is usual. The scene near the end of all four women totally broken and eating from dog bowls at the same time always gets me. The characters are mostly reporters that are snooping around the Yabuta group and Kasunogi School's dealings and a coverup of defective cars made by Yabuta companies. When they confront Yukiko, she says "They work for me as slaves no, and so will you." Such bold empowerment! YUKIKO is at her best in this. So much taunting. I never really "got" the actress Shiho outside of this film, but she is great here at selling the role of the big sis type character seeing her little sis get utterly humiliated, on top of one of the best First r*** Shows in the series. Slaves 92, 93, 94, and 95, all in a row.
  • 19: RBD-325 - This is a direct plot continuation from the opening parts of Slave Color 18. There were more women in the plot that weren't r***ing yet. Slaves 90, 91, and 92, sharing 92 with Episode 18 and taking place mostly before it. The notable part is that one of the women bite a man's dick, so gets shot and then the whole blindfolded lesbian theme as the bottom is dying.
  • 20: RBD-337 - A woman (AKANE) eliminates an enemy by having her enslaved, but then realizes that a woman that saved her life has also been enslaved. Hijinks ensue. Slaves 93, 96, and 98 to show the passage of time between their enslavements , with 93 returning from Episode 18. There is a time skip of two years later with 98 hearing that one of the slaves (Tomoko, from Slave Fiance 3) has died (suicide, it sounds like), spurring the failed rescue attempt. AKANE is the daughter of a high up in the Yabuta group that encounters his now enslaved daughter at the sex club. He tries to stop that, leading to a second failed escape attempt, and AKANE is made to fuck her own father on stage.
  • Fiance 4: RBD-345
  • 21: RBD-353
  • 22: RBD-355
  • 23: RBD-386 - Bad Subs
  • ????: RBD-397 - Listed as part of the series but does not have slave tags to denote when it takes place.
  • Teacher 7: RBD-430
  • Teacher 8: RBD-444 - Subtitles may exist in some language but the English is incomprehensible.
  • Wife 1: RBD-468
  • 24: RBD-479
  • 25: RBD-532 - No specified tags, and is the clear end of this chunk of the series before we start a really formulaic stretch of the franchse.
The Gimp r*** Show Series - This is where the franchise starts to have a single female lead and very template plots. There was a long gap in releases between #25 and #26, which means you will find much higher video quality on rips, but the plots are less interesting. The series plays the time gap off as the world still progressing, with the slave tags skipping ahead quite a bit.

  • 26: RBD-664
  • 27: RBD-678
  • 28: RBD-718
  • Lawyer 1: RBD-737 - This is a good entry. One of the villains, Kiriko, is her last appearance. Deserves a better rip than 1GB.
  • 29: RBD-744
  • Reporter 1: RBD-755
  • 30: RBD-766 - Notable for having three dominant women.
  • 31: RBD-784 -
  • 32: RBD-792
  • 33: RBD-797
  • 34: RBD-805 - I don't know what is worse, the English subtitle or Saeko's acting.
  • 35: RBD-815
  • Bondage Show 1: SSPD-132 - This features slave #150, and they chose to celebrate with an SSPD entry focused on Japanese rope bondage.
  • Mansion 1: RBD-825
  • Mansion 2: RBD-829 -
  • 36: RBD-830
  • Hot Spring 1: RBD-840
The #154 Series - Slave #154 shows up as a side character in many of the next entries, and she isn't credited as an actress in many of them.

  • Reporter 2: RBD-850 - The subs are bad.
  • Sisters: RBD-855 - A highlight with the good English translation. The trash talking from the villainess is superb.
  • 37: RBD-880
  • Hot Spring 2: RBD-886
  • 38: RBD-893
  • 39: RBD-897
  • 40: RBD-910
  • 41: RBD-911
  • 42: RBD-914
  • 43: RBD-915
  • 44: RBD-923
  • 45: RBD-925
  • Days #1: RBD-975 - The blurb is "More extreme! Aiming for a more realistic depiction of humiliation! ! Based on the popular series "Sobeiiro no Stage", the birth of a full-length humiliation opera composed only of hard slave training scenes that arouse sadism! ! !"
  • Gaiden Anal Creampie Show: RBD-978

The Should Be JBD Series - Here it starts to focus more on rope bondage and wax torture, which is more commonly associated with JBD than RBD.

