China and censorship solutions


Robin Hood of U15 Torrent
Jan 6, 2009

I was recently offered a rather lucrative position in China and I am considering accepting the offer of employment. I am, however, concerned over the level of censorship there and how that will affect my internet activity. I am aware of only one option however which is not entirely fullproof.

1) vpn - virtual private network - a paid internet service that will route all my traffic through a server located in another country. The problem is the connection is going to be slow. Also, China regularly blocks access to vpn servers and so even if I find one that works it is unlikely to work forever.

I could also route my traffic through my own server in another country but I am not entirely sure how that works, though I know it can be expensive. Does anyone have any information on this?

I do not believe what I am reading, you are having doubts, because of a few porn movies, get real, or in this case, do what the Chinese do, and find away around it, speak to the local porn king, and find out how he does it, we have enough Chinese members, so you can get it there, or get a seedbox, (and as you said a very lucrative position,) they are not expensive, and to get around the slow (if they are) you can DL when working and sleeping, all this for a couple of movie, gee what a problem your life must be, me I would be on the next flight
If you already have a server available, you can install OpenVPN on it.

Most small VPS plans can support an OpenVPN setup for one client. The only requirement you really have to think about is bandwidth usage.

In order to minimize latency and slow international peering, it would probably be good to choose a VPS provider that can provide you with an instance geographically close to China. Linode is one such provider (they have a datacenter in Japan), and I'm sure there are others.
Yes getting a vps, or virtual private server, and installing openvpn on it seems like the way to go. I think I might go with something in Russia, but Japan might be closer.

What speed bandwidth should I get? I would of course only get unlimited.

And coolkevin, I don't look at porn. My problem is Junior Idol. I would prefer not to call attention to myself with my particular interest.

On a side note, anyone have information on where 'Secret Junior Acrobat' was shot. I would love to get some autographs!!
What speed bandwidth should I get? I would of course only get unlimited.
That's not usually configurable. Rather, most VPS providers give you a series of monthly total GB transfer caps that you can choose from.
I lived in China for two years and to be honest I didn't really have any problems... I got to Facebook and all those sites pretty easily, didn't get blocked off of any AV sites or anything... Their censorship is pretty ineffective to be honest.
Wow....lucrative position vs watching porn....are you for real??? You need to get your hand off it. Go to a brothel and have sex with an actual woman.:constipation:
I lived in China for two years and to be honest I didn't really have any problems... I got to Facebook and all those sites pretty easily, didn't get blocked off of any AV sites or anything... Their censorship is pretty ineffective to be honest.

Yea it only if you post stuff about problem with the Chinese Government,they censor that, but when it comes to Porn or piracy they don't give a crap.

If I remember correctly china is the pirate capital of the world.
well it's a lucrative position as You say...I'd work for a couple or so months or a year in that Chinese company and the salary I am going to get in said company I will then use to set up my own server to download my porn, J-dorama, anime etc etc... that is if you are not in a hurry you can do that...but don't sacrifice your job just because you can't download stuff from the internet...

just saying... :distressed: