Cinema Unit GAS


Akiba Citizen
Nov 2, 2010
Hello everyone, :hi:

thanks to my to request threads GAS-153, GAS-176 and GAS-183 starring Eri Kazuki and GAS-160 and GAS-170 starring Eri Kazuki I came across the page of Cinema Unit GAS:

That's really an interesting site as I have seen some of her movies yet. Or should I "his"? Seems it's more or less a one man show. I'm not a fan of all of his movies as some of the actresses are not only busty, curvy or chubby, but some are just fat (sorry to say that, but it's the true - also it's a matter of taste).

They have an English page:
As well as a Facebook page:

And it seems he is interested to presents his works to a bigger audience world wide. That's the reason he also created a page in English. He - his name is Akira Takatsuki - recommends using to get hands on his works. But his company also ships the movies world wide.
Please, have a look at his page. There are many interesting information e.g. in the FAQ. :)

If you think about contacting him, please, behave. I guess being open like him should be rewarded by decent behaviour on our side. :)
Please, don't spam him with unnecessary requests for information, your ideas for a JAV movie or requests for the contacts of his actresses. I'm just writing this because I know my AO folks... ;)

After finding that page I'm somehow excited, can't say way. Maybe the same feeling as people of DMM - first Captain Bondage and later that guy (I think it's a guy). :D
CINEMA UNIT GAS has had an English page for a long time.

One of the people who works for them and it's not Akira (though he may speak English too for all I know) speaks pretty good English.

They are not a one-man show, but like most studios, they're on a skeleton crew.
And just as our thread-starter knows his AO folks, I know (at least a bit) my Gentleman Codegeek - and given his penchant for the larger melons, he must have flown to seventh heaven, with the discovery of this site.

(Pretty broad-minded of you, CG - hey, did I just make an unintentional pun? - to allow for the possibility that Member may be other than a guy.)

(Inertia sounds like he just may be on the inside track, to know a few of the ins and outs of the company in question. Which begs the question... where is the inertia?)

I looked at the first FAQ page of GAS, and the writer(s) sounded unpretentious and down-to-earth, which was refreshing. I was also delighted to learn that this may be one JAV company that is independent (although they rely on for some of their distribution, naturally). I am still not over my dismaying discovery that DMM controls, or owns, just about every JAV company out there. (That is, at first I believed DMM was solely in the distribution area, but no; they are the producers as well... and there's nothing wrong with that, but when power is concentrated in the hands of just one party, my democratic sensibilities take a big hit.)

One eyebrow raising point was the high price of their DVDs ("It is sold for \15300(about $150) to RENTAL VIDEO SHOP. Another one is sold for \3900-12000(About $40-120$) to the average citizen.") I don't know how many folks would fork over up to $120 for one porno ("Perhaps 500-2000" people... yeah, if you say so, Akira or DJ), but if true... the movies must be amazing.

He's not off the mark with the high prices for video rental shops (one reason why direct-to-video product was a tremendous cash cow for the Hollywood movie studios), but in the USA at least, there are no more video rental shops to speak of. Would Japan still be maintaining their video stores, to such an extent? Interesting.

Another exchange that drew my attention:

Q: So is 18 the minimum age for having sex in Japan? Or is that just for movies (or whatever)?

A: It's forbidden to appear in porno under 18 years of age in Japan.

Akira/DJ did not address the first question, but in the past I had looked into ages of consent worldwide (here is one list, albeit outdated, and another page that gets into the topic), and I remembered the minimum for Japan was startlingly low. Both pages that I have pointed to are in agreement: the age of thirteen.

(Hey, Needs More Loli! Did you know that?)

Of course it makes a great deal of sense for the age to be raised for appearances in porno, as such an adult decision would have significant repercussions. Since I'm from the USA, which became very hysterical over the pedophilia issue (starting with the administration of Ronald Reagan), I've now become so brainwashed, just thinking about the possibility of having sex with a female under eighteen produces a reflex action of disgust. Yet these linked pages are a sober reminder (one claims the average worldwide consensual age is sixteen), that this matter is extremely relative, and standards of morality are not etched in stone. All I can say is, I remember when I was sixteen (or even younger), and if I had the opportunity to have sex with a lovely lady who was over eighteen (why didn't I? DAMN it), who the hell would have had the right to tell me that such sexual activity would have been wrong? (Frankly, I am sure at the time, nothing else would have appeared to me as being more correct.)

