
Hello Greenglobe,
From Spain:
You are impressive!
Thanks a lot for all your contributions, they are really wonderful.
Hello Greenglobe,
From Spain:
You are impressive!
Thanks a lot for all your contributions, they are really wonderful.
I rarely ever post anything on the board but I felt compelled to say... Thank you. I can only imagine how much work you put in. :cheer:
And zool.
Do you have?
Do you like?


i don't have either and would certainly like to see you post it.

if i were you i would check with akiba-online authorities before posting the eel video - for example, i think all genki videos were eliminated here when the beastiality ban came into effect.

from forum rules:

see Rule 12. Do not post bestiality. Cartoon/hentai bestiality is OK.

btw i am downloading genki GEN-12 starring Nozomi Onuki [大貫希] as i write this from an ed2k hash - i just don't expect to be able to post that here but i will on my blog

believe it or not eels are what helped get me into fisting - here's a .gif i just posted on my blog:

maybe someone would be kind enough translate this into japanese so greenglobe doesn't run amoke the rules
i will post CCC-222 on my blog and thread now . . .

You're welcome.
In your blog and thread, please use it freely.

and much thanks!

peace, zool