Ever tried stopping?


cats are great towels
Dec 9, 2007
So, have anyone tried stopping fapping?:chant:
I tried to stop a short while ago, actually managed to go free for 3 weeks..
But.. I accidently stumbled upon this page, and well..
the rest is "history"
I do stop sometimes. Not because I want to stop but because I just dont feel like fapping for some reason. I think the longest I have stopped was 2.5 months. I also usually dont fap when I travel on vacation.
i usually dont feel the need or the urge to bust a nut when im in a relationship, which means i stop sometimes for months, as long as my gf services me. during the transition between relationships i do(often), or to relieve some tension thats been built up inside me.
i dont think theres anything wrong with busting a nut or not.
I tried.
Went around 4 weeks.
Then I came to my senses and thought: "Why?"
I tried.
Went around 4 weeks.
Then I came to my senses and thought: "Why?"

Yeah, why indeed? :puzzled:

I sometimes stop for a few days just to make sex with my girlfriend that much more pleasurable, and I certainly do it less when I have a girlfriend, but to me sex with someone else and sex alone are completely different things. It's not a substitute. I think it's more a stress reliever than anything else. I may have tried to stop when I went through a religious period in junior high, but I don't really remember. Some prescription medicines lower sexual drive, and when I'm using those medicines I sometimes find I just don't feel like doing it. :dunno: But I suppose I average about once a day. :shy:

BTW, masturbation is common not only among primates (like us), but many other animals: elephants (with their trunks!), dolphins, deer, penguins, killer whales, etc. But apparently male primates are the only male animals who have been observed masturbating to orgasm. (I guess it's a lot harder to tell in females. :evillaugh:) Bonobos (the most sexually active primates) masturbate frequently, including females. Some researchers believe masturbation is unique to animals with a highly developed neocortex (believed to be the site of mammalian intelligence). Reptiles don't masturbate, and it's rare in birds (perhaps because most species of birds have no penis).
How can you stop with so many beautiful girls around, Oh Yuko Ogura please come to me, I am begging, ahh some dreams never come true, I still wish her the very best.
impossible for me...my max was 1 day....with so many torrents downloading everyday...how can you stop...
Since I'm female, I shik and don't fap. To answer your question though, yes, I've stopped for about as along as about 2 months before. Either because of life actually manifesting itself or because I didn't have a strong enough desire to. Generally though, I will only prolong my frustration a few days so that it ends as a -happier- ending. :shy:
Generally though, I will only prolong my frustration a few days so that it ends as a -happier- ending. :shy:

Nicely put. :bingo:

My current girlfriend (21) "shiks," but says she had never had an orgasm during sex with another person until she started seeing me. :shy: My last girlfriend (40) orgasmed really easily during sex, but says she never shikked, and that she just couldn't get sexually aroused alone. I found it kind of hard to believe one could live 40 years without ever having..."shikked." :puzzled:

A woman friend of mine, who has done some research on the subject :evillaugh:, says that generally speaking, whereas men prefer to have visual stimulation while they "fap," women generally like to view or read something erotic beforehand, and then recall or imagine it as they shik.

Anything comments? :goodboy:

I once accidentally (honestly, it was an accident) saw a young neighbor woman "shik" when I was living in an undisclosed city in the U.S.. It was afternoon, and I went into the kitchen and looked out my window. In the adjacent building, no more than two or three meters away, one floor down from my own, I saw this woman lying on her bed (which was by the window). She pulled her shorts down to her mid-thighs, and went to work. :surprised: I could only see her torso through the window, which meant that I couldn't see her face and therefore she couldn't see me. So I didn't have any incentive to turn away. :evillaugh: It probably lasted about 20 minutes, and then, with her shorts still pulled down, she apparently fell asleep. :goodboy: BTW, considering her age and where she lived, I'm guessing she was a student at a nearby Ivy League university. :virtuous:

I've also been in the reverse situation. In college, I was living in a house with about eight friends. I was in my own second-floor room, doing my thing :shy:, when I hear something, look up, and see a guy outside the window painting the house! :coldsweat: Thankfully, he was discreet and pretended not to notice, but there was no way he couldn't have noticed. It was a big freakin' window, a small room, and he was no more than two meters from me. :exhausted: I was embarrassed as hell, but it was also too good to keep to myself, so I went downstairs and told my best friend about it. We laughed so hard we cried. :lols:
Nicely put. :bingo:

A woman friend of mine, who has done some research on the subject :evillaugh:, says that generally speaking, whereas men prefer to have visual stimulation while they "fap," women generally like to view or read something erotic beforehand, and then recall or imagine it as they shik.

Anything comments? :goodboy:

I've also been in the reverse situation. In college, I was living in a house with about eight friends. I was in my own second-floor room, doing my thing :shy:, when I hear something, look up, and see a guy outside the window painting the house! :coldsweat: Thankfully, he was discreet and pretended not to notice, but there was no way he couldn't have noticed. It was a big freakin' window, a small room, and he was no more than two meters from me. :exhausted: I was embarrassed as hell, but it was also too good to keep to myself, so I went downstairs and told my best friend about it. We laughed so hard we cried. :lols:

Are there any other women to speak on the subject besides me? Well... Yes, that's true. Generally, you get yourself into the mood first, then get down to business in a two step process. I guess since we multitask all the time, we'd rather not multitask during our alone time too. :dunno:

Ahem... Personally, I do both. So.. there you go.

Yes, I have an embarrassing story too. Last year this one day, my roommate was gone and I was horny, so... the obvious course of action came to me. (You have to jump on opportunities like that.) I went into the bathroom (planning to take a nice long hot shower afterwards) and began. A little more than halfway through, when it was getting to the good part, I hear a male from outside yell: "ARE YOU MASTURBATING?" I paused, surprised. :petrified: I had heard batting practice going on behind our building, but didn't realize that they could hear me. I wasn't screaming or anything, but my moaning must have been interesting enough. That's when I realized that the window was actually open, behind the blinds. I guess one of my roommates opened it for some fresh air. I probably turned as red as a tomato. The guys outside laughed amongst themselves for a few moments, then went back to batting practice. I tried to melt into the floor, but was unsuccessful, so I just sneaked out of the bathroom and sat waiting to tell my roommates my story. Luckily they all sympathized with me. It was absolutely hilarious. :rofl:
Are there any other women to speak on the subject besides me? Well... Yes, that's true. Generally, you get yourself into the mood first, then get down to business in a two step process. I guess since we multitask all the time, we'd rather not multitask during our alone time too. :dunno:

Ahem... Personally, I do both. So.. there you go.

Hmm. Interesting. I guess we males lack imagination. :exhausted:

Yes, I have an embarrassing story too. [....]

:lols: Now that tops my story easily. Better you than me. :goodboy:
Well I'm a male and I sometimes fap only to my imagination. More often I'll start fapping to visual stimuli but close my eyes and finish to fantasy before orgasm. Not always, but I often lose interest in what I'm looking at when nearing climax. Maybe I'm really an hermaphrodite?

Anyhow, yeah I really don't see why stop. Sometimes I don't fap or have sex for a week or so purely from lack of interest if I have a lot in mind and/or to do. But never much more than that. Also if you stop fapping making sure you have sex with people regularly at least, not ejaculating regularly is unhealthy and not doing so for a long time is dangerous. We're sexual animals, there's not much to do and no shame to have about it.
Well I'm a male and I sometimes fap only to my imagination. More often I'll start fapping to visual stimuli but close my eyes and finish to fantasy before orgasm. Not always, but I often lose interest in what I'm looking at when nearing climax. Maybe I'm really an hermaphrodite?

Actually, I do that a lot, too, although I never really thought about it before. :casual:
Also if you stop fapping making sure you have sex with people regularly at least, not ejaculating regularly is unhealthy and not doing so for a long time is dangerous. We're sexual animals, there's not much to do and no shame to have about it.

Yeah, that's true. I've gone long periods without it and I'd notice myself acting really strange and getting emotional and frustrated and then after a strong fap session I fell right to sleep and all those raging thoughts ceased. I even noticed myself getting headaches when aroused for days without release. Weird.
When I was younger I would recall my P.E. (Physical Education) teacher and knock one off in the tub. I preferred the tub as the door remained closed and the warm water really helped. That was ~75% imagination as the person was real. I don't think I've ever came with 100% imagination… When I finally got a hold of some resources via older bro. I never turned back.
I also agree with Denamic & indreamsiwalk. Why stop? There are very few to NO adverse effects to doing so. I'm not sure why there is such a taboo about it in some cultures… (aside from the obvious reasons)
Also I never do it when I travel. The longest I think I went without it was about 4 months due to various circumstances. But yea I married and still do it. Sometimes my wife helps and sometimes we're helping each other.
What amazing coincidence! I am actually in the middle of my own "how long can I go without it?" experiment and have broken my personal old record of 4 days. Yeah. A piddly 4 days. Go ahead and laugh :p , but anyway, it's been 4.5 days now since I last fapped, and ...

I gotta say, I don't see the point. :\ I'm going to go for a week (just to say I could and did), but I definitely don't think I'll "do it once a week" from now on. Fuck that. So ... why did I try to lower my frequency, and why am I frustrated by my success?

Motivation: basically to gain back time in my busy schedule. I spend anywhere from 1 hour to 2 hours each day finding hentai, deleting the hentai I dislike, and masturbating to the hentai I do like. That's pretty excessive, says I, and I'm disappointed with how much time (1/12th of my life!) I lose to it.

Disappointment: I just wind up spending those 2 hours I gained back by going online and wasting time. -_-; So my sexual desires aren't being met and I'm still wasting time.

Conclusion: I think I'll try to still cut back (to maybe once a day or once every 2 days), but I'm definitely not going to cut it down farther than that. And besides, I think my bigger problem is how much time I waste online (like right now? OTL ) and not how much time I spend "fapping."
I think the longest I've ever gone without a release is about three weeks. Mainly for lack of privacy more so than not wanting to.

As far as stimuli, I generally need to have something, be it images or a video to get off, but I've gotten used to just using my imagination or memories lately.