
here are more figurines, (which are kinda like dolls but more like "action figures).
I keep coming across these pics so I started to save them to share with my peeps in this thread. The detail on some of these is amazing.
It beats the hell out of GI Joes
What I really love about these is the attention to detail. You have to respect people who take pride in their work.
occasionally it is hard to tell if these are dolls or drawn works of art
I don't want anyone to think I am posting every picture of these dolls I am coming across...because I am not. At the moment I just keep coming across a bunch of them and some of these are very high-res and nicely photographed, (others I just liked for who knows why).
I just had to share these gifs someone made of a little doll feeling up a larger doll. These are just sic, (I luv 'em)
Not of those, that was just one of those weird things one comes across from time to time. Some people just have too much time on their hands, lol, (me included).

I do happen to have another batch of regular doll pictures though...
some people are really into collecting these and then sharing photos of I share their shares
some people are really into collecting these and then sharing photos of I share their shares

I have a few of them myself, only the "cheap" PVC figures, not the expensive big ones. I would love to have is this one. $639 on ebay.:scared: