Brothels featuring AV actresses - AV女優風俗在籍情報


Jan 15, 2008
On the idea that you only live once, I have started to explore opportunities to meet some of my favorite actresses in person.

If any members have tried this, please share your experiences, especially if you have used any of these establishments.
  • 美乃すずめ sometimes appears at Victoria as 遠藤りな
  • The 虎の穴 group features a number of top-ranked performers and other well known actresses. 吹石玲奈 is new at Mrs.虎の穴, she or 推川ゆうり would be my first choices, but there are at several other ladies I would gladly try if i couldn't reserve time with them - 玉城夏帆, 菊川みつ葉, 桃谷エリカ, 滝川恵理, 折原ほのか, 桐島りの, 辻井ほのか and 初音みのり are all hot
  • The petite but buxom 櫻木梨乃 is also high on my list; if i can get out to her soapland ”New Tiara” in Tsuchiura; would need to call in advance to see if they accept foreigners, but if they do i would certainly see if i could negotiate 本番 service (their rates look very reasonable)
  • Lesser known but equally tiny and busty is the veteran 篠原優, who works as ゆう with デリヘル東京; rates seem very reasonable and services seem flexible

Grateful for all opinions and advice!

Also interested in new from anyone who has visited the Red Dragon in Roppongi
Thank you for bringing up this topic. If I may, I'd like to request anyone interested in this to let me know if you found the former jukujo/MILF AV actress known best as Midori Takase, or 高瀬みどり. She also used the alias 夏樹 during her delihel service days over a decade ago. I'm not certain if she is still active in that business anymore, since I have found no trace of online activity from her since then. In all likelihood, she may have just retired, probably almost 60 years old today. I do wish she would continue adult service with modern means like Fantia and OnlyFans.

Supposedly, she used to work delihel at a single location: 北千住人妻城 Kita-Senju Married Castle near Kita-Senju Station
Here's a translated forum thread mentioning her"

Data on Kita-Senju Castle:,, and the actual website for the delihel branch - - seems defunct, so they may have retired that particular location. Her personal page on that site is still up, though., along with her page on a delihel ranking site:

Pics from her old profile page, and some clearer ones from her DVD days that clearly resemble her censored delihel pics:


Thank you so much to all who may help!
I thought I posted about this before.

This site is the definitive one:

But don't bother with your fantasies. Its pretty much for Japanese only. Although if you're very fluent in Japanese, I think Tora no Ana will take your calls. Whether or not the girl wants to service a foreigner is a different story.
I thought I posted about this before.

This site is the definitive one:

But don't bother with your fantasies. Its pretty much for Japanese only. Although if you're very fluent in Japanese, I think Tora no Ana will take your calls. Whether or not the girl wants to service a foreigner is a different story.
Yeah, I remember this site. Took another look, but she's not registered, so either she's at some niche location or is retired from fuzoku. I'm gonna browse around other sites anyway, because I'm sure there are many specialty shops whose members won't be on this curated list. Doesn't hurt to try.
Midori Takase
Now she has retired worked for some time but now as she no longer works in porn industry.

A full list of her work is listed here :
She has been in more titles than that, though, along with titles from before her porn movies and her chosen actress name..;)