Boss has sex with employees' daughter?


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2015
Afraid I can't post with any examples, this concept just popped to mind the other night, and curious enough to seek the endless knowledge of our little utopia~.

Seen plenty of the theme where a disliked / unsuccessful employee has his wife 'enjoyed' due to his mistakes, pretty common, which got me to thinking about if there has been JAV with the spin of a boss who dislikes / doesn't respect a certain employee, and ends up seducing his daughter. Whether the employee is aware or unaware of this doesn't really matter~.

Could be a hot concept with the boss a la "I don't respect or like you, put you through hell at work, *and* I'm putting it your daughter." Mean, sure. ;)-

I felt like I *did* see a video around this theme quite some time ago, but can't seem to dig it up.

So, do such things exist, or has my imagination gotten the best of me?
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I think everything exists in JAV

But you can just took a random jav and imagine the story your way, though. You don't understand what they talk anyway :)
Three cheers for Alrick13 for at least coming up with SOMETHING! (Yeah, this is a tough one. By the way, Alrick13, how marvelous you have been a member for so very long. You oughtta speak up more often, yeah, you oughtta.)

Some of those "CRS" movies from around the time of this movie -- Student Violated By Father's Coworkers- Just One Slip-Up A.K.A. Father's Coworker r***s College Girl Merely a One Time Indiscretion... -- can be pretty uncompromising... which is why I like them. CRS-019 also benefits by the presence of The Evil S.O.B. (there's the rascal, at left).


Alrick13 (or anyone familiar with this one), who is the second lady supposed to be? I translated the plot description, and it didn't make any sense. (I think what's going on, now that I'm looking at more screen shots, is that the girl had sex with the Evil S.O.B., which must have been the said "slip up" or "indiscretion"... even though the girl doesn't look like she has consented to the sex... and the Evil one and another co-worker visit dad's home, where they all enjoy a cool one...


And then probably dad gets drunk, whereby Evil and buddy take both the daughter and the mom. (Which may answer my question about who the other woman is.)

Well, I think Restrepo was hoping for the boss as the villain, because of the extra "power play" kink element involved... so we'll have to keep looking.

Too bad the requirement was not the reverse, where the boss' daughter gets targeted by an employee. It would be easier to come up with examples of this sort, such as:

I Manage An Apartment Building and My Boss's Daughter Has Come to Live in Tokyo, I Not Only Spy On Her, I Tried Visiting Her While She Lay Sleeping in the Hopes of Getting Laid... [RDD-109], starring Akubi Yumemi, Karin Kuriyama and Yuuki Himesawa

Even If You Die, She'll Continue to Meet Your Eyes! The Boss's Daughter Tempts You With Her Camel Toe and You Clearly See She's Stained With Wetnesss... What Are You Going to Do? Vol.1 [DISM-010], starring Love Saotome, Miyu Shiina, Tomoka Kuriyama and Yuki Itano.

(Guess that second one goes off on a different direction, with the daughter acting somewhat aggressively... although some of the screen shots suggest otherwise.)

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Yep I don't really believe I have seen the theme, its really quite uncommon I could say even quite rare tbh. Themes of boss hooking up with employee's wife is very much more common, actually too many to list hehe.
The reverse where employees goss after bad boss daughter like jug said could be more common. Hope you guys don't mind , I hijack this thread to put the reverse just in case someone find it interesting

Mmmm ... back of my head I can remember a few esp from nagae , but most of it quite old dating 2-3 years back. Could be hard to find , No SS sorry guys , as these movie are long ago in my memories only


Make Bad boss drunk and goes after the daughter x 2 actresses in this compilation. If your like revenge of the employees vs Bad Boss plus abit of liquor thrown in , thats the mix for you

Same story as above but starring Chika Arimura. She's really quite pretty. And same bad boss hehe , unhappy employees make both of them drunk , goes after the unconcious daughter , take pics and threaten her later for more happy hours. Chika alone make this must watch =D


Same thing evil boss daughter. But this time some kinda of miners underground operation employees. Straightfoward stuff.

And this ...

One of the earliest AV I have seen , I think this could be counted as vintage? Nanami Yusa !!!. And before she become too kinda thin and scrawny in Shk-162 (Prefer her much alot in this AV and great boobs too) Don't think its available anywhere on digital format even in DMM. Only DVD. I have seen a incomplete partial copy on the net though. Anyway the if i can remember correctly the story - rich girl from famous school with boss father , bad employees kidnap her when she come to the company and have fun in various locations in the company itself. And the father goes around looking for her.
Happy to see this thread becoming a bit more alive ~ thanks to all!^^

The only question remains as to whether these will be discoverable online presently...should I find them, I'll upload for any who need them.^^

Should I fail in my's possible I'll come crawling back for help from those who recommended them. ;) Thanks again.~
If you are prepared to overlook the trifling words "in law", you might want to have a look at NASS-242 "Boss Who Had Dabbled In Daughter-in-law Of Subordinates". The title at least sounds hopeful, and the plural "subordinates" suggests that boss man may be an inveterate diddler of his underlings siblings (in law). Or, less happily, perhaps both the son's parents are subordinate to the boss.

Once I have viewed it, I will try to give some estimation of it's pertinence to this thread.

Don't go away!
How exciting is this! Therealpmuk finally came up with a made-to-order example.

