Bigger Girls?

Seri Ishiguro / 石黒セリ(いしぐろせり)
Retired 2006 / 2007.

Namikaze Kira / 波風きら(なみかぜきら)
Retired 2009.

Kei Sugiyama / 杉山圭(すぎやまけい)
I'm not sure when she retired. But it must have been 2011 or earlier.
Well to clarify. I am mostly talking about the IDEAL, not the REALISTIC. To be realistic, I am satisfied and even happy with my current situation. But when I come to Akiba Online, I'm not looking merely for satisfaction, I am looking for ideal and fantasy. Unrealistic is the name of the game, right?

Also AV, IV, gravue etc are mainly visual media, so what I'm looking for in AV is not the same as in sex and/or relationship. Even if, say, in a brothel, if Chitose and Julia are standing side-by-side, I would not be able to choose Chitose over Julia, despite knowing (rationally) that in the end Chitose may be a better experience.

So in the end, I'm not really a fat girl JAV fan. (means I'm not likely to download more Chitose vids) One problem is that fat girls are not special, they are common. Let's put it this way fit girl with big tits > fit girl with regular tits > fat girl > thin girl. By fit I do allow some body fat, but Beyonce is already out of the fit in the fat chick category.

One girl who's probably best all-round all-purpose wife/girlfriend/sex partner is Meguri (just watched PPPD-385 last night). Just enough shock-absorbent flesh for grabbing squeezing pinching and banging, but not so much to be a two-legged pig. By comparison, Julia may be a dream fuck, but her huge tits may be itself too "slutty" even when dressed in formal conservative attires. If she's hanging around with a CEO or senator, the gossips would be along the "trophy wife" or walking sex toy. Meguri can dress in nice cloths and presentable as a "Good Wife".

PS: ok I lied. I'm gonna get Chitose's new anal AV. I love anal sex. One pet peeve with JAV is there's a serious shortage of double penetrations. From the frames it looks like Chitose really let it all go. She's the most beautiful white hippo to service two big cocks simultaneously.
Of course I know Hitomi is a rarity. I think girls with bigger boobs who are chunky are a lot more easier to find in Europe (especially the UK) and the USA, not the American porn stars who are ultra thin but also have the big junk. I'm wondering if the same is for Japan/China in terms of the easier to find chunkier girls.

With regard to both actual body type and tastes in body type there are enough noticeable difference between Japanese and Chinese. And also the last few decades there have been rapid evolution.

Mainly there's a lot more genetic diversity in Chinese than in Japanese. So while the average measurements (just for argument's sake) may be comparable, you can find more tall, or short or fat or thin people in 1000 Chinese than in 1000 Japanese.

Another factor is wealth and diet-type (as CG said). I grew up in Hong Kong and there's a very noticeable increase in average height and weight (and breast size) in the generation(s) right after mine. And probably the war-time generation might say the same thing about mine. The same effect should have happened a generation (or a half) earlier in Japan and a couple generations later in Mainland China. The effect is most pronounced in mainland China as China went from starving to obese within a single lifetime.

That's based on economy only. If you actually take a close look at Japanese. The increase in wealth post War did not really affecting their body size much. The change seems to be subtle and late. JAV breast size becomes noticeably bigger only in last 5 years. One factor (problem?) is that Japanese traditional culture prefer androgynous body type. Big muscular men are seen as brutes and shapely women are seen as cheap. So while the traditional Chinese dress (qipao) covers as much skin as Japanese kimono, qipao highlights the curves of a woman while kimono suppresses them. Even in 2015 a survey still shows a huge percentage of Japanese men prefer A-cup breasts. I don't have any comparable survey for Chinese, but take a random guess I'd say the number of Chinese men who most prefer A- and B-cups would be under 10%.