  • Days 2: RBD-984 - Not a great entry, but has an great opening summary of the series.
  • Days 3: RBD-996
  • Gaiden Anal Creampie Show #2: RBK-006
  • Days 4: RBK-001
  • Days 5: RBK-007
  • 46: RBK-009
  • 47: RBK-014
  • 48: RBK-015 - A sister film to #47, with the slave of 47 getting some revenge on a friend that couldn't save here. The new slave is #210 to show how long woman from episode 47 has been enslaved. Very similar upside-down-facefucking as in 47.
  • Fiance: RBK-035
  • Secretary: RBK-046 - Notable for the extreme facial closeups as she is crying and forced to eat from a dog bowl. This entry does a very good job at showing the traumatic dehumanization from the early phases of being a sex slave.
  • Investigators: RBK-053


  • Slave Fiance 3 RBD-292 and Slave Color 20: Akane is a directory of an independent film group. She is directing a movie about a woman that is r***ing, breaks up with her boyfriend, and then kills herself. Akane is from a rich family and realizes her star is engaged to her former fiance, which leads to Akane having the actress Tomoko enslaved and r***ing. As an actress, Tomoko is forced to do narration for her own r*** training documentary that Akane is directing. Two years later, in Slave Color 20, Tomoko kills herself, leading to Akane trying to free somebody else she knows that was enslaved, but gets caught. The sadism here is impressive, with Tomoko forced to watch videos of Akane fucking their mutual lover.
  • Slave Color 18 and Slave Color 19: This is one connected plot with seven total women. Four in Slave Color 18, and the other three in Slave Color 19.
  • Slave Teacher, Slave Color 15 - Pine Shizuka's run as an enslaved teacher that basically provokes the villains into killing her.

I plan on updating this with more info. I have lots of notes. Most subtitles are either on the major jav tube sites or Subtitle Cat. Translation quality can be terrible unfortunately.

Subtitles for 45 Slave Color entries, including spinoffs. March 2024.
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"and are heavy on plot connections, with many characters being relatives or friends of characters in other films."

I bet this was Kevin Feige's inspiration. ;)

Kidding aside, thank you for posting this.
Any lover of r*** JAV is my comrade so there's my thumbs up
Very good indeed! Thanks
ps where would we find the subs please?

About half of the subtitles are quite bad, and Subtitle cat is just translating SRT files from Chinese many times. The ones that actually have commissioned English subs are way better, but still not 100% complete.
Over the course of the last year there has been a giant increase in English subtitles for JAV. In particular, this thankfully appears to have extended to the plot heavy Slave Color series. For those that aren't familiar with the series, they are focused on "realistic" stories of r*** and slavery and are heavy on plot connections, with many characters being relatives or friends of characters in other films. Slave Color even has a consistent tagging system to show the decade-long passage of time for the slavery organization. Good English dubs have made these connections far easier for the English audience to understand. I hope to document the full series here, note the connections, and in particular note which ones have English translations.

Bold denote titles that have English subtitles that I can find. Italics denote titles that currently only have bad quality rips, like 800MB for three hours is terrible and these titles deserve better. I'll also note where the English is outright awful, because there are a bunch that are terrible.

I plan on editing and revising this post with more details.

Title and Theme:

Slave Color, as in, filling in a slave with her training and purpose. The series is about turning women into sex slaves by sexually training them and breaking down their spirits. Over the decade long run, there are many different schemes and relationships on how to convert a woman. Some are blackmail to start before pullling the rug, others are extortion, others are forceful. Sometimes there is a soft touch while other times it is complete dehumanization.


Core Series:

Slave Color Series:

This series has changed names multiple times and can be divided into many distinct phases. The number is the core series, but the Lawyer, Teacher, and Fiance series, etc. fit into this chronology, and I list them here in plot order, not release order.

