This is one of their other series that had a few entries.yes this is the one. Thx brother
how did you find it so fast? Is there any special website / tool to search or you just happen to remember it?
btw does this mean this series is separated series from the one OP posted? Even this one also about slave and also produced by Attackers

It is indeed a separate series.
The notable series from Attackers with Slave in their title.
Slave Color - The longest series with many sub series and levels of intensity.
Slave Island - Super hard.
Slave Investigator - Hard and demoralizing.
Slave Soap - Forced Prostitution, not quite as hard.
Slave Castle - Lesbian Domination Revenge
"Slave House" / Reikokan / House of Beautiful Slaves? The series you note.
Many other movies and small series have Slave in their title but each of those are 5 more entries.