
I think either uncut or cut look does not matter ... face is more important including our sexual performance in bed.
Yea, quite agree that cut one is cleaner... Reports tell that cut one has 40% ~ 60% chances lower of infecting HIV...
But I wonder, if truly cleans it frequently but with water only, would it do the job as well...?
Is there any Doctor around here...?
from what i know (through research)

cut men are less sensitive, so they can `last longer`

and i heard rumors that uncut men will feel pain upon intercourse as the tip feels pain when they insert it or when the women's teeth touched it when giving them a blowjob

True on both cases for a simple reason.

Drag your feet across a sandy beach long enough and you wont feel much when you finaly stand on a silk carpet.

For the same reason, wearing out your "little head" on the inside of fabric, is hardly as nice as keeping your skin where it should be.

Anyone saying the foreskin should go because of hygienical reasons, need a good education in how to use soap to begin with.
That is a myth and nothing else.

In fact, Jewish and Muslem traditions came about for the simple reason, to make it less stimulant to a man to have sex in any form before marriage. And not to need to stray after being married as it would not be as good anyway.

Femal circumcision is for the very exact same reason, and that is surely not something we like to see. Some unauthorized homemade doctor cutting clits of, right left and center.... (mostly center I guess)

Disgusting traditions for feebleminded misguided individuals, imho.

As for HIV infections, women can become infected 1000:1 times easier than men, because theirs is on the inside and harder to keep clean and injury free.

Men who risk scratching the skin on the head, would have equal risk of men with foreskin-protected tips, logically speaking.

As for the real values on that last sentence I think for men and women alike, doubled kinned is better, use condoms folks.

Another thing worth thinking about when you read things like "Japanese girls aged 19-26 stand for the highest increase of HIV infections in Japan today"

Much of that is said to come from escort services not thinking twice about "running bareback" for a few extra dollars fro the johns.
I know this isn't a story I should share, kind of embarassing, but it's very related. Once I was hanging out with some guys from work, and they called a girl who was pretty wild. She came over, and literally fucked all three of us. She told me afterwards she liked me the best because I was circumsized. It's always been my experience that girls prefer cut. Unless it's a moderator, then the girls are always happy regardless ; )
I left this thread a while and its busting with different opinions...

To those who give me recommendation... thank you very much really, but sad to say i still have to say those method might not work on my penis is short, just the length of my fist from the thumb to the pinky...
Honestly I'm surprised by how many guys keep posting in here saying that un-cut is "un-clean" and that it is more "sanitary" to have a circumcised penis.

As long as a guy stays clean (IE showers often), it doesn't matter as a health issue whether he's cut or un-cut.

I have this theory that guys only stress this point in western countries because guys here only shower like, once a month... whereas in countries like Japan (where circumcision is less common) guys take a bath every day. www
It's called circumcision

It's mainly for hygienic reasons here in North America because if you don't get circumcised and you pee, after a few years you have bacteria-things inside your foreskin. So even if you're not circumcised, you should push back your foreskin so you can clean it.
Sometimes it is troublesome.. if only we are made up in a holy way, we would not have gotten some kind of diseases or something really bad.
I support circumcision because of the easiness. Cleaning is easy, and I never have to worry about getting hurt by a pulled foreskin. Although few will admit it, most of the people against circumcision are prejudiced since Jews use circumcision as part of their religion. I was born Catholic but my mother still paid the $200 to get me circumcised.
I have a question for you who are circumcised and pro- circumcision: did you get mutilated as babies or did you do it when you became adults?
As a baby.

I do object to the whole mutilated term though. Mutilated would be more like sticking pieces of metal through your ears, lips, or other body parts, (body piercing is a turn off for me, can't make sense of it and don't find it appealing). Cutting off some loose skin that serves little to no practical purpose is about as much mutilation as removing warts or skin tags in my book.
Mutilation is when you lop of body parts.
Circumcision is the very definition of mutilation, regardless what you feel about the term.
I see your point but you must admit there is a difference between having an ear cut off and cosmetic surgery, which I consider circumcision to fall under. However it is okay with me if you or anyone else feel differently, as all are certainly entitled to do. I think I will reserve the right to feel about it as I do, though. That includes objecting to being thought of as mutilated because I am circumcised. Again, I understand if others choose to feel differently about the subject, that doesn't mean I have to agree.
The foreskin does serve a purpose: protection and lubricant. It also contains 10% of the penis nerves.

Performing non-medichal surgery on people without their own will (babies) is just sick.
I'm cut (Catholic...well, was) and have never had a problem with it or felt remorse from it. I've actually had a number of girls and a couple of gay guys (I am straight and you had to be there! lol) say that I have a very nice looking penis! I'm pretty fond of it as well. It's nice and clean and sex feels amazing.
Most girls I've been with or have known, who had an opinion on it, reckon uncut are dirty and smelly!
My first post! now that aside I am uncut and haven't had complaints because I practice good hygiene. Also a few more things to add: Not all women are the same so there will be varying degrees of attraction to uncut or cut men. If the cutting of the foreskin had great enough medical importance then every child would be cut, and Rhinosaur did these women have experience with uncut men? If so then I bet they met a guy with bad hygiene.
if mutilation is lopping off a body part, guess what? foreskin is not a body part, it's SKIN. Therefore circumcision is NOT the same at all or anywhere near close. Just people who have something up their ass about it and are too touchy.

I'm not religious, infact I'm athiest, but my parents had me circumsized and I'm happy they did, I wouldn't want to endure the pain later on in life and I've seen movies with uncut guys and it makes me sick when I see it, I can't imagine wanting my penis to look like an elephant.

About the whole discussion on NA preferring cut and Asian preferring uncut, I don't agree at all. I've only been with Asian women, most of which are international students (not born in Canada) and from the few I've talked to about the subject they prefer cut. I even met a girl that said she refuses to date uncut guys because she thinks it's disguisting. Of course this is all opinions from different people and different things float people's boat.
I think its unfair for women use uncut/cut as a dating preference since its mostly a decision by the parents made at birth. That doesn't tell too much about the guy except maybe their religious background? Then would religion be more of a suitable preference?
if mutilation is lopping off a body part, guess what? foreskin is not a body part, it's SKIN.
SKIN happens to be the largest and one of the most important organs in our bodies and your arguments falls flat right there.