Does anybody here Burn DVDs anymore, and how to hide them?


Active Member
Jan 9, 2017
Hello all. It has been a significant amount of time (at least for me) since I last posted to this website/forum. Excuses don't cut it. I came back for some more JAV goodness, and to update some people on my prior 100TB JAV Project. I had a mental breakdown towards the end of the project, and ended up deleting all files from my drives, fully wiping them, and then selling them on FB and Craigslist. I wound up selling off most of my tech (or donating what I couldn't sell). I have no interest in data hoarding anymore, as that was my second collection, with my first befalling a similar fate. My first collection got to 191TB before deletion (though I kept the drives to sell at a future date, though some did get sold), and my second got to 50TB less than the first. I have no intention of buying anymore drives, but am thinking of burning DVDs full of JAV, and maybe some select Non-JAV Porn that I like. I now print out porn photos and adult comics and doujins I like, so I figure I should get into burning DVDs full of the JAV and Non-JAV Porn that I like. I also have a (currently) 3,653 volume library of books, and have created my own personal library inside my 10x15 storage unit (I also wrote an entire book about it). For the photos and comics I use a simple 4 drawer filing cabinet, but am concerned, as for the DVDs, I love the covers, and want to use traditional DVD cases and slip covers, yet fear that my limited space, and some prying eyes that come to my unit might disrupt this plan. Obviously only nosy nellies would be flipping through my DVDs if I invite them in (my family has access to the unit, as some of their bikes and stuff are stored in there as well, and I fear them stumbling onto them) (not sure how nosy management is), so as long as the spines look clean (no adult content on the spines), and the DVDs are tight against each other so the cover isn't showing, then there shouldn't be an issue, yet I still fear it.

I feel like I am rambling, so to make a long story short: I used to have close to 400TB of data, deleted it twice due to mental breakdowns, and now want to get back into JAV by burning DVDs, and storing them in my personal library, but am afraid of prying eyes. I simply want to know if anyone has any experience with something such as this, and what they would recommend, and I welcome any advice from those who feel like sharing.

Should I simply avoid the traditional DVD route and go with those DVD Binders that have slots for the slipcase covers, or go with the cheaper DVD Binders with no slipcase cover slots, but use something else for the slipcase covers? Would it be better to use the CD sized cases, and shrink the covers to that size (I dont want to do that tbh)? Or am I complicating things and should just get those Cardboard like Boxes to store the DVDs in?

Side note, what Portable DVD Player (maybe Blu-Ray?) do you recommend?

Here is a photo of my unit for reference.

Edit: 06-07-2021 (US Date System) at 1:02PM
I have found out that the best way to store them (At least from what I have seen) would be to use "Tarifold DVD Protective Sleeve", which comes in a 100 pack for $28. The disks will most likely be Verbatim disks which are around $25 for a 100 pack (though I am certain thrift stores will have these for far cheaper). If I ordered everything brand new, this would be the breakdown of cost:

Cover Protective Sleeves: $28 (100 pack)
Blank DVD-R: $25 (100 pack)
Pen+Gear Multipurpose Inkjet Paper: $6.13 (500 pack)
Case Logic DVD Protective Sleeves: $6.95 (120 pack)
TARIFOLD 2-Ring Binder for DVD Storage CD Storage and Blu-ray Storage: $43 (4 pack)

Total Cost: $109.08

Cost breakdown:
$0.28 per Cover Sleeve
$0.25 per DVD-R
$0.01 per Cover
$0.06 per DVD Sleeve
$0.43 per Slot in Binder (each binder holds 25 DVDs)

Cost per JAV: $1.03

Some side Notes:
One site is offering the 4 binders and the 100 cover sleeves for a total of $58:
Some Customers/Reviews state they can fit 40 DVDs with covers per binder.

Edit 2: 06-07-2021 (US Date System) at 2:06PM
I came across an interesting video on YouTube (
), and I liked the idea, so I began searching around on Amazon for something like this. Well, I came upon the "New MegaDisc 1000 Cd DVD Black Aluminum Hard Case for Media Storage Holder w/Hanger Sleeves". This would set me back $110 for the case, and (if completely filled) $250 for 1000 disks (though possibly less, depending on what brand you use). This means $0.36 per disk and slot, with just a couple extra cents for the cover to be printed (which you can store in binder/s).

One thing I do have experience with, is with Snap N' Store Boxes. A two pack will set you back $20, and can hold 165 Sleeved DVD (no box art though) per box.

While writing this, I came upon an easier and cheaper solution to edit 1. I have found 200 non Binder hole artwork sleeves for $19. Assuming I use those, this is the breakdown:

$0.10 per Cover Sleeve
$0.25 per DVD-R
$0.01 per Cover
$0.06 per DVD Sleeve

Cost per JAV: $0.42


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Hey, there! Good to see you back!

You've probably seen it already in all my rants about HTA apps and later my PHP project (that I'm still using) but I do use binders with plain printable discs (50GB blu-ray) with just numbers on them.

