Drama Torrent Section


Somewhere in the world...
Dec 19, 2006
I wanted to upload a torrent about a drama or two (or three) but there's no section about it :abandoned:
I wonder if someone is interested about drama ??? Of course, asian related ^^
I'm not really a fan of drama (I prefer movies) but there's some good drama like Trick or Densha Otoko ^^ :goodboy: .
I love j-drama. Summer Snow is my favourite.

Building the forum as required. Drama section added.
Thx Chompy.
Summer Snow dunno this j drama :dunno:

Can I request an other section ??? I want a PV section.

I have just downloaded the PV of Dragon Zakura (realize by melody. :inlove: ) and the single. And I'm planning to upload them this week.
Then Mods, Admins, you decide :hi: or not to create :ban: this section ^^. Thx