Hmm....what would you guys like for Christmas? Your top, lets say...three.
For me, it'll probably be
1) money
2) more money
3) even more money
Hmm....what would you guys like for Christmas? Your top, lets say...three.
For me, it'll probably be
1) money
2) more money
3) even more money
I'm gonna go with....
1. Money
2. Money
3. Money
So basically exactly what Ether wants. I already have everything else I need... There's nothing else to get or want. xD;
1. plane ticket to japan to see my girlfriend
2. money to use while in japan
3. my girlfriend to come back to america with me!
- Obscene amounts of money.
- Utterly loyal servants.
- Shoes that glow in the dark.
Even though we dont celebrate christmas in the whole 'santa clause' way, we do have our own Saint Nicholas in this country.
1. Okami or God Hand (i <3 Clover Studios)
2. xbox360, yeah.. but Dead Rising looks mad-awesome
3. a bunny-boy
Come on, are you saying you dont want money AT ALL? lol
OPB: pogi420
god damn it men/women what the hell has you hert been tainted with?
look this is what an untainted heat of an young boy wants.V
i`ll take one hunder million2) a magical no-procrastination pill
OPB: rabaxik
nintendo wii and that new zelda game.