Cheek bandage?


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
I want to know what the deal is with the cheek bandage. I've only seen it in Japanese video games or cartoons. But I've seen it in more than one show/game, and the characters who have one seem to have it forever. These observations have led me to wonder if this is a uniquely Japanese thing; and, if so, what it is all about.


I Know Better Than You
Mar 19, 2007
It's from a zit. I've seen a couple people have them who I've been on a talking basis with, each time it's been because a mole had been removed. Not sure about the anime aspect though, I don't watch it, sorry.


Feb 27, 2007
it's probably like their charm point. like the eye patch on chars like Ryoumou. either that or they have a permanent scar they're trying to hide


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
It might very well be a charm point for a fictional character, but unless people in real life wear cheek bandages for life, a fictional character's choice to wear one for life would be more distracting than charming.

The other point of curiosity that I have is, why is it always on the upper cheek, a few centimeters beneath the eye? And why does it seem to most commonly be on the left cheek (which is the cheek on our right)? Why not be on the forehead? Why not be on the right cheek (to our left)? Why not be over the bridge of the nose? Why that specific spot?


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
If it's just a character design thing, then who was the first person to come up with it? Either it's based on real-life use of bandages, or it's a design trend that somebody started. I'm okay with the character design only-theory simply because I've never seen these bandages on real-life Japanese people (either in television or in person), but if that's the case, then it had to have started somewhere.


New Member
May 6, 2009
Maybe it's just like football players having that black paint under their eyes?

In that case it'd be hard to say who started it.