On the other hand, I can understand how societies wish to be protective of girls, who are up against the predatory nature of too many men. In the interest of equality, such rules must be applied across the board. But some things are simply not equal, and to make criminals out of over-eighteen women who would have sex with teen-aged boys (especially those aged between sixteen and eighteen) is pretty ridiculous, and against the laws of nature.

Will you look at the ruffled feathers in the two comments below! (And thanks for the defense, CG; by the way, the last thing you strike me as is a "lazy person.") Perhaps our friend has trouble understanding that in the "Discussion" section, any topic may be brought up, as long as it's relevant - including the exalted Ronald Reagan. As far as the thoughts downplaying DMM's importance in studio control, DMM owns, directly or indirectly, almost all of the heavyweights; there certainly may be a plethora of rinky-dink studios as well, such as GAS, but most JAV lovers care about the big'uns made widely available.

I'd suggest to the "dude" that if the "gigantic replies" strain the brain, then... don't read 'em. But at least we now have a better idea on where best to apply the meaning of that moniker.

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Dude, please start talking like a human being and not a robot that poorly emulates one.

You make these gigantic replies full of so much fluff with some good info buried here and there.

The Japan AV industry is huge and DMM only controls a small chunk of the studios.

My job entails me to have notes on every single studio out there and it's over 60 pages and just covers active studios.
Of course it makes a great deal of sense for the age to be raised for appearances in porno, as such an adult decision would have significant repercussions. Since I'm from the USA, which became very hysterical over the pedophilia issue (starting with the administration of Ronald Reagan)

Right here.

There is no reason to bring up the Reagan Administration in a thread about fat Japanese women in the 21st century.
CINEMA UNIT GAS has had an English page for a long time.
Yes, but I discovered it today. ;)

jugulear, I won't quote your post as I would have to quote so much. And I'm lazy person. ;)

About the melons: I have to say that I almost never watched any of their movies. Why? These melons are a l-i-t-t-l-e bit too big. And most of their actresses don't look very appealing to me. Most of them are simply fat. You can see that very well if you look at their faces or buttocks. :muntah: But a very few look interesting. :mimisan:

We're on the Internet, right? So how can someone know if the other person is a guy or a girl? Or maybe even not a single person, but a couple or a group? Old or young? How knows. So I'm cautious about such statements, that's all. ;)

Yeah, there movies are somehow expensive. I looked for one and they want $40 for it. Eh, sorry, that's a little bit too much, isn't it. Maybe they see there movies more like an work of art than something people just consume. I looked that movie up at DMM. But it costs the same there (also it is in Yen). Customers most really willing to spend so much money for their fetish of "large melons".

Eh, the loli theme in an thread about GAS? That's really somehow... But, okay. I would be cautious about that 13 year old statement. In some countries it may legal in aspect of a certain age difference. So if a 15 year old has a sexual somewhat with a 13 year old girl (BTW: I would kill that guy if it would be my daughter - 13 is too young) it would be maybe okay. But if that guy is 18 (or even older) it's a different story.
Such rules, laws and regulations are to protect minors. All minors (not all are developed equally - mentally as well as physically). I guess that's the point. And it's okay. Is it really a problem if they start having sex later? I don't think so. At that time you have enough other things to spend time on, right? ;)

But back to the topic: It was interesting for me to find such a page of a JAV studio - in English and with some information on it. Also they are willing to get in contact with foreigners. I've never seen that before at the page of any other studio. Also I have to say that this GAS page isn't the best page I've ever seen. They should maybe invest some time in the design. Beside them only DMM itself seems to be interested to get in touch with foreign customers - or people who might become customers in the future.
Dude, please start talking like a human being and not a robot that poorly emulates one.

You make these gigantic replies full of so much fluff with some good info buried here and there.

The Japan AV industry is huge and DMM only controls a small chunk of the studios.

My job entails me to have notes on every single studio out there and it's over 60 pages and just covers active studios.
Right here.

There is no reason to bring up the Reagan Administration in a thread about fat Japanese women in the 21st century.
Inertia, as I see you're a member of this forum since April this year. And jugulear took a leave for some time. So maybe you're not familiar with his writing style. :)
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(Hey, Needs More Loli! Did you know that?)
13 huh... I did not know that. I'm not sure how I feel about that really. Honestly for me its more about the looks than the age. I just find that girls who are cute, soft, and petite to be seriously irresistible. Unfortunately for me, cuteness, softness and petiteness tend to correlate directly with a younger age. But age is not a direct factor for me. Two of my favorites: Rina Hatsume and Anri Nonaka are 25 and 26 respectively but their loli looks still make them awesome. Gotta love those Asian genes :hihi:
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Dude, please start talking like a human being and not a robot that poorly emulates one.

You make these gigantic replies full of so much fluff with some good info buried here and there.

The Japan AV industry is huge and DMM only controls a small chunk of the studios.

My job entails me to have notes on every single studio out there and it's over 60 pages and just covers active studios.

You are right, we just own 80 Studios :)
there are a few gas movies I am dying to find/purchase. One of them is not on R18 and I can't access DMM so I am looking for an alternative place to purchase and download the movies. I even sent them an email last week but never received a response. Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated.
there are a few gas movies I am dying to find/purchase. One of them is not on R18 and I can't access DMM so I am looking for an alternative place to purchase and download the movies. I even sent them an email last week but never received a response. Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated.
But his company also ships the movies world wide.
Justme4jav> What email address did you use to contact them?

I last spoke with them just under a year ago (a long time ago, I know) and emails were pretty fast in replies.
Just want to clarify one thing for people... The thing about the age of consent in Japan supposedly being 13, don't read too much into that. That's the national minimum, but any acts committed in Japan fall under prefecture or city jurisdiction, not national jurisdiction. I believe that pretty much every location in Japan sets the minimum age to 18. I know that it is 18 in Tokyo, because famous celebrities have been tried and prosecuted for having sex with girls aged 13-17.

About all the law really means is that if a Japanese goes to a foreign country, and has sex with a child, Japan will only cooperate in catching and prosecuting him if he had sex with someone under 13. So don't think that you can go to Japan, have sex with a 14 year old, and be totally OK legally. You most definitely will not, and they will go especially hard on you as a foreigner.
Apologies for drifting off topic here but while on the sub-topic of peds, an Australian actor named Robert Hughes was recently convicted of messing with under age girls. On his first day in prison he was pelted with cartons full of faeces and urine by the other inmates. One clever lad yelled "I'm a celebrity ... get me out of here", which apparently brought the house down. He was later heard sobbing like a baby in his cell. This is going to be his life for the next 6 years. Not trying to make a point here...just saying.
Just4meJav> email instead.

I have a private staff email, but I don't see it posted on the site so I don't feel comfortable giving it out.

Casshern2> $60 is the price because these aren't popular movies. Most people like to look at attractive and fit people have sex. You deviate from that and you enter into markets with smaller audiences. R18 has their movies for download or 980 yen. It's SD only though. I know that GAS titles from about a year or so ago onward are all filmed in HD so if you really want higher quality, you'll have to order directly.
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just clicked the email link from the website, that's what it showed. Used my hotmail account instead of yahoo but that's the only difference.
Ah, I'm sorry. I thought you tried to contact DMM / R18. :maaf:

$60 USD. Yikes
Okay, the movie I looked for wasn't $60, but my reaction was the same. Especially as I know you can buy multiple movies of other studios for that money.

Casshern2> $60 is the price because these aren't popular movies. Most people like to look at attractive and fit people have sex. You deviate from that and you enter into markets with smaller audiences. R18 has their movies for download or 980 yen. It's SD only though. I know that GAS titles from about a year or so ago onward are all filmed in HD so if you really want higher quality, you'll have to order directly.
Hm, yes, GAS is somehow a fetish niche. And I guess the sell as many units as other studios which produce more mainstream movies do. But still... :(
In the world of fetish JAV, selling 100+ copies of a title in the first month is very successful. For mainstream JAV, it's closer to 1000+. For uncensored mainstream JAV, even more.
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