Baby eaters?

Honestly I don't see the point of having a negative reputation system. Is it useful? No, it isn't. If you check the numbers of post and thanks, you can have a rough idea what kind of person someone is. The green/red indication isn't necessary. Above all it's not enjoyable to see someone in red. We are here for fun. Assess our fellow's value in the real life but not here. If you find an offensive post like flaming you feel unacceptable, report it to the mods and that's enough. Those trolls who repeatedly post offensive and obnoxious crap will only make an ass out of themselves. Assessment isn't necessary. Ignore them or leave them in the hands of the Admin/mods. And when you find someone's opinion too extreme, refute it with reason. Pushing the rep button will not add any honor to you.

my two cents here
I think some guys here take this rep system too seriously.
It's just "for fun", and does not relate to real life statements, right ? :dunno:
It's like the neverending discussion whether loli mangas are pedophilia stuff or not (and don't start discussing this here please!).
I also think "baby eaters" deserve their status if they really mess up with our message board.