Capturing from R18's player


New Member
Aug 12, 2020

I do apologize if this isn't the right forum for this, I hesitated between just posting in JAV discussion, site support or here.

I have no problem actually putting money where my mouth is and buy stuff directly from R18, I have bought a few things before, but I absolutely loathe streaming it from them (It's so unreliable since it's a JP server) and I really hate using that W10-only player, it requires an internet connection and it just hasn't got my keyboard shortcut.

I wanna be able to watch stuff in my own video player at my own liesure. I assume there's no applications to just crack these videos as I couldn't really find anything about that.

At first I would leave PC open overnight and queue a video using the streaming server, and would capture my video, it usually worked but because of the shitty server I'd often wake up to find the video just buffering forever, or it would end up having more spots where it stalled for several minutes so my recording that I had time to be just a little longer than the movie (Because I'm not made of HDD space!) would cut off the end.

Of course, Their fucking players seems to twart the video capture software I'm using right now (4videosoft Scree Capture) and just have it capture a black screen. I know there's better capture software out there but I know they're also a bit more fussy so I didn't want to start trying something else only to find out it's also not working.

So, anyone have tips for trying to get a god damn no DRM video from R18?

Also for curiosity's sake: I wanna buy MIZD-185, it's been out since May and hasn't been uploaded here and or anywhere else (Not that I looked super hard)

Also, if there's not too many hoops to jump through I'll likely upload it here for you guy's benefit.
Previously, could do something like this:

CTRL+SHIFT+E in Firefox on Linux or Win... In general, in the open tab you need to call network analysis in the developer tools.

Looking for "chunklist" and copy the playlist url

"b300000" is bitrate 300Kbps
b1000000 - 1000Kbps
b2000000 - 2000Kbps
b3000000 - 3000Kbps
b4000000 - 4000Kbps
b6000000 - 6000Kbps

Change the link for the bitrate you want or leave it as it is for 3000Kbps

Open an empty tab, insert the playlist link and press “Enter” to save it in any folder.

Open the playlist in a text editor


Replace "media_" with a part of the previously received playlist link ""


Copy the key link "", paste in an empty browser tab, "Enter" and save the file "mobile" in the same folder with the playlist.

Replace the key link to "mobile" in the playlist and save the changes.


Open the terminal in the same folder as the playlist and "mobile", and download the video using
youtube-dl --user-agent 'USER AGENT OF YOUR BROWSER' 'chunklist_b300000.m3u8'
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Previously, do you mean that used to work but doesn't work anymore?
I'll try to see if it works for stuff I already downloaded.

Edit: Yeah, beside the screenshots being in russian, the developer console doesn't look anything like that...

Edit: Got the playlist but a little confused about the part about editing it with a previous received playlist?
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Welp, I'm pretty sure my playlist was done right, but I'm choking on the last part.

I:\Downloads\Firefox>youtube-dl --user-agent 'USER AGENT OF YOUR BROWSER' 'chunklist_b3000000.m3u8'
ERROR: 'AGENT' is not a valid URL. Set --default-search "ytsearch" (or run youtube-dl "ytsearch:AGET" ) to search YouTube

I think everything else worked fine so not sure what I should be typing in there it's not recognizing this command.
Okay, I'm not sure what it expect for the user agent, I've tried --dumb-user-agent and I used the what's my browser site
I got this: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/84.0.4147.105 Safari/537.36
But certainly isn't accepting this as the user agent string, what am I trying to put in there?

Edit: Okay now it's saying the chunk list isn't an url

Are you sure about that command line you posted, for one it needs " not ' is there an argument missing or something?
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I've found out that fucking R Player blocks Shadowplay so that's out. I thought, shit if I just use my video card's built in capture that'll solve that... Haha nope
Tried an other video capture that's supposed to be good for DRM video, no go.
They have one hell of an aggressive DRM player there. An external capture card would fuck them over but I'm not sure I wanna go that far of course.
"Previously" means that I downloaded something a year and a half ago.
So use the local http server for the playlist file, for example:
python3 -m http.server
Or you can try using pure ffmpeg:
ffmpeg -allowed_extensions ALL -protocol_whitelist "file,http,https,tcp,tls,crypto" -i "chunklist_b300000.m3u8" -c copy "output.mp4"
But in this case, some video fragments will be skipped if the connection is poor.
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Mmmmm, I'll fuck around with it some more...
But here's the thing. I was trying their old R Player. And it was indeed doing all this shit to stop me. But was trying to watch their old file that was in .wmv format. I downloaded that new movie I wanted to get in the end and it was in a new format. And they have a new video version of their video player...

And for whatever reason this one isn't doing anything to stop my capture software, imagine my surprise. I tested it and it recorded a clip just fine! So I'll see if it works overnight to rip the whole thing!
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Mmmmm, I'll fuck around with it some more...
But here's the thing. I was trying their old R Player. And it was indeed doing all this shit to stop me. But was trying to watch their old file that was in .wmv format. I downloaded that new movie I wanted to get in the end and it was in a new format. And they have a new video version of their video player...

And for whatever reason this one isn't doing anything to stop my capture software, imagine my surprise. I tested it and it recorded a clip just fine! So I'll see if it works overnight to rip the whole thing!
Hey there!

Just came across your thread and found R18 is now closing , was wondering you have have found any simple alternatives to download all the purchased products before we completely lose them . I'm not a real computer genius tbh hopefully you could help. Oh btw I am using iOS and Mac. Thxx a bunch
Hey there!

Just came across your thread and found R18 is now closing , was wondering you have have found any simple alternatives to download all the purchased products before we completely lose them . I'm not a real computer genius tbh hopefully you could help. Oh btw I am using iOS and Mac. Thxx a bunch
I described it here:
But for Mac you would need to check, how to install php yourself as it is required to run this script. I think that in old releases it was included by default.