While I procrastinate on this reply I paid more attention to body types on the street and estimate their measurement, cup size and BMI, quite ignoring if they are attractive or not. I will now both confirm some stereotypes and debunk some myths:

(1) Asians/Chinese are shorter, slimmer, with smaller boobs and butts than whites and blacks. TRUE
(1A) Asians/Chinese women develop bigger breasts later in their life than whites (and perhaps blacks). TRUE
(2) It's rare to find Asians/Chinese women who are tall, shapely, fat, with large boobs and/or large butts. FALSE

Yes, on average Chinese are smaller (both overall and various body parts). Especially compared to suburban Americans (where I lived for 7 years), the difference is huge.

OTOH, as far as the purposes we are discussing here, we are quite un-interested in national average. We are looking at and discussing women in a narrow context, as porn performer, idols, girlfriends, sex partners and wives. So there's a selection process going on anyway. What matter isn't on average or if you randomly pick a woman how big she is. What matters is if you desire a certain body type how good a chance you will success. And my observation is that there's no meaningful difference between Chinese, whites and blacks. If you desire a Chinese with a big butts, yes it's noticeably less common than amongst blacks but still easy enough to encounter. If you want a Chinese with big boobs you will find them. You might face a problem of competition as there are a lot of men who desire the limited "supply" but it's wrong to say it's a rarity.

(but it's truly rare to find a busty teenager in Chinese. Chines girls seem to develop late. You almost never see a high school girl with big boobs. College students, a few. But for women of age and especially MILF, D-cup tits are not that rare. Which maybe disappointing for many people, especially for Chinese men. )

This summer I am most delighted by a new trend in hot pants. It's almost a daily happening that I spot a woman with the ass cheeks are hanging out. Which reminds me last summer I follow a girl for 5 blocks in a major US city oogling her fantastic fit ass peeking from underneath her daisy dukes. It was such a delight, as if I were 15 years old again. And the fashion seems to have spread to Asia. Now to be honest, the "ass cheeks hanging" effect is a combination of two factors: (1) the shortness of the shorts, (2) the bulk and droopiness of the ass. So while I'm constantly on the look out for hanging cheeks, sometimes the glimpse I caught is not erection-friendly. The wonderful thing about hot pants, especially the not-tight-fitting variety is that swimsuits and tight hot pants doesn't leave any "wiggle" room. What you see is what you get. But a good pair of hot pants leave a little space some possibility for you eyesight to penetrate deeper inside, and it doesn't hold the buttocks in some fixed shape, the buttocks can breath and move and wiggle and jiggle. It's honest, it's just hanging out, chill'n. All that meat, no hiding or shaping or deceiving.

So it's with the studied investigation of many a butt cheeks that I debunk the big-ass-is-rare-in-Asians myth.
the absolute best fucking experience is at BMI pushing 30

but don't forget a fat ass is sensational (literally) during sex. Whether you are doing vaginal or anal sex, banging a big butt from behind is wonderful.

Subjective statements.

"As Asian populations develop negative health consequences at a lower BMI than Caucasians, some nations have redefined obesity; the Japanese have defined obesity as any BMI greater than 25 kg/m"

I also don't like Kim Kardashian elephant ass, big boobs are way better for sex anyway because paizuri.
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@CodeGeek So basically your favourites are all compilation movies haha. How hard is it in daily life finding Asians with big tits though?

Coming home to a girl like Rin Aoki every night where she sat me down and titfucked me slowly while staring into my eyes, saying sweet things, would be the greatest and most relaxing life ever. If you look at her gravure days, she definitely lost weight after that or at least shaped out.


Have you seen Boobpedia's definitions of Mammary Intercourse. What a great website. I kind of wonder if it is run by a person who prefers Asians or whether the good amount of Asians just is a testament to how much better J-Porn is.

Woman on/ top Man on top/ Man standing

I have to disagree with the statement that Rin Aoki was fatter in her gravure days than she is now. She definitely lost some weight just before her porn debut, but since then she's gained it back with interest. Back when she made Tokyo Hot (man, I wish she had more than one uncensored video! At least it's a good one) I think she had gained weight back up to about the same level as her early gravure days. I would say that at this point she is definitely fatter than she has ever been.

2003: Gravure debut. She was definitely a little chubby.

2005-2006: Made a comeback doing more erotic gravure, then went into porn. This is Rin at her slimmest. Still slightly chubby, but pretty slim in proportion to her breasts and ass.

2010: Tokyo Hot era. It's subjective, especially because her body has changed. In the gravure shots she's still a teenager with baby fat, so her body has a different shape. But I think the chubbiness is about the same (overall) as when she debuted in 2003.



Again, it is subjective, but I definitely think she's fatter now. Right now she's got more of a thick body and has gained weight all over (especially the face) whereas in 2003 it was more of a baby fat thing where she was really pudgy in certain places.

By the way, I am trying to say this with as little judgement as possible. I am a longtime fan, and I think she has been beautiful at every phase of her career.

Personally, I don't have a specific preference either way when it comes to fat versus skinny. I think it has to do with the woman's body type. It's more about proportion and body shape than fat or skinny. Some women look great skinny, whereas some women have curvy bodies that gain weight in all the right places, and look better when they're a little chubby. That being said, I do think there is such a thing as being "too fat" for any woman. Once a woman is obese to the point of looking unhealthy, that is a turnoff. When a woman is obese to the point where she can barely move around, I find almost impossible to be sexually attracted to. Just like I find it unattractive when a woman looks like she's suffering from anorexia.

The point where being fatter (or skinnier) becomes less attractive is different for every woman, and of course it's subjective. With Rin, I definitely think the 2005-2006 era looked the best for her body. That era of Rin is maybe the most beautiful woman ever, for me. I would definitely say that if we go by looks alone, that is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in porn (again, for my personal preference). Even outside porn, there are only a few that are on her level.

I definitely think the extra weight makes her look less attractive. Again, I want to say that I'm trying not to judge and stating my personal preference. A lot of it might just be because I fell in love with her looks back in 2005, so that has become an ideal of what women should look like in my head. And I also want to say that she is still absolutely gorgeous. Taking one of the most beautiful women in the world and making her slightly less beautiful still leaves you with a very beautiful woman. She could gain a lot more weight and still be really beautiful to me.
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Zen Buddhist mode: Won't we all be better off simply denying OBJECTIVITY, in the matters of (Zen Buddhist mode off) desires, love, beauty, women (and men), sex, and porn?

There are some guiding principles such as symmetry (asymmetry is ugly) and we tend to be attracted by the unusual, or uncommon (tall, big tits) but extremes (too tall, too big, too thin) are not desirable.

Measurements such as bust size, cup size and BMI are objective (mostly... cup size, dress size vary from country to country) but they are only reference numbers.

Kermit is perfectly correct the same "quantity" of fat may have very different quality on different women at different age. I like to quote BMI (or bust size) because it's objective, but also to show that in the end numbers don't tell the whole tales, and it comes down to subjective judgement. The distribution of fat and skin condition can make a woman a fantastic squeeze and another a fat ass. But in general time is unkind to the fat people. The yoyo effect gives many fat woman cellulite as they age. Some women are blessed with very elastic skin but many are not so lucky. Tits and ass can (often do) also sag.

The fact that it is a highly subjective matter doesn't make this whole thread or anyone's post any less fun to read (and write). It's not a debate with one winner and all other losers, but bring your opinion and examples (pix are great!) and we can all enjoy chatting about our favorite subject. Say, Rin Aoki isn't my cup of tea, but hey am I sorry to see her bikini and cowgirl pix? NO! Even better if there were nude photos from her 2005 baby fat time.
Anyone enjoying the current, chubbier Haruki Sato? I think she's alright for the most part but in some angles and especially when she's lying down, the folds on her belly shows up and it's quite unsightly. Her weight gain is simply due to her "enjoying life" so to speak, according to an interview she did last year.


