

jav fisting connoisseur
Apr 29, 2009
# 1: Nozomi_Onuki(Ohnuki)[大貫希] - CC-107

:perfectplan: this is my number one [#1] request right now - 大貫希 is one of my favorites

although i have many of the videos you list many, many i do not have so i will post a list here later

as to when you post any of the fist - whenever it is convenient / 都合のいいときいつでも

in english there is a phrase "i have more time than money" which translates to something like 私は以前よりも暇はあるがお金がない - if you get my meaning?

peace, zool


New Member
Jan 9, 2010
Hi Green Globe

Sugoi! two great collections!
Like Zool I have been collecting (especially Fist) for a long time. Thanks for all your hard work.

I have many titles but have been looking a long time for ARM-121 and CCC-197 If you can please do them earlier.

I wish I was in Nihon and could help you but Zool and I are not. How can we help?

Thanks (domo arigato gozaimasu)


jav fisting connoisseur
Apr 29, 2009
Hi Green Globe

Sugoi! two great collections!
Like Zool I have been collecting (especially Fist) for a long time. Thanks for all your hard work.

I have many titles but have been looking a long time for ARM-121 and CCC-197 If you can please do them earlier.

I wish I was in Nihon and could help you but Zool and I are not. How can we help?

Thanks (domo arigato gozaimasu)

greenglobe and gaijingizmo,

greenglobe - i would also concur with gaijingizmo that ARM-121 and CCC-197 are very high priorities to post. and thank you whenever you can get to them! and i would be happy to help you anyway i can. 09.01.2012 is my official retirement date so can give some time after that date - however concluding all my business will take awhile

and btw isn't 澤田あいる, the idol in CCC-197, a real looker! but what's a good translation of her name? i come up with "Isle Sawada" [Sawada Ayr?] - which just can't be right - i know the problem with name translation,, into english

i am guessing the post of CCC-197 at初フィスト絶頂ガバマン調教-澤田あいる/ is a fake but i haven't officially checked - maybe someone can check one of the chunks with a hex editor to see

peace, z


New Member
Dec 5, 2009
greenglobe and gaijingizmo,

greenglobe - i would also concur with gaijingizmo that ARM-121 and CCC-197 are very high priorities to post. and thank you whenever you can get to them! and i would be happy to help you anyway i can. 09.01.2012 is my official retirement date so can give some time after that date - however concluding all my business will take awhile

and btw isn't 澤田あいる, the idol in CCC-197, a real looker! but what's a good translation of her name? i come up with "Isle Sawada" [Sawada Ayr?] - which just can't be right - i know the problem with name translation,, into english

i am guessing the post of CCC-197 at初フィスト絶頂ガバマン調教-澤田あいる/ is a fake but i haven't officially checked - maybe someone can check one of the chunks with a hex editor to see

peace, z

澤田あいる Airu Sawada


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2012

Thanks a lot my friend
for all the great movies you have been providing for us here and at EB.
I will miss your updates very very much.

All the best wishes


New Member
Feb 19, 2012
bye my friend...


Well that´s all my friend

All links dead...


if its a long term thanks for all and dommo arigatou.

Obrigado por tudo, se cuida bastante e se quiser volte por aqui apenas para um bom batepapo.



残念ながら HNF028 をダウンロードするには、多分ここに誰かが再び置くことができる時間を持っていない。



May 4, 2007
Hope to See You Soon!!

Thanks for all your posts and sorry to see you go.

Hopefully we'll see you again.

Take care :hi: