as far as I know there are only two series like this, both released by Toei Animation. This one with 1 ep only although there is a preview for ep 2 at the end and Yaruki Manman やる気まんまん with it´s 3 episodes, released 1989 to 1990, atm only ep 3 is to be found in the internet, eps 1+2 still are missing, what really is a shame, but I did not manage to find them yet, not even the german Trimax dubbed ones...
In the end Chindonya Rising Fortune and Good Luck - age man to fuku chin あげまんと福ちん seems to be a sequel of Yaruki Manman for which more than 1 ep were planned, but became cancelled. All 3 eps of Yaruki Mamnan were re-released as DVD´s at 05-26-2006 too.
looking into Isohunt or HF you will see ep 1 of Yaruki Manman by [MF], but that´s a mistake, it is ep 3 indeed. Happens when someone means there is only 1 ep. Same mistake to be found in eMule, what´s named ep 1 there is ep 3...
ep 3 is named やる気まんまん3 KYOTOハーレムナイト (KYOTO haaremu naito = Kyoto harem nights), here´s a shot from the video to give evidence that it is ep 3...