Anyone enjoying the current, chubbier Haruki Sato? I think she's alright for the most part but in some angles and especially when she's lying down, the folds on her belly shows up and it's quite unsightly. Her weight gain is simply due to her "enjoying life" so to speak, according to an interview she did last year.


Doesn't look too bad yet, but she definitely was thinner around her belly before. I still would be happy if I would have a gf like her. ;)
"enjoying life" means food, I guess.
Anyone enjoying the current, chubbier Haruki Sato? I think she's alright for the most part but in some angles and especially when she's lying down, the folds on her belly shows up and it's quite unsightly. Her weight gain is simply due to her "enjoying life" so to speak, according to an interview she did last year.



I actually like how honest she is instead of trying to make up bullshit excuses.
But I'm curious how old those pictures are, because the interview was from early 2014.

I could also make a post on Hitomi Tanakas fluctuating weight and increased cup size through the years in the business with pictures.
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Just to chime in. I guess I'm one of the weird ones who likes them big. Real big and soft. The girls in this thread that everyone thinks is bigger are all skinny and too small for me. The belly rolls you find unattractive, I love them. Fat soft ass and thighs with cellulite, check. Fat, saggy big tits, yup. And big soft flabby arms are the best. I do like some girls that are slightly chubby, just depends on the girl. But clearly the smallest I like are bigger than the biggest most people on this thread like. Amazing how many different things people can be attracted to.
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If you feel like it - why not? :)

I'm gathering alot of material (pictures) right now, will be finished in 2-3 days

she started gaining fat on the wrong places early 2013 (or maybe even earlier) to mid 2013 (most obvious in midd 933 and ebod 320).

And lost it during late 2014.

Just to chime in. I guess I'm one of the weird ones who likes them big. Real big and soft tits, yup. big soft tits are the best. I do like some girls that are slightly chubby, just depends on the girl. But clearly the smallest tits I like are bigger than the biggest most people on this thread like. Amazing how many different things people can be attracted to.
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Just to chime in. I guess I'm one of the weird ones who likes them big. Real big and soft. The girls in this thread that everyone thinks is bigger are all skinny and too small for me. The belly rolls you find unattractive, I love them. Fat soft ass and thighs with cellulite, check. Fat, saggy big tits, yup. And big soft flabby arms are the best. I do like some girls that are slightly chubby, just depends on the girl. But clearly the smallest I like are bigger than the biggest most people on this thread like. Amazing how many different things people can be attracted to.

I hear ya. I don't mind a little fat here and there. And some pretty large ladies look sexy if they have pretty faces. Plus...what's that line from Pulp Fiction? "It's unfortunate what we find pleasing to the touch and pleasing to the eye is seldom the same."
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I'm gathering alot of material (pictures) right now, will be finished in 2-3 days

she started gaining fat on the wrong places early 2013 (or maybe even earlier) to mid 2013 (most obvious in midd 933 and ebod 320).

And lost it during late 2014.
Those two movies are some of my favorite though!
This is all subjective, but for what it's worth I thought Hitomi was gaining weight in all the right places. Hitomi's body just has a super sexy shape and she hasn't lost it at all. I thought she was just as hot in 2013 as ever, and I still do. Whether she gains or loses weight her proportions seem to stay just as good. Even when she was gaining weight around the waist back in 2013, I felt like her bust and butt were gaining weight along with it. Also she had that thing going where her thighs got super fat but her lower legs stayed shapely. Oh man that drives me CRAZY with lust.

But then when she slimmed down the waist, it seems like she STILL managed to keep the good weight on. Right now I'd say her waist is close to what it was when she debuted, but her bust and booty have barely lost any weight at all from their peak in 2013.

So while I do think Rin's body used to have a better shape (even though it's still damn good), Hitomi just seems to have this crazy miracle body that defies aging.
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This is all subjective, but for what it's worth I thought Hitomi was gaining weight in all the right places. Hitomi's body just has a super sexy shape and she hasn't lost it at all. I thought she was just as hot in 2013 as ever, and I still do. Whether she gains or loses weight her proportions seem to stay just as good. Even when she was gaining weight around the waist back in 2013, I felt like her bust and butt were gaining weight along with it. Also she had that thing going where her thighs got super fat but her lower legs stayed shapely. Oh man that drives me CRAZY with lust.

But then when she slimmed down the waist, it seems like she STILL managed to keep the good weight on. Right now I'd say her waist is close to what it was when she debuted, but her bust and booty have barely lost any weight at all from their peak in 2013.

So while I do think Rin's body used to have a better shape (even though it's still damn good), Hitomi just seems to have this crazy miracle body that defies aging.




Star 134






2011 (started gaining weight on the wrong places mid 2011)
pppd 143 (2011-06-19)

where the weight gain on the wrong places is visible (for me) most visible on arms, hips (hanging out of her panties) and stomach



Juc 611


Midd 921


Midd 933




Mide 038 - november 2013 (rel date)


Picture from June 2013

from april 2013

Ebod 320

June 2014

mide 253

Comparing similar sex positions and camera angles




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As you already stated, Ghostbird, she gained weight, but lost it again. :)
Maybe it's subjective impression, but it seems he breasts also grew, but haven't shrunk again.
I have to admit that I'm not a big fan of Hitomi. Also I like big boobs her boobs are a l-i-t-t-l-e bit too much for me. ;) But back in 2008 in that STAR-128 movie she looked somehow cute. :)
As you already stated, Ghostbird, she gained weight, but lost it again. :)
Maybe it's subjective impression, but it seems he breasts also grew, but haven't shrunk again.
I have to admit that I'm not a big fan of Hitomi. Also I like big boobs her boobs are a l-i-t-t-l-e bit too much for me. ;) But back in 2008 in that STAR-128 movie she looked somehow cute. :)

To be honest I suspect liposuction, I have no proof but her boobs are getting bigger and bigger (compare 2008 with today) even though she has lost weight.

It doesn't make sense that she didn't lose breast size at all after the weight loss (I'm pretty sure they're bigger than ever).

But Hitomi Tanaka is without a doubt the best thing to happen to the jav industry by far.
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To be honest I suspect liposuction, I have no proof but her boobs are getting bigger and bigger (compare 2008 with today) even though she has lost weight.

It doesn't make sense that she didn't lose breast size at all after the weight loss (I'm pretty sure they're bigger than ever).

But Hitomi Tanaka is without a doubt the best thing to happen to the jav industry by far.
Your post was like walking down memory lane. If someone not from this website read this they would laugh. Memory lane? In Porn? Honestly though, when people criticize porn for degrading women and making people addicted, I just remember Hitomi. I still remember when I was 16 and stumbled upon that scene from Bakunyu J no Shougeki where she was in the red dress and the french music was playing. God, I owe so much to that. That's when I realised I had a preference for Asians (sorry if you think that's racist). It was so different to the USA stuff with the fake boobs, macho men, and cursing sex. Back then Hitomi's stuff was just tranquil. The soft stuff was pure art, really gave off the feeling of comforting, caring intimacy. Then Hitomi moved to actual stuff and she was shy. Eventually she became what she is now, sometimes assertive, sometimes shy. Always you can tell she loves what she does. Half the time she just seems best friends with the guys she is with. Laughing and whatever. Have you seen the interview she had with Anri?

I wonder if the persona she has when she speaks English is just because of language, but she appears a lot different when she has interviews in English than in this one here. I prefer the Japanese persona. Anyway, I can't believe the one where she is standing in the road is from 2012.. seems like yesterday. Haha sorry this is so sentimental, but really Hitomi is 70% of the time my go to. Though Chitose is gaining recently..