Aversion to (orally) pleasing women? Obsession with penises?


New Member
Jun 10, 2007
Forgive me if this is the wrong section. The issue encompasses JAVs as well h-anime/manga so I thought a general sub-section such as this one would be appropriate. Of course, if it's not, please, move it to correct section. :P

Anyways, is it me, or is there some kind of aversion when it comes to pleasuring women in Japanese erotica? Orally, that is. I mean, sift through any number of (straight sex) erotic materials, and compare the number scenes where the guy is getting pleasured versus the opposite. I think you'll find that the results lean overwhelmingly towards men getting pleasured more. Now, I understand that erotica caters predominantly towards the male demographic, but does that mean pleasuring women and male erotica become almost mutually exclusive?

As if that wasn't bad enough, I used to think that lesbian/yuri (in terms of h-anime/manga) was a safe haven: a genre where I wouldn't have to worry about women getting their fare share of pleasuring, but no- I've been subjected to so much futanari, it's ridiculous! And yuri without futa? Most of the time, the girls get fingered as opposed to eating each other out.

I don't understand, is there some kind of obsession with penises? Is there some kind of negative connotation associated with performing cunnilingus?

Hell, the issue even persists with regular (shounen) anime; certain scenes/episode from High School of the Dead come to mind for example: I don't remember the episode numbers exactly, it was the one where the group stays at nurse's friend's house. Saeko, the chick with the sword, pulled out a pickle from the fridge, and kisses its tip, smiling, with a blush on her face for no reason at all. I mean, really? Fucking really? Another scene from another episode has her waking up from falling asleep on Takashi's, the main dude, lap, and the way it's presented makes it looks like she was blowing him (also, neither of these scenes were present in the manga). That's not the only case, mind you. Girls in anime/manga are constantly given popsicles to suck on, alluding to fellatio, or have have ice cream/lotion splattered across their faces/chests to make it seem like they've been ejaculated upon. Would you ever look for anything pertaining to cunnilingus, however, the closest thing you'd ever find is some dude falling into a girl's crotch. And even then, those types of scenes appear once in a blue moon (when compared to all the scenes with fellatio innuendo in 'em, that is).

Anyhow, just needed to get that off of my chest, and would appreciate some outside input on the matter. Am I looking in the wrong genres for cunnilingus? Is there no place for guys who have tastes like mine in Japanese XXX? What's going on here? :P

P.S.: I don't mean to single out Japan. The issue exists just about anywhere I can think of: i.e., in mainstream American movies, guys are constantly getting blown, with anyone rarely ever going down on women. Full male frontal nudity where the penis is totally visible, but in female frontal nudity, all you see is muffs, and never the vulva. The reason I bring up Japan is that, in my opinion, it's a heck of a lot more pronounced there.

Anyways, I appreciate any thoughts on the matter. :tea:
Anyways, I appreciate any thoughts on the matter.

To be honest I am not a big JAV fan, although I do enjoy it on occasion. I do like hentai and hentai games though, where I have seen my fair share of cunniglus. But yeah, I would agree it is fairly rare as opposed to fellatio, as far I can tell.

My opinion is that going down on a female is just not very manly. This would be servicing a woman and the majority of us greedy pigs just want to be serviced. With the majority of porn being watched by men, producers, writers and directors, try to give men what they want to see. If you meet a man who says he would rather go down on a woman than get his knob polished then you just met a liar. You said you understand this but I thought it bared repeating.

Another point, when it comes to JAV versus western porn, is the closeup. With the genitallia censored a cunniglus shot is pretty much not much of a film directors dream.

As far as here you can find more muff diving here, well you can find almost any fetish in Japanese porn here so I am sure someone could point you in the right direction if they are willing.
My opinion is that going down on a female is just not very manly

Your opinion, as much as you're entitled to it, is wrong. A man who can give woman good face time, is a GOD. Not only that, it gets women going into over-drive, begging for dick action.

As for not enough of it in JAV, I think there's also a time thing. Also, a woman looks pretty good with a cock in her mouth (especially if it's mine).
Your opinion, as much as you're entitled to it, is wrong.

My guess is you have never gone down on a woman who had a yeast infection.
My guess is you have never gone down on a woman who had a yeast infection.

Thankfully, no I haven't. I've been fortunate not to have done so. Just nice, freshly showered ones for me. Mmm! Yeast infections, or periods, I let my fingers do the work.

I stand my post earlier. There's nothing unmanly about satisfying a woman orally.
I stand my post earlier. There's nothing unmanly about satisfying a woman orally.

I don't know that I want to get into that argument, it is not like I have never done that myself. I have grown over the years and my opinion has changed on the subject. I suppose it would be easy for you to find offense with my opinion, as by proxy, I might seem to be calling you unmanly. I am not. I am saying that playing a subservient role in sex, (plainly I see cunniglus as such), is an unmanly act and, as you have noted, I have a right to that opinion. You disagreeing does not make me wrong nor do I take offense to your opinion. Feel free to lick those slits and feel as manly as you want about it. I prefer a more dominate role for the most part, though I reserve the right to please a woman as I see fit, as long as it is pleasing to me.
My opinion is that going down on a female is just not very manly. This would be servicing a woman and the majority of us greedy pigs just want to be serviced. With the majority of porn being watched by men, producers, writers and directors, try to give men what they want to see.

