Guys, we have to buy these unavailable videos or we will never get them.
Tiger33, has our group of people interested in this completely disbanded?
I am perfectly willing to pay a higher percentage than everyone else if people will just chip in alittle. We all know these videos are outrageously overpriced, so we have to work together to get them.
Last time it was working so well! We got tons of great exclusive videos!
As nice as it would be if the Japanese big ass fairy simply delivered them to us for free so we could share them here, it's unlikely to happen.
byah, I would love well as any other movie with Hana Uehara that isn't already available.
Sound off on which titles you'd be willing to pay $10-$20 for guys!
In my opinion, maguro011 should be first priority.
Tiger33, has our group of people interested in this completely disbanded?
I am perfectly willing to pay a higher percentage than everyone else if people will just chip in alittle. We all know these videos are outrageously overpriced, so we have to work together to get them.
Last time it was working so well! We got tons of great exclusive videos!
As nice as it would be if the Japanese big ass fairy simply delivered them to us for free so we could share them here, it's unlikely to happen.
byah, I would love well as any other movie with Hana Uehara that isn't already available.
Sound off on which titles you'd be willing to pay $10-$20 for guys!
In my opinion, maguro011 should be first priority.