Discussion about DMM website


Akiba Citizen
Nov 2, 2010
Hello everyone,

a few minutes ago I had to realize that I have some problems accessing DMM. Months ago I didn't work, too, because there was always the message that you can't access the page (it was a normal page, not a server error page or something like). Someone here suggested a work-around: Simply block cookies from DMM. And that work-around worked perfectly. Until today...

Now DMM changed their site in this aspect that they support different languages. And for that they need cookies. Means if you block them you get the language selection (which is on a layer before the content of the requested page) over and over again. If you enabled cookies again, you will get the message that you can't access the website from your location. At least the 18+ section. :cry:

Does anyone another work-around for that problem? :please: Or do we have to use proxies from now on? :notagain:
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Reactions: ingridguerci94
Same here

Thanks that someone posted this question. I have the same problem. Hope someone will find a solution to this problem.
same here....I use firefox to bypass it, be just now when I try to get on it, it just poping up with the language selection option that cover the whole page after a page is loaded. Now I have to use no script to block all the java script to stop it from doing that but all the picture only load thumb nails, not full cover jpeg anymore.
I thought also about using a proxy. Better than not seeing the large cover shots, but not very convenient. Especially as open proxies tend to be shutdown-ed after a short time. So you have to look for a new one over and over again.
The problem is not the covers. The only thing it would let you browse is the digital section, not the DVD database, which is the one that has all the titles.
There's always the official studio sites, but it's such a pain in the ass.

If someone finds a workaround, please let us know.
Can anyone think of a good reason for dmm doing this? It makes no sense. I've been in Japan and know that they like to not allow people to do obvious things for no reason whatsoever, but I'd hope there's more to it than that. Oh well, they lose viewers which will mean a loss of advertisters.
Hm, I disabled cookies for dmm.co.jp in my browser, deleted the existing dmm cookies, downloaded the YesScript Add-On for my Firefox browser and added www.dmm.co.jp to the list of blocked sites. Now I get an error page saying that my browser doesn't support JavaScript. And also the message
This page is not available from your location
still appears. Seems the only solution is to use an proxy. Hmpf...
I removed the YesScript Add-On and tried it using an Japanese proxy from this list. Even using a transparent proxy worked. Only problem: DMM still showed me that JavaScript is enabled. The reason: I didn't remove DMM from the blocked list before removing the YesScript Add-On. Had to install it a 2nd time, remove DMM from the list and remove it again. Not it works.

But using an proxy for DMM is still pain in the a**. :guaah:
Forum shows this thread having 2 pages yet I can only display 1. So DMM not the only site acting weird.

As for why DMM is region locking again, I suppose it could be to cut down on international traffic, which costs much more than domestic traffic to deliver. Notice that you can still access the download section, which can be bought unlike their DVDs.

However even the downloads is only a subset of what they offer domestic customers. I've no idea why that is. I guess some publishers may not want their material distributed overseas.

If I were the giant consortium behind DMM I'd be looking to expand internationally. They did start with the English site a couple of years ago, though it still lags far behind the full site. It's surreal, because SOD is willing to send actresses to China for adult product exhibits, where pornography is illegal, yet DMM is pulling weird shit like this.
First, block cookies for the domain dmm.co.jp (Firefox, Chrome as exception)

Workaround using AdBlockPlus:
Add filter:

(divs don't appear in blockable elements, so you need to add that custom filter. What you can do is open the list of blockable elements, block any element on the list but on the screen choose custom filter and enter "dmm.co.jp###welcome". It will warn you that the filter you entered will not block the item you selected, but you can ignore it and it will add the filter).

Workaround using Stylish:

Keep cookies disabled on dmm.co.jp.

Install Stylish:

Go to dmm.co.jp.

Click the Stylish button and hit "Write New Style>For dmm.co.jp"


@namespace url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml);

@-moz-document domain("dmm.co.jp") {



@namespace url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml);

@-moz-document domain("dmm.co.jp") {

This will hide the welcome screen, allowing you to browse the site normally.
This works for me
#use Firefox
#block dmm.co.jp cookies
#use Adblock Plus filter this: ||dmm.co.jp/_js/jquery.js and ||dmm.co.jp/js/jquery.js
My method
#use Firefox
#block dmm.co.jp cookies
#use Adblock Plus filter this: ||dmm.co.jp/_js/jquery.js

Nice, that works as well.

It appears that jQuery is used for some minor site functionality (I noticed "function tag_view()" and "function recent_check()") so it may have some unintended consequences, but overall I think most people wouldn't notice. It's also doable for other browsers.
i'm using a VPN with Japan servers.

on a side note, if anyone is interested in buying JAV's let me know :D :grassdance:
Awesome work guys! Glad we have so many technical minded ppl here.

i'm using a VPN with Japan servers.

on a side note, if anyone is interested in buying JAV's let me know :D :grassdance:

Can you get DVD-only titles?