GIF showing how I find a title

I use my site to search and find titles and of course keep covers and (very!) basic info about the title. Really, if you're concerned about someone finding them, you should either lock the cabinets or go the extreme and throw away all your covers (if they are purchased discs) or just forgo printing them in favor of something like that video showed by using an app on a device or a locally running site on a laptop you can take with you.
Just wanted to make a quick update. I was let go from my job, so don't really have any income at the moment, so I was forced to begin doubling and sometimes even tripling up JAVs per DVD (including some western stuff I like). This has made total videos much more, but has ruined the aesthetic of it being similar to an actual JAV DVD. I went ahead and got back some of my old DVDs too, which is nice to see them after half a decade. I store all the DVDs in a double row snap n' store box, along with the original DVDs (from 2015) being in it's original single row box. Still have 270 DVDs left, will determine if I should get more, so this project isn't on hiatus, but don't expect major changes anytime soon.
Here is a picture of what I have gotten done so far. The left side is JAV, the right side is Western


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Figured I should give this one last update. Hiding them in a Snap n' store box (double) works best in my case. While I still hope I can one day turn a dresser into storage for these, I cannot deny the efficiency of the boxes. Though it costs 15-16 dollars per box (with each box claiming to be able to hold 335 DVD/CDs in sleeves, I would put this number close to 280, maaaaaaaaybe 300. Stacking the boxes is easy, but most bookcases and shelves will only accommodate 4 on an average shelf. What bugs me is the room in the middle. Perhaps I (and you) can use that for a inventory binder. Each DVD takes 6-8 minutes to burn, so assuming you are at your desk for 6 hours a day, one can do 45 discs per day. Might not sound like a lot, but it adds up (assuming you are sticking with the routine, as I have not figured out a way to automate the process yet). I ordered off for another 100 pack of dvds off amazon, though these have the silver coating on the top, which is the same color as the bottom part that you burn to, so hopefully these work out, because if so, then I can get 600 of them for $62, versus 400 for $57 on ebay (amazon being checkoutstore, and ebay being SmartBuy). Actually, I just checked, and smartbuy ended the promo, so now 400 will cost me $64, so it seems a no brainer (should the silver coated ones work correctly). I love running out of discs, but seeing as how one of my fetishes is downloading, I get saddened when I become aroused again, so I buy more. Perhaps one day, when my collection is good enough, I can finally rest...
Update: Ordered 600 Blank DVDs from Amazon about a week and a half ago, got the box, wrong stuff inside (they gave me 4 boxes of 16 plastic tumbler cups). Sent them back, Amazon threatened to terminate my account. Went ahead and cancelled a pending order early this morning so that I could order 2 more 100 packs of Blank DVDs. One due in tomorrow, the other on the 12th. I have until around 8PM on the 13th to get everything burned, as im going on "Holiday" with family from the 18th through the 31st (wont be able to burn from the 14 to the 18th). Will see if I pick back up with burning after that, but school will be in session (my final year of college - number 4). We shall see.
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Update: Back to burning and printing. Have around 750 DVDs left to burn. Also started getting back into downloading Brazzers and some other western material (mostly shemale/trans), so not all DVDs go to JAV anymore (not including movies and shows).
Update: Down to around 600 DVDs, but that isn't the best part. After an EXTENSIVE amount of research, lasting around half a year, I have bit the bullet, and bought a blu ray burner and blu ray discs to burn. Best part is that they are only 40 percent of the cost (per GB) as DVDs, and this means I can start doing more serious archival projects again - but this time on a format I trust (I distrust hard drives from a security and a personal view). 8TB drives here are back up to 170 USD each, which actually makes Blu-Rays more affordable.
I stopped using DVD-R many years ago and moved over to HDD for 2 reasons

a) I had QA problems even using Verbatim/Taiyo Yuden...india started manufacturing for verbatim using the TY dye, but the quality was really bad, mottled surfaces on brand new confidence in long term archival
b) storage density, 200DVD-R gave 1TB or data....1TB HDD gave content immediate access with much smaller footprint
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I'd echo the sentiment of moving to HDD storage. I had a similar experience with DVDs a long time ago. They just get too numerous to manage, plus I've lost media due to degradation/errors etc.

I think when you factor in the time saved, plus ease of access, going with large storage drives is the better option.
I'd echo the sentiment of moving to HDD storage. I had a similar experience with DVDs a long time ago. They just get too numerous to manage, plus I've lost media due to degradation/errors etc.

I think when you factor in the time saved, plus ease of access, going with large storage drives is the better option.
While I understand the benefits of HDD (I used to be one of you guys - with over 220TB of storage), their damage risk, potential for files and the entire drive to go tits up, as well as cost increase over Blu Rays has me on the Optical Media side of things. Drop kick a Blu Ray, and its fine. Drop kick a hard drive, or have it fall just a foot off the ground, and it will oftentimes no longer work. I understand the common argument to this would be to have backups, but should there be something like a surge, or god forbid a CME or EMP, then the drives are fried, whereas Optical Media is safe from that (unless it was an incredibly high yield EMP detonated in the same room as the discs). For me, Optical Media (DVDs, Blu Ray, CD) is far easier to manage and organize, as all it takes is a good label on the sleeve (I use plastic sleeves with Mailing Labels on the top of the sleeve), and a log of what you have (while I maintain a digital copy of this, I also print out a copy as well, and try to do so each time there is a significant addition to my collection). While you might save time with Hard Drives (even more if its SSD, but those have similar issues to hard drives), this is a negative for me.

