Afraid I can't post with any examples, this concept just popped to mind the other night, and curious enough to seek the endless knowledge of our little utopia~.
Seen plenty of the theme where a disliked / unsuccessful employee has his wife 'enjoyed' due to his mistakes, pretty common, which got me to thinking about if there has been JAV with the spin of a boss who dislikes / doesn't respect a certain employee, and ends up seducing his daughter. Whether the employee is aware or unaware of this doesn't really matter~.
Could be a hot concept with the boss a la "I don't respect or like you, put you through hell at work, *and* I'm putting it your daughter." Mean, sure.
I felt like I *did* see a video around this theme quite some time ago, but can't seem to dig it up.
So, do such things exist, or has my imagination gotten the best of me?
Seen plenty of the theme where a disliked / unsuccessful employee has his wife 'enjoyed' due to his mistakes, pretty common, which got me to thinking about if there has been JAV with the spin of a boss who dislikes / doesn't respect a certain employee, and ends up seducing his daughter. Whether the employee is aware or unaware of this doesn't really matter~.
Could be a hot concept with the boss a la "I don't respect or like you, put you through hell at work, *and* I'm putting it your daughter." Mean, sure.
I felt like I *did* see a video around this theme quite some time ago, but can't seem to dig it up.
So, do such things exist, or has my imagination gotten the best of me?
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