doom 3


New Member
Dec 13, 2006
wasnt sure if i should post this here or in the more 'general' chat thing... doesnt seem to be too much of a difference between the two. but i was just playing this game (i played it a long time ago, and then picked it up again...) and i was reminded about how scary it was! haha. do you guys remember playing it, and just having that SHOCK! like when one of the monsters JUMPS out of a wall at you! ya. i find myself moving out of the way in my seat to try to get away from it, but its a game, haha. but ya, this game is primo. great game... are there any more that are being planned? hope so... great game...

anyway, thats just a rant of mine. ill probably have more rants about games and whatnot...
lol. I used cheat codes to give me the reassurance that I was invincible and almighty.
haha you should try F.E.A.R. you'll pee your pants.

Doom 3 was nice could use some polisihing in its multiplayer part though, if your going to play MP then i suggest quake 4 hehe
for some reason F.E.A.R. wouldnt work for me.. anyway, i do want to try it, however i hear that it is not all its cracked up to be... the only thing that i use to help me in the game is the flashlight mod! its too scary without a flashlight all the time, haha.
DOOM3 is awesome its a really good game, it does get quite repetitive later on but I went through the whole of Prey without getting bored and thats boring so the repetitiveness don't matter. I think you should try out F E A R that is also a great game. If you interested in that sort of game play there is a Half Life 2/Counter Strike mod called "The Hidden" that is much like FEAR/DOOM etc. I recommend you try that game out too.

You want a game thatll make you piss/crap your pants? Go play Fatal Frame II with only headphones, with all the lights turned off and by yourself at home. Especially cuz of the broken neck ghost who appears out of nowhere alot. Thats a sure bet that you'll leave longer skidmarks than John Force at a drag race. :dribble:
FEAR was a scary game?
It wasn't scary at all. It was pure action with a weird plot.
Don't know if I should post this.... but, does anyone here know how to mod the gun sounds of Doom 3? The gun sounds feel like tender-loving caresses, not a good idea to use against demented creatures from hell. So far, I haven't found a good sound mod for it so I was hoping to make one myself. I find the double-barrel shotgun, BFG, and plasma rifle decent to listen, knowing you have bad ass weapons to send them hurling back where they came from! Also, any ideas where to find that ass-kicking sound from Devastator's gun in Transformer's? That would be awsome for the chaingun!
make a backup copy of $DOOM3INSTALLDIR/base/pak003.pk4 and put it some place safe, then change its name to and unzip. the weapon sounds are in the folder called weapons (duh). they're plain wav files, replace the ones you want, then rezip & change the name back to pak003.pk4