Having full access to pornography (Eastern or Western, Drawn or real) can be a massive negative for me, as showing restraint to it can help with the quality of the next session, as well as making it more special. Having to pop in a (limited in files on the disc) disc to watch what is on it makes one think more about their choices, and I have noticed that I tend to watch the entire things (though this might be out of laziness to seek out the next disc) on that disc. It also causes less of a headache for me, as I can become easily overwhelmed with digital files. Having to navigate through all those files is a massive pain for me, and being able to just flip through a box with Discs that have been labeled is a million times better IMO.

I also print out Porn on 4x6, and doujins/adult comics on 8.5x11 paper. My sorting method might seem archaic, but it is really simple. The picture that you see (below) is of my storage unit library. I have just built these shelves - they are 2x12x8, 7 stories tall. The top 2 layers (of the shelf, not as seen) are for porn. I store the photos in USPS Priority Mail small boxes (can each hold 60), sorted by category. The Doujins/Comics are stored in the Regional Boxes you see in the picture (the ones currently full of Doujin are of the top layer that currently has boxes on it). Having worked in tech, and studied the effects of technology on human health, I have learned that even a simple 3Hz (possibly even .5 HZ) can cause artificial sexual stimulation in all individuals looking at, and/or near a screen. This is one of the biggest reasons I have printed off my porn. I have also found that I last longer, and enjoy it more by looking at physical pictures/doujin, rather than staring at them on a screen (Which is a huge waste of resources to just load a few pictures for this purpose on the screen). This ultimately falls down to each individual, but I simply prefer having a physical copy of what I own, and to me, Optical Media is physical/tangible, whereas a Hard Drive really isn't. I think once you go over a certain size/file count, it stops being tangible.

I do not expect to convince anyone - this is the internet after all, where we all love to pretend to know what is best, for others, and ourselves. By no means am I saying that my system is the easiest, or even the best. But it works for me, and that is what matters. All I can do is be a guide for others interested in a similar path to the one/s I have took with this hobby. Am I a nutcase for this? Possibly. I rather like to think that I am more unique. Though, in the grand scheme and history of things, this is how people have done it for decades, and do we (those preferring hard drives or other non optical/physical media) really think that we are better than them, or know better? To me, tangibility is my friend, and simply looking at a hard drive/s will never come close to doing even a sliver of justice to the collections that we have (both porn, and non-porn alike). This is why, in an era of near instant communication, and being able to look up just about anything in the split of a second, I have chosen the physical path. It isn't always glorious, but when it is, it is a sight to behold!

I like knowing that if my life, or even the world ever goes the heck in a handbasket, I can always come back to my (Storage unit) Library, and unwind! 1632412585837.png
Image is of my newest addition to the Library. A 2x12x8 7 shelf cinderblock bookcase. This is part of my 5,000 volume library. The bottom 3 rows (That are full) each contain 32 USPS boxes, which each in turn hold between 8 and 30 books in them, averaging around 20 books for simplicity sake. This is around 1,340 books (all printed from home). The top two shelves (the top being empty, and the lower one having a few boxes on it) are for Photos (top), and Doujins (bottom). At the time of this writing, I have nearly 2,500 printed photos (4x6 in). The rest of the library is out of frame.
Quick Update: I was sick for 2 weeks, which is the longest I have ever been sick for (the prior record was 2 and a half days). This has caused me to not be able to look at a computer screen or tv screen without severe pain, so my schooling and downloading/burning has taken a massive hit. Thankfully, around a week and a half ago was when I got over it, but the screen pain still lingers. I have gotten maybe 12 blu-rays burned since then. Still working on it, just not as hardcore as before. The re-sleeving of my discs into plastic sleeves, and relabeling them is also going by veeeeery slowly. I now hope to have that done with by the end of the year. I will try to update when I can. I used a cracked version of Nero, but now that serial got patched, so I've switched to imgburn, and it works somewhat better in some ways, somewhat worse in others. Im looking at an average of 25 minutes per disc to burn (25GB). I found out I still have 1,050 DVDs to burn, and just over 500 Blu Rays, as well as 30 double layered DVDs. I doubt I will run out of discs before the summer starts, but if I do, BluRay is very cheap (136 for 15TB), so replacing them will be a piece of cake.
I've been using ImgBurn with much success for a very long time.
Im slowly figuring that out as well. I have had zero failures thus far, and am very happy with it, and best of all is that it is free! Although now that I've said that, im sure an entire cake box will fail on me haha.

Side note, Im reusing old paper sleeves (handmade) to store my discs in, until Im no longer lazy, and create labels for the discs, and then I resleeve them into the plastic sleeves. I need 30 discs to make it worthwhile to make the labels, since 30 are on a sheet.