When I looked at the screen shots, however, I figured something was wrong with the ladies looking a bit ripe:

Guess that is Asami Kobayashi, with Rugged Man; also starring Mirei Yokoyama and Junko Tada

Asian Screens' and R18's titles were Bosses Making Advances On Subordinates' Wives and Bosses Who Hit On Their Employees' Wives; the Japanese title, when translated, came out as "Boss Who Had Dabbled In Daughter-in-law Of Subordinates," when put through Google Translator, but the description for the movie refers to "Housewife" and "Boss coming to visit her husband, married woman."

I checked out your posting history, Therealpmuk, and I became aware that I was familiar with each of your other handful of posts. I'm happy you suddenly came alive after your long slumber, and I hope you'll keep treating us with your precious thoughts.

I really enjoyed Kessari's post from above, you know, the one where he "hijacked" this thread with examples that were not exactly filled to prescription. And isn't our thread-starter, Restrepo, nice, to not only allow for such deviations, but to even welcome them. I remember when Leebar was similarly gracious when I had corrupted a thread of his. (Hey, some of our members should quit allowing themselves to get walked all over!)

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Thanks Jugulear, I hope to be a bit more active in future in future, and may even be inspired by your clarion call for reviews to contribute something of my own there too!

In the meantime, as promised, I have done my duty by Queen and country and can confirm that NASS-242 is NOT the film you are looking for.... It is indeed your standard boss-cuckolds-subordinate-in-his-(unconscious)-presence movie genre.

Three scenes (each with a different boss, which seems profligate but may just be pragmatic - these guys are not youngsters), the first two of which are near-identical. Scene 1 - sub comes home with bad right knee. Ouch.He could probably do with a stress-relieving massage from Kira. Sadly not this time. Doting spouse gets him a horse tranquilliser and a glass of water, and he is soon lost to the world. Boss-man comes round, all sympathy, and somehow the wife is soon comforting HIM! Jugulear's screenshot (above) hints at the empathy beginning to build between them...How did this come about? We will probably never know, but, encouraged, he wraps her in a warm embrace and starts to French her. Naturally she shies away. For about 30 seconds. Then we are into a full round of consensual foreplay on the sofa before she comes to her senses, pulls her bra and pants back into position, and boss-man moves through to see how his little sub is doing. Unhappily still comatose. Wife comes through to join them, and before long they are at it again, this time only a couple of feet away from sub-husband, all the way through to creampie. Watch this at normal speed, and that's 40 minutes of your life gone.

Second scene is near-identical, except that sub-hub is brought home already unconscious by boss-man. Tea, sympathy, heavy foreplay and fingering on the dining table before they decide that someone must be feeling lonely and take the action through to the husband area of the residence.

Third scene seems to be in an office, and slightly more reluctance, but by this stage I had given up hope of any daughter (even in law) like creatures materialising, and I was going at a gallop. Pretty much like the boss-man.

Sorry if I got anyone's hopes up, my own included.
Thanks for the effort, in any case, therealpmuk.^^

And as for, at least as Jug calls it, thread hijacking - by all means! The employee vs. boss' daughter concept isn't quite the same, but it seems a promising area in itself.

To that end, have found a download for KNCS-047. Unfortunately one broken up in to pieces via uploadable, but one nonetheless. (I'll always take a healthy torrent, if possible, thanks ha) So~ I'll pop in with a reaction sooner or later, should anyone want it after that - happy to share.
Three cheers for Alrick13 for at least coming up with SOMETHING! (Yeah, this is a tough one. By the way, Alrick13, how marvelous you have been a member for so very long. You oughtta speak up more often, yeah, you oughtta.)

Some of those "CRS" movies from around the time of this movie -- Student Violated By Father's Coworkers- Just One Slip-Up A.K.A. Father's Coworker r***s College Girl Merely a One Time Indiscretion... -- can be pretty uncompromising... which is why I like them. CRS-019 also benefits by the presence of The Evil S.O.B. (there's the rascal, at left).

View attachment 568285

Alrick13 (or anyone familiar with this one), who is the second lady supposed to be? I translated the plot description, and it didn't make any sense. (I think what's going on, now that I'm looking at more screen shots, is that the girl had sex with the Evil S.O.B., which must have been the said "slip up" or "indiscretion"... even though the girl doesn't look like she has consented to the sex... and the Evil one and another co-worker visit dad's home, where they all enjoy a cool one...

View attachment 568287

And then probably dad gets drunk, whereby Evil and buddy take both the daughter and the mom. (Which may answer my question about who the other woman is.)

Well, I think Restrepo was hoping for the boss as the villain, because of the extra "power play" kink element involved... so we'll have to keep looking.

Too bad the requirement was not the reverse, where the boss' daughter gets targeted by an employee. It would be easier to come up with examples of this sort, such as:

I Manage An Apartment Building and My Boss's Daughter Has Come to Live in Tokyo, I Not Only Spy On Her, I Tried Visiting Her While She Lay Sleeping in the Hopes of Getting Laid... [RDD-109], starring Akubi Yumemi, Karin Kuriyama and Yuuki Himesawa

Even If You Die, She'll Continue to Meet Your Eyes! The Boss's Daughter Tempts You With Her Camel Toe and You Clearly See She's Stained With Wetnesss... What Are You Going to Do? Vol.1
[DISM-010], starring Love Saotome, Miyu Shiina, Tomoka Kuriyama and Yuki Itano.

(Guess that second one goes off on a different direction, with the daughter acting somewhat aggressively... although some of the screen shots suggest otherwise.)

I need this movie!! Ayane Asakura stole that movie. she looks thick as hell!! :P plus she's the same cum slut we all love <3