THANK. YOU. SO. MUCH.Sorry to necropost here, but I just discovered this and thought it was hilarious. The actress is Rina Hatsume, a porn actress born June 10, 1990, which means she was 21 years old when this was released. The title is ambiguous. One way to translate the title is, "DVD including a 14 year-old's recently cast off T-back." The implication is that the DVD literally includes a pair of used T-back panties (or "thong"), but since the price seems standard DVD price, that seems unlikely. The important thing is that anyone reading it would assume Rina-chan is the 14 year-old, but the Japanese doesn't say so. It doesn't even say that the T-back was "cast-off" ("removed") by the 14 year-old; only that the T-back belongs to the 14 year-old. For all we know, some fat hairy dude put the 14 year-old's unused T-back on, took it off, and put the T-back somewhere on the set within view of the camera. Maybe they sent the 14 year-old out to buy the T-back and reimbursed her, and she never actually put the T-back on. The back of the DVD jacket is a bit more blatantly deceptive. It describes the model as a 中◯生. If it said 中学生, there would be no ambiguity; they would be claiming she is a junior high school student, no more than 15 years old. But they "censor" the word by putting the circle in the middle. 中◯生 doesn't mean anything, though the first character suggests "middle" and the last suggests "student." I would love to hear the DVD's makers explain what the circle is substituting for. Maybe it means 中学を卒業してから高校を卒業した浪人生 (middle-school graduate who went on to graduate high school and is now a prospective college student).
Only one thing is certain: Rina-chan is not 14 years old.
A bit more than a year ago I had asked exactly about that in this thread. The answer I got was a bit ridiculous, haha.