The Original Series
  • 1: SSPD-053
  • 2: RBD-117
  • 3: RBD-126
  • 4: RBD-136
  • 8: RBD-184
  • 5: RBD-152
  • 6: RBD-171
  • 7: RBD-179:
  • Teacher 1: RBD-190
  • 9: RBD-200
  • 16: RBD-289
  • 10: RBD-208
  • 11: RBD-218
The Crossover Era - This is where there starts to be more of a focus on crossovers, including Riria Himesaki returning as the enslaved student from the first film.
  • Teacher 2: RBD-214
  • Teacher 3: RBD-224
  • Teacher 4: RBD-237
  • Fiance 3: RBD-292
  • 12: RBD-230
  • Fiance #1: RBD-193 - This has slave #77 in it, which places it after the other films listed above, despite releasing sooner.
  • 13: RBD-267 - Real breast milk. Awful subtitles. Just gibberish half the time.
  • 14: RBD-276
  • Teacher 5: RBD-260 - Pine Shizuka's first film in the franchise.
  • Teacher 6: RBD-275 - Pine Shizuka's Return
  • 15: RBD-283 - The Death of Pine Shizuka
  • 17: RBD-303 -
  • 19: RBD-325 -
  • 18: RBD-311
  • 20: RBD-337
  • Fiance 4: RBD-345
  • Fiance 6: RBD-364
  • 21: RBD-353
  • 22: RBD-355
  • 23: RBD-386
  • ????: RBD-397 - Listed as part of the series but does not have slave tags to denote when it takes place.
  • Teacher 8: RBD-444
  • Wife 1: RBD-468
  • 24: RBD-479
  • 25: RBD-532 - No specified tags, and is the clear end of this chunk of the series before we start a really formulaic stretch of the franchse.
The Gimp r*** Show Series - This is where the franchise starts to have a single female lead and very template plots. There was a long gap in releases between #25 and #26, which means you will find much higher video quality on rips, but the plots are less interesting. The series plays the time gap off as the world still progressing, with the slave tags skipping ahead quite a bit.

  • 26: RBD-664
  • 27: RBD-678
  • 28: RBD-718
  • Lawyer 1: RBD-737 - This is a good entry. One of the villains, Kiriko, is her last appearance. Deserves a better rip than 1GB.
  • 29: RBD-744
  • Reporter 1: RBD-755
  • 30: RBD-766 - Notable for having three dominant women.
  • 31: RBD-784 -
  • 32: RBD-792
  • 33: RBD-797
  • 34: RBD-805
  • 35: RBD-815
  • Bondage Show 1: SSPD-132 - This features slave #150, and they chose to celebrate with an SSPD entry focused on Japanese rope bondage.
  • Mansion 1: RBD-825
  • Mansion 2: RBD-829 -
  • 36: RBD-830
  • Hot Spring 1: RBD-840
The #154 Series - Slave #154 shows up as a side character in many of the next entries, and she isn't credited as an actress in many of them.

  • Reporter 2: RBD-850 - The subs are bad.
  • Sisters: RBD-855 - A highlight with the good English translation. The trash talking from the villainess is superb.
  • 37: RBD-880
  • Hot Spring 2: RBD-886
  • 38: RBD-893
  • 39: RBD-897
  • 40: RBD-910
  • 41: RBD-911
  • 42: RBD-914
  • 43: RBD-915
  • 44: RBD-923
  • 45: RBD-925
  • Days #1: RBD-975
  • Gaiden Anal Creampie Show: RBD-978

The Should Be JBD Series - Here it starts to focus more on rope bondage and wax torture, which is more commonly associated with JBD than RBD.

  • Days 2: RBD-984 - Not a great entry, but has an great opening summary of the series.
  • Days 3: RBD-996
  • Gaiden Anal Creampie Show #2: RBK-006
  • Days 4: RBK-001
  • Days 5: RBK-007
  • 46: RBK-009
  • 47: RBK-014
  • 48: RBK-015 - A sister film to #47, with the slave of 47 getting some revenge on a friend that couldn't save here. The new slave is #210 to show how long woman from episode 47 has been enslaved. Very similar upside-down-facefucking as in 47.
  • Fiance: RBK-035
  • Secretary: RBK-046 - Notable for the extreme facial closeups as she is crying and forced to eat from a dog bowl. This entry does a very good job at showing the traumatic dehumanization from the early phases of being a sex slave.
  • Investigators: RBK-053

I plan on updating this with more info. I have lots of notes. Most subtitles are either on the major jav tube sites or Subtitle Cat. Translation quality can be terrible unfortunately.
had a chance to re read your original post and it got me thinking about all the RBDs I have seen over the years.
Yes some of the RBDs etc are linked,I remember seeing the front and back cover of a Slave Island (SI) cover years ago.
I could see the SIs were linked but couldnt understand fully what it was showing. But it was interesting.
I believe SI 2-4 deal with the older guy enslaving his wife and daughters.
5 is 2 detective sisters trying to track down the missing women.
6-12 I really dont know whats happening. Obviously the same characters
I hope you find my comments interesting.
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had a chance to re read your original post and it got me thinking about all the RBDs I have seen over the years.
Yes some of the RBDs etc are linked,I remember seeing the front and back cover of a Slave Island (SI) cover years ago.
I could see the SIs were linked but couldnt understand fully what it was showing. But it was interesting.
I believe SI 2-4 deal with the older guy enslaving his wife and daughters.
5 is 2 detective sisters trying to track down the missing women.
6-12 I really dont know whats happening. Obviously the same characters
I hope you find my comments interesting.

I originally started this thread meaning to discuss Slave Island as well, but felt like that was deserving of its own thread. The English Subtitles coverage and rip quality for the Slave Island series is quote bad unfortunately.

Thanks to the spread of OCR and even things like Google Lens, it is much easier to understand the connection tree that is on the back of the Slave Island Anthology volumes. The two anthologies' backs actually link together!

There need to be higher resolution images of the backs to make a good plot guide.

Unfortunately, the Second Chapter of Slave Island doesn't have neat complete editions like those. The main connecting thread is Riria Himesaki appearing in three consecutive releases, showing how compliant she becomes as a slave after a years-long gap.
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Slave Island


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New Slave Island


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I originally started this thread meaning to discuss Slave Island as well, but felt like that was deserving of its own thread. The English Subtitles coverage and rip quality for the Slave Island series is quote bad unfortunately.

Thanks to the spread of OCR and even things like Google Lens, it is much easier to understand the connection tree that is on the back of the Slave Island Anthology volumes. The two anthologies' backs actually link together!

There need to be higher resolution images of the backs to make a good plot guide.

Unfortunately, the Second Chapter of Slave Island doesn't have neat complete editions like those. The main connecting thread is Riria Himesaki appearing in three consecutive releases, showing how compliant she becomes as a slave after a years-long gap.
Looking at the original SI covers has kickstarted my thoughts a little.

1 nothing at all to do with main series at all. Very good though.
2-5 have talked about.
6 Possible expansion of business and getting rid of a rival.
7 cant even guess
8 possible investigator or relative
9 investigation being stopped
10 cant even guess
11+12 investigation stopped.

and yes the new SI wasnt very good at all!

RBD-468 Slave-Colored Married Woman Nana Aida



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Thanks to Whisper, there will probably be English subtitles for all of these within the next few months. I may put a few of my own edits on SubtitleCat, but I assume there's going to be more translations off of Chinese translations via Whisper.

It has been 8 months since the last entry (a pretty good Days entry with a spy focus). Main series is up to 48, so maybe they are planning something big for the 50th main entry.
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After going through with Whisper, I think the real peak of the series is the Slave Color 14-20, and the spinoffs from that era. That section of story is the peak of cross over plots and Yukiko Yabuta at her most villainous.

Slave Teacher 5, Slave Teacher 6, Slave Color 14, and Slave Color 15 are a nice overlapping story with both the evil twin of the tattooed woman and Pine Shizuka being deceived, enslaved, and then pretty much knowingly gets herself killed.

Slave Color 18, 19, 20, and Slave Fiance 3 are another deeply interconnected chunk of story with I think 3 women appearing in two of those films in a nice connected web.

There were higher quality rips made for the first 24 or so Slave Color entires, but Slave Teacher and Slave Fiance and the other spinoffs are still stuck with some terrible 1GB files.
I greatly enjoyed RBD-361. It's nothing groundbreaking but really gratifying seeing Eririka being led around on a leash and continuing to have her wrists cuffed behind her back while being raeped. I love gears, having a collar and leash already works for me. I also love seeing women tied up but it's rarely the case during the sex scenes. She checked both boxes. Also no silly vibrator scenes, it's just philanthropy I mean full on raeping.

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I greatly enjoyed RBD-361. It's nothing groundbreaking but really gratifying seeing Eririka being led around on a leash and continuing to have her wrists cuffed behind her back while being raeped. I love gears, having a collar and leash already works for me. I also love seeing women tied up but it's rarely the case during the sex scenes. She checked both boxes. Also no silly vibrator scenes, it's just philanthropy I mean full on raeping.

View attachment 3183661View attachment 3183662

I actually don't know if that is really associated with the franchise, or not. I have it categorized with the Slave Color series but I think I may have just not understood how many other "Slave" franchises were out that deal with other aspects of the trafficking community in the Attackers universe. Manion of Beautiful Pets and the Gangbang Planning and the Abyss Slave franchises could all easily pass as alternate tales of the slavery world.

361 is really great. Her Gangbang Planning entry is also high marks.
I like how RBD-361 makes her stare at her "Slave Contract" on the wall while practicing, which lists all of the rules for being a slave which is pretty similar to the rules in Slave Color that play through the tapes they have to listen to.
Slave Color Days 4 - RBK-001 is notable for having Ellie Akira appear as a newly numbered slave a decade after she appeared in Slave Color 15.

Slave #56 and Slave #172, a decade apart. The rate comes out to almost exactly a new slave per month. Some months we get a view, and other months we do not. Whenever it picks up again we will probably be past 200, unless they do an SSPD to celebrate the occasion of Slave #200.
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Over the course of the last year there has been a giant increase in English subtitles for JAV. In particular, this thankfully appears to have extended to the plot heavy Slave Color series. For those that aren't familiar with the series, they are focused on "realistic" stories of r*** and slavery and are heavy on plot connections, with many characters being relatives or friends of characters in other films. Slave Color even has a consistent tagging system to show the decade-long passage of time for the slavery organization. Good English dubs have made these connections far easier for the English audience to understand. I hope to document the full series here, note the connections, and in particular note which ones have English translations.

Bold denote titles that have English subtitles that I can find. Italics denote titles that currently only have bad quality rips, like 800MB for three hours is terrible and these titles deserve better. I'll also note where the English is outright awful, because there are a bunch that are terrible.

I plan on editing and revising this post with more details.

Title and Theme:

Slave Color, as in, filling in a slave with her training and purpose. The series is about turning women into sex slaves by sexually training them and breaking down their spirits. Over the decade long run, there are many different schemes and relationships on how to convert a woman. Some are blackmail to start before pullling the rug, others are extortion, others are forceful. Sometimes there is a soft touch while other times it is complete dehumanization.


Core Series:

Scene Encoding:
I will add codes to each entry for features of them. There are basic building blocks used over and over.

F: First r*** Show - The abductee is introduced to their new slavery in a public r*** show in front of guests, rather than just a training r***.
N: Nakadashi Show / Continuous Nakadashi Show - The slave is put up on stage and gangbang creampied over and over against their will.
D: Dog Bowl - The woman is made to eat from a dog bowl to humiliate her and show her that she is no longer going to be treated like a human.
I: Incest - Two of the women are relative forced into some sort of sexual act together. I'm including step siblings here, and will note when the plot says otherwise.
G: Gimps - the entry has the gimp squad of four gimps that are mindless fuck machines. Each gimp has a different fetish the woman needs to please, or she will get no rest.
L: Blowjob Line - Multiple men sitting down in a row with a woman sucking on each cock.
S: Shirokuro Show - White / Black Show, or live sex show of a trained woman. Usually smaller scene with one or two men in the ryokan setting.
K: Kusunoki School - The School is the main setting. Usually features students and teachers abducted
Y: Yabuta Group - Yabuta Group is the main set of villains
C: Chastity Belt - The women is set free wearing a chastity belt.
R: Failed Rescue/Escape Attempt
G: Fake Gun bet. The villains bet on whether a slave will try to take an unknowingly fake gun to try to escape if given the chance. Punishment for proving they haven't been tamed is severe, sometimes including death.
D: Dominant Lesbian Scene - Most of the female dominants are old, but sometimes there are younger dominant women that actually have credited sex roles.