I can't say I agree with that mentality. I don't think going down on a woman would make a guy any less of a man.

If you meet a man who says he would rather go down on a woman than get his knob polished then you just met a liar. You said you understand this but I thought it bared repeating.

Well, you have one right before you, then. And I assure you (sadly, not that that means much out here on the innerbuts XD), I'm no liar. Seeing a woman go wild because of the masterful strokes of my tongue provides a massive male ego boost. There's that, among other psycho-sexual factors, that could make giving it more pleasurable than receiving it (at least, that's the case for me, and I'm hoping that doesn't just apply to me :P).

Another point, when it comes to JAV versus western porn, is the closeup. With the genitallia censored a cunniglus shot is pretty much not much of a film directors dream.

Censoring, dontcha just love it? Though, I've encountered a few flicks where they weren't censored to hell (as in tiny pixels as opposed to giant fuck-off ones), and you could actually make out where the woman is being licked. Shame it's not standard, though.

So, from what I've gathered, the overdose of fellatio is due to the purveying mentality of men that only care about their own pleasure, and the XXX industry responding to that? Well, fuck, I can say with pride that I'm an outlier, then! :P

Unfortunately for me, that means most of male erotica won't be suited to my taste. So... I'm guessing my best bet here is to go after stuff geared towards women? Hopefully, they share the same selfish mentality (supposedly, as this thread is my only window into the male mind for the time being :P), and the end result is where the reciprocation ratio is lopsided in favor of cunnilingus. I can only hope.

As for not enough of it in JAV, I think there's also a time thing.

Hmm, what do you mean by that?
I can't say I agree with that mentality.

That is okay, you don't have to. What ever floats your boat.

I will say this and be done with it though:

Would your rather get a blow job or give one?

Would you prefer to fuck or be fucked?

Know your role! That is all I am saying, that is the whole mentality behind it. If you don't agree with it, fine. That does not make it any less true. In bed I am a complete sexist and proud of it. My sex life has become better for it, for both parties involved. A woman needs to feel that she is a woman in bed, if she wants to be a man there I don't have any use for her. So if you or anyone else wants to go on about the glories of giving a female head that is your choice. Just remember that it is a choice you made, nobody made it for you. It is your life, enjoy it as you will. Just don't forget you are the one in charge of it.
Here is another guy that likes to see girls get licked, I also like to lick girls myself. The whole "Manly" vs "Unmanly" thing is very silly, we are all just people. Though there is definitely a stigma that says oral sex on a woman is "Unmanly" which is a shame because making your woman orgasm not only benefits her but you also because if she feels like you are doing things for her she may do things for you *wink*.

Edit: Clarified my post.
That is okay, you don't have to. What ever floats your boat.

I will say this and be done with it though:

Would your rather get a blow job or give one?

Would you prefer to fuck or be fucked?

Know your role! That is all I am saying, that is the whole mentality behind it. If you don't agree with it, fine. That does not make it any less true. In bed I am a complete sexist and proud of it. My sex life has become better for it, for both parties involved. A woman needs to feel that she is a woman in bed, if she wants to be a man there I don't have any use for her. So if you or anyone else wants to go on about the glories of giving a female head that is your choice. Just remember that it is a choice you made, nobody made it for you. It is your life, enjoy it as you will. Just don't forget you are the one in charge of it.

Is that code for I'm no good at going down on a woman?

Just messing around ;)
If you want to play a game of "Manly vs Unmanly", then I do not see how "going down on your woman" would count in the "Unmanly" score.

Going down on a woman is a very fun and satisfying activity. Of course, so is her going down on you. I had one girlfriend that I would go down on for like two hours. We both loved it. She would go down on me for long times like that. It was heavenly. I figure that it is also heavenly for her to be "gone down on".

In silly terms of "Manly vs Unmanly", I would think that pleasing your woman orally should rate high on the "Manly" score.

But to me it isn't about "Manly vs Unmanly". It's about having good, fun, sex! :harp:
I personally love going down on a woman, to the point of satisfaction. i'm all about giving and performing - really.
of course I love to get it, but if they don't want to give it as bad as I do it doesn't even work for me. i wouldn't even date a girl that didn't like oral sex as much as i do because there is nothing more uncomfortable for me than a reluctant partner. (sorry r*** fans)

in short - i prefer we both want to eat each other alive like hungry animals. that's passion for me.

the rest of this discussion is kinda rude, but for the record:
- say no to yeast infections -
- and stay up on the clitoris if it's that time of the month

man, I'm tired of this gender bias thing. men or women equally have the same amount of likeness in oral.
some like to give pleasure to his/her partner, other likes to receive and feeling the superior at it.
it's just a preference guys... just like what color do you like? red, green, or blue. that's it. nothing more.
don't make it so difficult to discuss.

