Collection of JAV with white actresses (and a few black ones too)

How do you know what's happening behind the scenes and how our boards are working? Where did you get that percentage anyway? Or who's been banned and the reason behind the banning? Are you a statistician or a clairvoyant? If you have truly contributed on amxf and were ignored for some reason, please point me to your contri and if indeed they were material of great quality (not some old stuff being re-cycled over and over again), we are more than happy to accede to your request.

As a matter of fact, we don't need to justify anything to you since it's impossible to satisfy everybody but you can find out on our forum why the VIP lounge was created in the first place. One more thing, all of the admins and mods have steady jobs and income, we don't need the money to sustain ourselves. Furthermore, do you know how much importing a dvd from Japan costs? Please do some homework before flaming us with no apparent reason.

Most of the proven posters here are acknowledged on our forum as well. Have you contributed your stuff here?

I'm going to keep this short, since you and the other mods over at amxf will probably deny everything and i don't like the direction these comments are heading. This will be my last remark concerning amxf. People will have to find it out for themselves. I was just giving my opinions about what i saw and my experiences over there over the past several years. I sorta get the feeling that amxf is more about trying to make a profit by charging members then trying to promote the asianmale/ white female genre.

You also conveniently left out the part about you forcing members to move video links into the restricted sections only (Natasha Nice video anyone) when they originally posted them in the free section after the original links had expired. And warning members in nice 'red letters' that requested the links be placed back in the free section was kinda lame.

I think you pretty much answered blacksheep2's question about trying to obtain gold status (or silver) by contributing/posting and the futility of it all.
Hi people. I wasn't going to post originally, but I just wanted to add my 2 cents' worth to set some things straight about our forum being slandered on here.

If you don't like our group because you just want somewhere to anonymously freeload without so much as a Thank You to the original poster, that's fine.

But what offends me on a personal level is that you of all people, or any other thankless freeloader who contributed nothing of your own time or effort would go and publicly accuse us of "not giving a damn at all about the AM/XF Movement, but just in it for a profit" ... Hey: WE'RE THE ONES WHO STARTED THE AM/XF PORN-SHARING MOVEMENT. Hell, we're the ones that proliferated the usage of that acronym. We're the ones that started this whole sharing of AM/XF (mostly AM/WF) porn videos online in a collected forum. I swear and God knows, before we got together and launched what we did, the only results a Google search for "porn" and "Asian men" or "Asian guys" gave you only GAY PORN.
But we launched an online movement that changed that from then on to now.
Or maybe you're too young to remember those days when this genre was so scarce to be almost nonexistent. Nowhere what it is today.
Back then, there was NOWHERE YOU COULD SHARE STRAIGHT-PORN AM/WF CONTENT unless it was a paysite with crappy streaming low resolution. So to accuse us of not giving a damn about the AM/XF movement is something I for one take to heart on a personal level. You don't know all that we went through to get to where we are today.
And FYI: NONE of us make ANY PROFIT WHATSOEVER from our forum. Period. It all goes toward the purchase and encoding and rendering and uploading of the materials for our loyal VIPs.

95& of the members don't get advanced because those 95% are lurkers, so of course they won't get promoted. Since day 1 of the pre-AMXF forum, haters (anti-AMWF trolls) have been trying to jack and even made hack attempts to shut us down. The Levels are to prevent those types from gaining access.
We've had one particularly persistent troll actually report our video links and get them taken down on us, AND if that wasn't enough: He filed a false accusations to our group's joined PayPal account on some BS and got all our funds DELETED.
Plus, a WF mod turned against us and shut down the original site (ClubAMWF), but not before she suckered well-meaning AM members out of a boatload of money as well.

So out of precaution from being screwed over too many times, now that we regrouped and started up, we are only keeping the OGs as the Mods who have been around since the original site's founding. We are keeping it all-AM owned and operated to prevent this from happening again by some trolling haters/infiltrators.

OK, now as for the members who do contribute (it says very clearly in the Rules Section if anyone bothered to read them) that you don't have to post up never before seen videos, but just PARTICIPATE (discussions, post stories, news, art, whatever. DON'T JUST LURK AND MOOCH WITHOUT EVEN THANKING THE POSTERS.

The Active Members get the Silver, of which there's a bunch. And just a short while ago, a newcomer posted up an awesome personal collection of AM/WF materials and guess what? We voted to unamimously give this NEWCOMER an Automatic Gold Status.

And paying doesn't get you Gold Status either. It doesn't even get you Silver. Plus, we put so much stuff to make available for new members in the Contributor's Section anyway, so even the moochers who take but never thank can also mooch away.

Just wanted to set the facts out there-- not for Pal5's sake... but for those who don't know who we are or what our forum is about.

If you don't want to participate, that's cool. You have this or other places.
But for those who want to check us out, stop by and decide for yourselves.

Remember: YOU GET WHAT YOU PUT IN. That's just a fact of life.

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Hey everyone I just bought this movie off DMM and downloading it right now (just $3). For those who have never used their service, all their movies are DRM encrypted. Somebody recommended SoundTaxi for DRM removal so I'll give it a try.

This one is interesting because she mentioned in an interview that she would never do an Asian guy again since she had a bad experience losing her virginity to one. I'll find a clip of that interview and post it too. I hope to have everything up sometime late tomorrow.
It differs: The newest movies cost 2500 or 2000 Yen, then the price (gradually?) drops to 1500, 1000, 500 or 300 Yen.

Plus there are also different versions: HQ Download, Download and Stream, usually also with a price difference.
The thing is - and I don't know if you're supposed to be able to do that - you can download the stream version with recording programs (I use WM Recorder) and as far as I have seen this downloaded stream is the same as the (usually higher priced) regular download version.

When opening the streams at dmm, you get a wvx file that you can open in Windows Media Player or save. When opened in a text editor you can simply copy the URL in that file (starts with "mms...") and use it to download the stream.
It's not worth paying full price for the downloadable version since you will get the same quality from the streaming one. I use Replay Media Catcher to download the stream and I'm converting it at this moment through SoundTaxi. Does anyone know how to disable video output preview? It's taking up a quarter of my screen.
I don't think you can turn it off when using programs like Soundtaxi or Tunebite, because those are, as far as I understand it, not really converting, but screen capturing. That or I have overlooked something.

You could try Fairuse4WM (I haven't managed to get it to work, but I haven't tried the latest version yet). I think it only works (well) with XP.

Check for more info
I see, thanks for explaining. I set the output quality and resolution to match the original video and it looked fine when I did a quick sample output. Well, I'm going to let this thing run and check back on it tomorrow morning. Will update you guys later tomorrow.
:grassdance:this is probably the best thread i've ever come across, thanks alot for the hardwork guys :cheer: