Finance charges? You'd have to ask your credit card company. That's not DUGA's forte.
Are you sure DUGA did not accept your or your card did not accept DUGA? In other words, your card company may have blocked the charge since it was foreign.
I don't think it was the credit card company. I've purchased from Japanese sites before with no issues.. Perhaps there is an alternate way of purchasing? I've heard of people using Rakuten?
Xolramu> You can call your credit card company to ask why the charge was blocked. You can also email DUGA and ask. I know your pain; DUGA pretty much features the same studios DMM has plus many more (some smaller studios are not too fond of the latter's 'generous' revenue sharing program).
If what you want is on DUGA, but not DMM, then there's a decent chance it may also be on which has a full English site and English-speaking support. They can also do custom orders for titles they don't list. AKIBACOM also has a download site at but it's Japanese-only and literally feels like you're in AKIHABARA. The design is intense.
Wow you weren't kidding when you said that site is hard to navigate. Even with a translator it's just... intense, haha. The struggle is real Thanks for your suggestions though. ^_^