for me, because I'm married, I love giving oral pleasure to my woman anytime I can (and she loves it).
but if she doesn't like it anymore, than I stop doing oral to her (but she stills like receiving it from me).
yet... she also gives me blowjobs because she knows that I like it, a lot.
it's called give-and-take right? married people should understand this...

so there... that's my opinion. no more "manly" or "non-masculine" or "gender stereotyping".
it's like you are saying cooking is only for women
(how about those professional male chef like Gordon Ramsey? if you don't know him, just google it)
or blue is the color of men and red is for women
(how about Tony Stark painting his suit of armor red in Iron Man? is that makes him a gay?).
I have giving my own opinion and that is all I need to say.

please....... and please... no more bias in gender, race, religion, and other discriminating type.
I'm kinda sick of it. because bias is always the mother of all flame war/flaming in every forum. don't trust me?
just ask <josolopSon3> or any other member that replied to <josolopSon3> thread.

PS: I think this discussion is off topic and I'm aware that my post is also off topic. but I think I have to agree with Ceewan's first post (only) because I know what he meant (and somehow, the discussion goes downhill to another topic). maybe we all got the wrong picture from his first comment.
porn, adult video, hentai, ecchi, are all man's world. so the focus of these material is to make men's fantasy,
so there will be a lot of scene where women servicing men.
not because women doesn't deserve to get pleasure, but it's pure just because to increase the sexual fantasy of men.
not because the discrimination, but it's called target audience are in play. there are also another type of audience that the director tries to target, for example female-domination, footjobs, latex, soap girl, and many more, so it's pure target audience.
so happens to be, Ceewan likes scene where the alpha male feel dominant and received pleasure from women, while others (like me) love it where male and female have the same amount of giving pleasure to the sex partners.

pure target audience...

damn! I'm writing a novel here about oral sex! just look what insomnia did to me???
man, I'm tired of this gender bias thing. men or women equally have the same amount of likeness in oral.
some like to give pleasure to his/her partner, other likes to receive and feeling the superior at it.
it's just a preference guys... just like what color do you like? red, green, or blue. that's it. nothing more.
don't make it so difficult to discuss.

for me, because I'm married, I love giving oral pleasure to my woman anytime I can (and she loves it).
but if she doesn't like it anymore, than I stop doing oral to her (but she stills like receiving it from me).
yet... she also gives me blowjobs because she knows that I like it, a lot.
it's called give-and-take right? married people should understand this...

so there... that's my opinion. no more "manly" or "non-masculine" or "gender stereotyping".
it's like you are saying cooking is only for women
(how about those professional male chef like Gordon Ramsey? if you don't know him, just google it)
or blue is the color of men and red is for women
(how about Tony Stark painting his suit of armor red in Iron Man? is that makes him a gay?).
I have giving my own opinion and that is all I need to say.

please....... and please... no more bias in gender, race, religion, and other discriminating type.
I'm kinda sick of it. because bias is always the mother of all flame war/flaming in every forum. don't trust me?
just ask <josolopSon3> or any other member that replied to <josolopSon3> thread.

PS: I think this discussion is off topic and I'm aware that my post is also off topic. but I think I have to agree with Ceewan's first post (only) because I know what he meant (and somehow, the discussion goes downhill to another topic). maybe we all got the wrong picture from his first comment.
porn, adult video, hentai, ecchi, are all man's world. so the focus of these material is to make men's fantasy,
so there will be a lot of scene where women servicing men.
not because women doesn't deserve to get pleasure, but it's pure just because to increase the sexual fantasy of men.
not because the discrimination, but it's called target audience are in play. there are also another type of audience that the director tries to target, for example female-domination, footjobs, latex, soap girl, and many more, so it's pure target audience.
so happens to be, Ceewan likes scene where the alpha male feel dominant and received pleasure from women, while others (like me) love it where male and female have the same amount of giving pleasure to the sex partners.

pure target audience...

damn! I'm writing a novel here about oral sex! just look what insomnia did to me???

I understand target demos and all that jazz, I've addressed that in the OP. However, my issue is with the complete lopsidedness of one act versus the other. I fully expect to see men being pleasured more than women... but not to the degree I see in Japanese erotica.

Take any number of erotic manga, and compare the number of pages/panels where dudes are being pleasured with the number of ones where females are.
You'll find that 90% of them constitute dudes getting pleasured- pages dedicated to boobjobs and blowjobs, yet, if you're lucky enough to see a chick getting eaten out, it'd likely to be for two or three panels. I think that's ridiculous.

Pandering to the male demographic does not mean that you have to necessarily pander to the penis to the degree that they do. 'Tis fallacious to think so. That, unfortunately, is the state of mind of the people drawing doujins/manga, directing AVs, etc..

It feels like people with tastes such as mine practically have no place in the world of Japanese erotica. :(

I will ask once again: porn pros out there, is there a genre or anything like that dedicated to fairer sex's pleasure? If it weren't Japanese porn, I'd accept femdom, but, you see, in my experience, femdom still results in men being pleasured for the most part (lord knows how this makes any sense, but, nonetheless, I bare witness to this in a lot of erotic doujin/manga).

*I apologize for my unyieldingness, but it is truly a frustrating phenomenon to be subjected to.*