yeah it's her, don't know why she used that name but she only used it once, it's a pretty good old one ridiculous premise, but fun video. Another fun one if her is SDMT-733 where she pretty much singlehandidly beat a bunch of guys in badminton
I don't know what happened to her face you can't blame age, because she looked pretty much the same until late 2014
I dunno what's changed recently, either. Hope it wasn't surgery or anything and that it somehow reverts haha.
It seems the whole JAV scene has flattened. The S-class top stars aren't so shinny and distinguishing as before, and the number of 2nd tier (A-class?) idols seem to have exploded, those with a recognizable name, cute face and/or good figure, each making a solo-work or more a month. Back then 4 or 5 top names seems to dominate 75% of JAV best vids each months. Now you have count to perhaps 15 idols before you net up the (potential) top 75% vids each month.
I'll say that it hasn't stalled her career, just kept it a little bit below where it usually was, andProbably getting to the end of her career, 7 years is quite a while and she started slowing down a bit before she went to Million.This thread has died down with fair reason...being exclusive to Million has really stalled her 'career'.
I watched her past couple videos and was pleased to see she's looking prettier, can't put my finger on why (maybe @asdfaznz was on point about the face bloat).
Anyway, I find it interesting that Million entirely insists as casting her as a turtore doesn't suit her. She's actually a solid actress and is far better in plots with more ideas behind them, a teacher, a seduced friend, a put upon business lady as Bisbisb likes, etc. Bizarre waste of her talent.
& my mistake for missing you @Bisbisb, which business woman titles are your favorites? I have a few.![]()
Sad to say, she has dropped out of my radar screen. Firstly victimized women is not my fav genre, and even in that genre, she wouldn't be my top choice. As a typecast victim she just has nothing special to offer.
One girl I noticed has dove head-first into the sub/bottom typecast is Aimi Yoshikawa. Seems 2 out of 3 vids of hers is a S&M vid. Aimi is a bit too young to be typecast this way, but if it's a choice between Aimi and Ayaka, I'd definitely choose Aimi, not just purely for her massive tits, but overall Aimi's plumb figure is more suitable for a victim role.
So I'm totally confused what's Million thinking letting this skilled and experienced vet go to waste. Hopefully Million would wake up soon, or... thinking more darkly, may be Ayaka will take the plunge into uncensored. If Ayaka is fated for retirement (or worse, fading and forgotten) in near future, at least give us something to remember by...