Ayaka Tomoda Fan Kingdom~^^

yeah it's her, don't know why she used that name but she only used it once, it's a pretty good old one ridiculous premise, but fun video. Another fun one if her is SDMT-733 where she pretty much singlehandidly beat a bunch of guys in badminton

I didn't get too into it. I can't put my finger on it, there's just something about her looked that's changed that I'm less into...or something

It could also be how - I would argue, at least - Million is having her act with the films they're producing her in. I swear the constant terror / "omg how is this happening" is not her natural reaction, for whatever reason, they want her as the overly resistant damsel in distress. Old Ayaka films had her happily (or at least entertainingly) taking on most anything.

That being said, I haven't caught fully 'in a mood', more just casually checked it twice. Perhaps it'll do more for me if I manage to catch it at the right, erm, time.
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I think expectations play a big part. Mine were low for MKMP-084 and I found the hands-tied skullfuck scenes pretty decent while yours seemed high and you ended up disappointed. Same with the kimomen film, my expectations were high expecting some kinky nasty stuff but I was terribly disappointed. I would agree with her look because I still think her first years in JAV was her prime looks wise. Like in CRS-012


Her face wasn't as bloated and she still had a nice rack for a slim girl. Seeing a nice rack on your typical slim JAV actress instead of the usual A cups is incredibly sexy.

Well the next release shows potential since its steering away from the submissive genre.
^^ CRS-012 my first video of hers, which came out over 5 years ago, I don't know what happened to her face you can't blame age, because she looked pretty much the same until late 2014, a few months before she joined KMP but since? I still download her stuff,but have a tough time enjoying them
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Totally agreed, her decent bust for a small body alongside her very pretty face made her my #1 for a good while. I dunno what's changed recently, either. Hope it wasn't surgery or anything and that it somehow reverts haha.

Also, if I may be so bold, what quality do you guys have CRS-012 in? Great video but the quality on mine is meh, have been seeking better.
See ... I wasn't the only one unimpressed by her beauty. She's nice, mind you. I'd pay a lot of money to have a session with her. But she's nowhere near an S-class beauty, neither face or figure. And yes she was better early on and I regret not discovering her earlier.

I pretty much agree with everything from last few posts. The studio(s) are to blame for putting her only in these victimized roles. It's as if she's time-traveled back to the late 80s. Someone of her level of beauty (A-class to be fair, but B-class if you were picky like me) and her career age should be a kind of "character" actor: versatile, highly professional, game for any kind of fringe, out-there theme or role. She definitely has it in her, but the studio has to use her right.

So... are there going to be more file sharing? I think we can all agree to some early Ayaka Tomoda nostalgia? :p
I don't know what happened to her face you can't blame age, because she looked pretty much the same until late 2014
I dunno what's changed recently, either. Hope it wasn't surgery or anything and that it somehow reverts haha.

I think she just packed on the pounds, and unfortunately the real world isn't like the anime world where all the food they eat goes to their chests, so it shows everywhere.


Well there was that mega torrent that Restrepo was working on but who knows, me thinks it was only a myth :xD:
Had planned to reignite this thread when MKMP-094 released, after all, yet again it looked like a title with potential.

I choose to suspend disbelief with the "fan" titles and imagine it is indeed randos allowed to enjoy whichever idol, making them potentially pretty damn hot. The forceful theme of this Ayaka title had me hoping she had another hit in the chamber, finally.

Alas, Million managed to make yet another boring title, directing her to act all mortified, yet again. Sigh. Where have the days of Ayaka as the cheerful, willing girl gone? Her signing with them has made such a waste of her career and cute face.

In fact her languishing in irrelevance has shaken my overall interest in JAV, as I always have a "go to" girl, and I haven't really found anyone to replace her who is consistently releasing. (Aoi Tsukasa and Matsumato Mei seemed to have slowed essentially to a halt recently, even AIKA hasn't released her usual 20 movies per minute recently ha)
Only just now checked out the cover and promo frames... the only way they could produce such a vid is with experienced veterans. If nothing else, in such a complicated environment (notice debris on the floor on the path that Ayaka is running) mishaps like tripping, falling and twisting her ankle or knee is very risky. Not to mention some struggling scenes. For her sake, I think (hope) it must be a carefully choreographed shooting.

Not that it matters one iota, dudes. A well made vid is a well made vid. I get zero pleasure from knowing Ayaka was really fucked against her will (r*** by any definition) by unknown fans. But ... at least theoretically... a well-acted r*** scene could be entertaining.... at least to some people.

And a fan appreciation r*** fest... a very odd combination... Kind of like one of the AVOP vids last year, but seems gone off to la la land...

I don't know if AT is particularly languishing at this time. It seems the whole JAV scene has flattened. The S-class top stars aren't so shinny and distinguishing as before, and the number of 2nd tier (A-class?) idols seem to have exploded, those with a recognizable name, cute face and/or good figure, each making a solo-work or more a month. Back then 4 or 5 top names seems to dominate 75% of JAV best vids each months. Now you have count to perhaps 15 idols before you net up the (potential) top 75% vids each month.
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It seems the whole JAV scene has flattened. The S-class top stars aren't so shinny and distinguishing as before, and the number of 2nd tier (A-class?) idols seem to have exploded, those with a recognizable name, cute face and/or good figure, each making a solo-work or more a month. Back then 4 or 5 top names seems to dominate 75% of JAV best vids each months. Now you have count to perhaps 15 idols before you net up the (potential) top 75% vids each month.

I brought this up in another thread. I think we are experiencing some "down" years in JAV. A lot of S-class actresses quit, and the new ones are just average at best. A lot of potential S-class actresses like Ayama Tomada and like Rei Mizuna just haven't aged well and aren't what they used to be. Also, in the past S-class potential actresses would do fetish genres enthusiastically like Chihiro Hara while these days fetish genres are just done by average actresses that are trying to widen their small fanbase. I remember the days when I downloaded up to 10 torrents per Javjunkies updates, now I can barely find one torrent per day.
My preference is for Ayaka Tomoda dressed like slutty business woman. She acts serious, at first, then folds like cheap toy won in claw machine.
This thread has died down with fair reason...being exclusive to Million has really stalled her 'career'.

I watched her past couple videos and was pleased to see she's looking prettier, can't put my finger on why (maybe @asdfaznz was on point about the face bloat).

Anyway, I find it interesting that Million entirely insists as casting her as a turtore victim...it doesn't suit her. She's actually a solid actress and is far better in plots with more ideas behind them, a teacher, a seduced friend, a put upon business lady as Bisbisb likes, etc. Bizarre waste of her talent.

& my mistake for missing you @Bisbisb, which business woman titles are your favorites? I have a few. :)
This thread has died down with fair reason...being exclusive to Million has really stalled her 'career'.

I watched her past couple videos and was pleased to see she's looking prettier, can't put my finger on why (maybe @asdfaznz was on point about the face bloat).

Anyway, I find it interesting that Million entirely insists as casting her as a turtore victim...it doesn't suit her. She's actually a solid actress and is far better in plots with more ideas behind them, a teacher, a seduced friend, a put upon business lady as Bisbisb likes, etc. Bizarre waste of her talent.

& my mistake for missing you @Bisbisb, which business woman titles are your favorites? I have a few. :)
I'll say that it hasn't stalled her career, just kept it a little bit below where it usually was, andProbably getting to the end of her career, 7 years is quite a while and she started slowing down a bit before she went to Million.
Sad to say, she has dropped out of my radar screen. Firstly victimized women is not my fav genre, and even in that genre, she wouldn't be my top choice. As a typecast victim she just has nothing special to offer.

One girl I noticed has dove head-first into the sub/bottom typecast is Aimi Yoshikawa. Seems 2 out of 3 vids of hers is a S&M vid. Aimi is a bit too young to be typecast this way, but if it's a choice between Aimi and Ayaka, I'd definitely choose Aimi, not just purely for her massive tits, but overall Aimi's plumb figure is more suitable for a victim role.

So I'm totally confused what's Million thinking letting this skilled and experienced vet go to waste. Hopefully Million would wake up soon, or... thinking more darkly, may be Ayaka will take the plunge into uncensored. If Ayaka is fated for retirement (or worse, fading and forgotten) in near future, at least give us something to remember by...
Sad to say, she has dropped out of my radar screen. Firstly victimized women is not my fav genre, and even in that genre, she wouldn't be my top choice. As a typecast victim she just has nothing special to offer.

One girl I noticed has dove head-first into the sub/bottom typecast is Aimi Yoshikawa. Seems 2 out of 3 vids of hers is a S&M vid. Aimi is a bit too young to be typecast this way, but if it's a choice between Aimi and Ayaka, I'd definitely choose Aimi, not just purely for her massive tits, but overall Aimi's plumb figure is more suitable for a victim role.

So I'm totally confused what's Million thinking letting this skilled and experienced vet go to waste. Hopefully Million would wake up soon, or... thinking more darkly, may be Ayaka will take the plunge into uncensored. If Ayaka is fated for retirement (or worse, fading and forgotten) in near future, at least give us something to remember by...

I don't think it's the fault of Million, they aren't giving her tame crap, and she used to play so many roles perfectly before she hit this performance stage of where everything is just meh, it started at the end of 2014 and there has only been like maybe one or two good works from other since then. I just don't think she wants to be here anymore, but isn't quite ready to leave like how Anri Okita had been. Looking at her twitter she seems to be doing work for New Japan Wrestling, and doing stuff with her singing career.

Like she was legit one of my favs, who i collected everything for, now she's meh and I just collect because I have to
Good for her if she can transition to mainstream. Wonder if she can keep both AV and mainstream career tracks going in parallel or mainstream would prefer a total transition (making her quit AV at some point).
^ I don't see her becoming mainstream really, she's an ok singer and actress so those I don't see her ever being anything big. With wrestling though she really loves it, if she can get a steady job somewhere she would probably quit JAV asap and never look back right now she works as a valet(aka eye candy)
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I really don't think its Million thats the problem with her fading popularity these days. Like her most recent one MKMP-110


I found the scenes to be pretty good, I just wouldn't put the vid as part of my wank bank because I don't know... physically shes just a mess these days so she just doesn't do it for me anymore. Those NWJ pics look so unflattering I am not even sure how she pulls off being the ringside eye candy.
I didn't know she was working as a valet in NJPW. I think it's the biggest wrestling company in Japan. Many US wrestlers go there (AJ Styles was there with the Bullet Club). It's not in the WWE that you will see pornstars as a valet (well, it's not a bad thing because US top pornstars are so fake). Before, WWE had a partnership with playboy so once a year, a valet would feature in an edition. Christy Hemme was the hottest. I remember printing some pics to fap in my bedroom :

Christy_Hemme_Nude_Playboy_aaa.jpg Christy_Hemme_Nude_Playboy_aaaaa.jpg