Can anyone ID this girl from NHDTA-808

Thanks Nagaura but unfortunately that is not her ...

I wonder why she isnt listed ? is she new or something ?
Bump. We need this information. She has the perfect body and face. Does anyone recognize her from some other titles?
Hello, SibTiger33; that is a really beautiful and clear photo you put up in your beginning post... it's more than most members provide.

Sometimes one photo isn't enough, though. The way we look in photos is not always representative of the way we look. This is why multiple views come into play.

Let me point to a recent I.D. thread by Member Pheion. Look at what happened after he broke down and performed the required work, in his sixth post.

Now I know you also provided the useful information of what video this shot was from... but if you have that video, why didn't you take out your frame-grabbing program (such as this) and present your potential puzzle-solvers with more views?

The reason is, you said to yourself, hey! You puzzle-solvers know that it's "NHDTA-808," so do your job and hunt up the extra views yourself.

My philosophy is, when I put up I.D. threads, I do all of the preliminary work. It's the least I can do, because I know that puzzle-solving takes a LOT of time, and I'm very grateful to the kind people who devote time to help me.

Besides, presenting thumbnails, when possible, is a requirement.

Looks like you also have NHDTA-789, but you didn't provide any information even about where in the movie this possible actress appeared. I would have taken snaps of this possibility to make side-by-side comparisons, so we could see if you were on the right track.

I decided to take another look at the cast listing. (I figured this step may have already been taken, so it was not necessary.) I got suspicious, because Nagaura pointed to an actress (Aiko Nagai) that Electromog indicated was not included in JavLibrary's listing for Ayumi Shinoda and Chie Aoi. (I believe Nagaura was mistaken.)

So it looks like there are four actresses in this movie (NHDTA-808):

Sougouwiki tells us, evidently in order of appearance:

1. Ayumi Shinoda
2. Yuri Momose
3. Chie Aoi
4. Airi Ai

Lady in question appears in the last scene; is she Airi Ai? (I don't think so; maybe what is above is not in order of appearance.)

The busty Airi Ai, from MIGD-228

Credits for NHDTA-789:

1. Seira Yuzuki
2. Miho Nakazato
3. Iroha Narimiya
4. Airi Ai

Hmmmm... the case for Airi Ai deepens.

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O sorry about that - i actually did include screens previously but not sure what happeneed i mistakenly created the post twice and one got removed - the one with the extra screens. sorry about that

i'll deep into this 'Airi Ai'

You've been a huge help

i'll report back
Hi there, thanks again for helping with this

I've double checked all of the names listed

and in the case of NHDTA789 i've checked Airi Ai but based on the images of 'Airi Ai' i could find , this is not her...

how bizarre...
Yep no luck.

Airi Ai or Airi An ?

when i did a check on Sougouwiki and used translator it give me Airi An (but no hits on that though)

how did u find the cast list for 789 ? (would like to get familar with the sources) Thanks again
Qwer135, let me thank you, first of all, for participating more often lately on Akiba-Online, given your long-time membership. Especially in the area of giving others a hand, bravo.

Secondly, let me thank you for correcting me. I was surprised that my translation for the fourth actress of NHDTA-808 was not "Airi Ai," as I had it. Usually, I'm careful with the translations that come up with Japanese names, but I now threw the Japanese for Ms. Ai into Google Translator, and the writing underneath the text box (which is the usual place to look for accuracy) was clearly "Airi Yasu." So I really goofed there, especially as I am now seeing the Japanese for Airi Ai looks different than the Japanese for Airi Yasu.

I have a question for you. Since DMM does not provide cast lists for at least some of the movie links that you have pointed to, which reference site did you use to conclude Airi Yasu has appeared in them?

(As for your question, SibTiger33, "how did u find the cast list for 789," just go to the Sougouwiki link provided by Qwer135 in his prior post's second paragraph.The page is for NHDTA movies from 801 on. You will see the links for the other NHDTAs at the top of the page. In the future, just type the DVD code into Sougouwiki's search box.)

I only clicked quickly on the first two or three of Qwer135's Post #18 DMM links, and the screen shots for the second one (RIX-015) provided this face:

RIX-015.jpg ...... Versus . ..... nhdta-808.jpg

I guess I'm not the only one who sees a resemblance. On the other hand the actress at left (judging by the screen shots, she is the first performer wearing the green outfit) is RIX-015's cover girl, and I don't see much of a resemblance with those views.

Another view of our lady from NHDTA-808, displaying other clues, such as the size of her breasts:


The actress' hair is long (unlike the RIX-015 lady), which may also provide a minor clue. Of course, hair length could vary from role to role.

One last thought.

I wanted to check which lady from NHDTA-789 SibTiger33 thought could be our lady. So I looked at these screen shots. (I have also provided other screen shots for the movie in my Post #14 above.)

I see a strong resemblance with -789's fourth actress:

NHDTA-789-2.jpg NHDTA-789-1.jpg

So now the question is, why did Sougouwiki (assuming they listed the cast in order of appearance) identify this woman as Airi Ai? (Please do a quick scroll up to Post #14 and check out Airi Ai with my last photo captioned, "The busty Airi Ai, from MIGD-228.") One answer may be, Sougouwiki is not always accurate.

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