The series has had a rotating case of recurring female characters, mostly from a small set dominant woman that guide and manage the slave training that is core of the series.. I will list who is in each film when I get the chance, but the vast majority of entries have a female dominant leading the training and sometimes being involved.

YUKIKO YABUTA, played by ??? - Member of the Yabuta family. She is more of a detached manager type. Her involvement spans from Slave Color #4 all the way into the 30s.

AKANE: An aspiring movie director that condemns her enemies to slavery, before eventually ending up a slave herself.

SHIORI: Riria Himesaki's character. Appears in the first entry of the series, and then Slave Teacher 2 and Slave Teacher 3.

HITOMI, Slave #154.: The most recurring slave. Mostly in the ~30s of the main series but several spinoffs, she is a long-term slave that sees many of the other women come and go. I think Slave Color 45 is her final appearance.

MAYUMI: Trash-talking villainess. She causes a lot of problems for Yabuta group with her indiscretions but gets stuff taken care of.

KIRIKO Orisaku: The older, skinnier woman that appears in multiple entries that MAYUMI is in. At some, she is murdered, and a reporter looking into her death death is the subject of Slave Female Reporter.

Slave Color Series:

This series has changed names multiple times and can be divided into many distinct phases. The number is the core series, but the Lawyer, Teacher, and Fiance series, etc. fit into this chronology, and I list them here in plot order, not release order.

