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Glad to see you are back! :love:
Let's hope something like this doesn't happen again, at least not for a long time! :omg:
Welcome back Akiba, Thank you Chompy, I guess you worked very hard, good work
I was about to send you my own hard drive>< So glad you're back guys, there's no site like this.
As it was previously said, no need to apologize...
I'm really glad this forum is back, lossless.
There isn't any equivalent to this site !
So, thank you very much for your hardwork.
w00t........happy days are here again!

Thanks for working so hard for us!
Thanks for all the hard work Chompy. I though for one sec there that one of the big three had fallen again.

Gracias por hacer funcionar de nuevo Akiba Online ^_^
I am dancing! Akiba is back!

:grassdance:I have never used an illegal drug in my life, but I NEED my Akiba FIX every day. I was going through withdrawal while the site was down. THANK THE GODS you are back. And thanks to the Akiba contributors who also have blogs. I always visit them anyway, but with no Akiba, the blogs kept me from going CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, thank goodness! I was getting pretty bad withdraw symptoms :sick:

Thanks for getting things up and running, chompy
Are you sure akiba will not down again :tea::inlove2:?
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