Chiaki Moriyama (森山千愛)

haha wtf... in my mind she could do much better than these cheap gigs

Chiaki seems to been very into it and happy about working at the Robot Restaurant.
It kinda fits her crazy personality as well. She has also always been into dancing and acting.
Robot Restaurant is the reason why she quit doing gravure.
Its also far better paid work than gravure and you can make a living from it.
If you consider the reality that lesser known gravure models might only make
about 10.000-20.000 yen a month.
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Yes of course but I understand there is not a lot of recent stuff available.

True there isn't much recent stuff available. All the fan photo shoots she did was when she was a gravure model still. Meaning these are from 2013-2015.
I got some more of these older ones. But then there is no more.

Only recent ones are those I already posted by photographer CH20.
These are taken 2015 and some in early 2016.
It is maybe by Christmas, but I am willing that mother Noël brings me my presents even if I was not very wise. Thank you ihmissusi !!!!:top::top:
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Chiaki booty knowledge test. Is she on the right? ...or is she on the left? :)

001.jpg 002.jpg
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