The Original Series
  • 4: RBD-136 - Technically the first entry as far as I can tell. This is where Yabuta group kills the original head of the the high school and takes control. Notable for YUKIKO's first appearance, and her telling the slaves that they had surgery while unconscious so they are sterilized, all for the sake of servicing more men each day.
  • 1: SSPD-053 - The first is also the most expensive. Five slaves, which is two teachers and three students of the women's academy. Good scenes with al five dancing, and sets the stage well for a corrupt school where the students and teachers are entrapped by the yakuza and boardmembers of the school. The villainess (Tsukamoto) is good but she is not used again in the series.
  • 2: RBD-117
  • 3: RBD-126
  • 8: RBD-184
  • 5: RBD-152
  • 6: RBD-171
  • 7: RBD-179: Great entry. It is framed as "sisters" but really it is sister-in-laws. The main claim to fame for this entry is being chained down spread eagle during early r***s and the forced blindfolded fucking by one sister of the other.
  • Teacher 1: RBD-190
  • 9: RBD-200
  • 16: RBD-289
  • 10: RBD-208 - I think this is one of the best entries with two sisters enslaved, but any interactions are fully blindfolded and gagged so the threat of going after their loved one seems valid. Hot women, good acting, pained expressions.
  • 11: RBD-218
The Crossover Era - This is where there starts to be more of a focus on crossovers, including Riria Himesaki returning as the enslaved student from the first film.
  • Teacher 2: RBD-214
  • Teacher 3: RBD-224 - Subtitles exist but have not been shared anywhere.
  • Teacher 4: RBD-237 - Bad and incomplete subtitles. Seemingly just doesn't translate more than the first part.
  • Fiance 3: RBD-292 - This is the first in the AKANE series. She eliminates her enemies by having Yabuta enslave them. In 364 she is purely in a dominant role. The Fiance is #74, and has an off-screen death in Slave Color 20.
  • 12: RBD-230
  • Fiance #1: RBD-193 - This has slave #77 in it, which places it after the other films listed above, despite releasing sooner.
  • Fiance #2: RBD-248 -
  • 13: RBD-267 - "This woman had a baby just two months ago. We kidnapped her at the height of her happiness." Real breast milk. Awful subtitles. Just gibberish half the time. Notable appearance for the evil student helping out as a dominant.
  • 14: RBD-276
  • Teacher 5: RBD-260 - Pine Shizuka's first film in the franchise.
  • Teacher 6: RBD-275 - Pine Shizuka's Return
  • 15: RBD-283 - The Death of Pine Shizuka. Near the end she bites a man's cock, so gets shot and then r***ing in the series' rare "Death Shows". YUKIKO proves her villainy by making out with the dying slave.
  • 17: RBD-303 - Slaves 61 and 69, showing a time gap in when they are enslaved but also showing how far before the next trilogy this takes place.
  • Fiance 5: RBD-364 -
  • 18: RBD-311 - One of the standout entries of the franchise, with four slaves used together far more often than is usual. The scene near the end of all four women totally broken and eating from dog bowls at the same time always gets me. The characters are mostly reporters that are snooping around the Yabuta group and Kasunogi School's dealings and a coverup of defective cars made by Yabuta companies. When they confront Yukiko, she says "They work for me as slaves no, and so will you." Such bold empowerment! YUKIKO is at her best in this. So much taunting. I never really "got" the actress Shiho outside of this film, but she is great here at selling the role of the big sis type character seeing her little sis get utterly humiliated, on top of one of the best First r*** Shows in the series. Slaves 92, 93, 94, and 95, all in a row.
  • 19: RBD-325 - This is a direct plot continuation from the opening parts of Slave Color 18. There were more women in the plot that weren't r***ing yet. Slaves 90, 91, and 92, sharing 92 with Episode 18 and taking place mostly before it. The notable part is that one of the women bite a man's dick, so gets shot and then the whole blindfolded lesbian theme as the bottom is dying.
  • 20: RBD-337 - A woman (AKANE) eliminates an enemy by having her enslaved, but then realizes that a woman that saved her life has also been enslaved. Hijinks ensue. Slaves 93, 96, and 98 to show the passage of time between their enslavements , with 93 returning from Episode 18. There is a time skip of two years later with 98 hearing that one of the slaves (Tomoko, from Slave Fiance 3) has died (suicide, it sounds like), spurring the failed rescue attempt. AKANE is the daughter of a high up in the Yabuta group that encounters his now enslaved daughter at the sex club. He tries to stop that, leading to a second failed escape attempt, and AKANE is made to fuck her own father on stage.
  • Fiance 4: RBD-345
  • 21: RBD-353
  • 22: RBD-355
  • 23: RBD-386 - Bad Subs
  • ????: RBD-397 - Listed as part of the series but does not have slave tags to denote when it takes place.
  • Teacher 7: RBD-430
  • Teacher 8: RBD-444 - Subtitles may exist in some language but the English is incomprehensible.
  • Wife 1: RBD-468
  • 24: RBD-479
  • 25: RBD-532 - No specified tags, and is the clear end of this chunk of the series before we start a really formulaic stretch of the franchse.
The Gimp r*** Show Series - This is where the franchise starts to have a single female lead and very template plots. There was a long gap in releases between #25 and #26, which means you will find much higher video quality on rips, but the plots are less interesting. The series plays the time gap off as the world still progressing, with the slave tags skipping ahead quite a bit.

  • 26: RBD-664
  • 27: RBD-678
  • 28: RBD-718
  • Lawyer 1: RBD-737 - This is a good entry. One of the villains, Kiriko, is her last appearance. Deserves a better rip than 1GB.
  • 29: RBD-744
  • Reporter 1: RBD-755
  • 30: RBD-766 - Notable for having three dominant women.
  • 31: RBD-784 -
  • 32: RBD-792
  • 33: RBD-797
  • 34: RBD-805 - I don't know what is worse, the English subtitle or Saeko's acting.
  • 35: RBD-815
  • Bondage Show 1: SSPD-132 - This features slave #150, and they chose to celebrate with an SSPD entry focused on Japanese rope bondage.
  • Mansion 1: RBD-825
  • Mansion 2: RBD-829 -
  • 36: RBD-830
  • Hot Spring 1: RBD-840
The #154 Series - Slave #154 shows up as a side character in many of the next entries, and she isn't credited as an actress in many of them.

  • Reporter 2: RBD-850 - The subs are bad.
  • Sisters: RBD-855 - A highlight with the good English translation. The trash talking from the villainess is superb.
  • 37: RBD-880
  • Hot Spring 2: RBD-886
  • 38: RBD-893
  • 39: RBD-897
  • 40: RBD-910
  • 41: RBD-911
  • 42: RBD-914
  • 43: RBD-915
  • 44: RBD-923
  • 45: RBD-925
  • Days #1: RBD-975 - The blurb is "More extreme! Aiming for a more realistic depiction of humiliation! ! Based on the popular series "Sobeiiro no Stage", the birth of a full-length humiliation opera composed only of hard slave training scenes that arouse sadism! ! !"
  • Gaiden Anal Creampie Show: RBD-978

The Should Be JBD Series - Here it starts to focus more on rope bondage and wax torture, which is more commonly associated with JBD than RBD.

  • Days 2: RBD-984 - Not a great entry, but has an great opening summary of the series.
  • Days 3: RBD-996
  • Gaiden Anal Creampie Show #2: RBK-006
  • Days 4: RBK-001
  • Days 5: RBK-007
  • 46: RBK-009
  • 47: RBK-014
  • 48: RBK-015 - A sister film to #47, with the slave of 47 getting some revenge on a friend that couldn't save here. The new slave is #210 to show how long woman from episode 47 has been enslaved. Very similar upside-down-facefucking as in 47.
  • Fiance: RBK-035
  • Secretary: RBK-046 - Notable for the extreme facial closeups as she is crying and forced to eat from a dog bowl. This entry does a very good job at showing the traumatic dehumanization from the early phases of being a sex slave.
  • Investigators: RBK-053


  • Slave Fiance 3 RBD-292 and Slave Color 20: Akane is a directory of an independent film group. She is directing a movie about a woman that is r***ing, breaks up with her boyfriend, and then kills herself. Akane is from a rich family and realizes her star is engaged to her former fiance, which leads to Akane having the actress Tomoko enslaved and r***ing. As an actress, Tomoko is forced to do narration for her own r*** training documentary that Akane is directing. Two years later, in Slave Color 20, Tomoko kills herself, leading to Akane trying to free somebody else she knows that was enslaved, but gets caught. The sadism here is impressive, with Tomoko forced to watch videos of Akane fucking their mutual lover.
  • Slave Color 18 and Slave Color 19: This is one connected plot with seven total women. Four in Slave Color 18, and the other three in Slave Color 19.
  • Slave Teacher, Slave Color 15 - Pine Shizuka's run as an enslaved teacher that basically provokes the villains into killing her.

I plan on updating this with more info. I have lots of notes. Most subtitles are either on the major jav tube sites or Subtitle Cat. Translation quality can be terrible unfortunately.
OH man. I have been looking for info about this series for a long time .You are the GOAT. Could you please share any subtitle srt files you have for the series? It'll be so great.
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After going through with Whisper, I think the real peak of the series is the Slave Color 14-20, and the spinoffs from that era. That section of story is the peak of cross over plots and Yukiko Yabuta at her most villainous.

Slave Teacher 5, Slave Teacher 6, Slave Color 14, and Slave Color 15 are a nice overlapping story with both the evil twin of the tattooed woman and Pine Shizuka being deceived, enslaved, and then pretty much knowingly gets herself killed.

Slave Color 18, 19, 20, and Slave Fiance 3 are another deeply interconnected chunk of story with I think 3 women appearing in two of those films in a nice connected web.

There were higher quality rips made for the first 24 or so Slave Color entires, but Slave Teacher and Slave Fiance and the other spinoffs are still stuck with some terrible 1GB files.
I would love to explore the entire series. Please share those whisper srt files.
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