Generally though, I will only prolong my frustration a few days so that it ends as a -happier- ending. :shy:
Nicely put. :bingo:
My current girlfriend (21) "shiks," but says she had never had an orgasm during sex with another person until she started seeing me. :shy: My last girlfriend (40) orgasmed really easily during sex, but says she never shikked, and that she just couldn't get sexually aroused alone. I found it kind of hard to believe one could live 40 years without ever having..."shikked."

A woman friend of mine, who has done some research on the subject :evillaugh:, says that generally speaking, whereas men prefer to have visual stimulation
while they "fap," women generally like to view or read something erotic
beforehand, and then recall or imagine it as they shik.
Anything comments? :goodboy:
I once accidentally (honestly, it was an accident) saw a young neighbor woman "shik" when I was living in an undisclosed city in the U.S.. It was afternoon, and I went into the kitchen and looked out my window. In the adjacent building, no more than two or three meters away, one floor down from my own, I saw this woman lying on her bed (which was by the window). She pulled her shorts down to her mid-thighs, and went to work. :surprised: I could only see her torso through the window, which meant that I couldn't see her face and therefore she couldn't see me. So I didn't have any incentive to turn away. :evillaugh: It probably lasted about 20 minutes, and then, with her shorts still pulled down, she apparently fell asleep. :goodboy: BTW, considering her age and where she lived, I'm guessing she was a student at a nearby Ivy League university. :virtuous:
I've also been in the reverse situation. In college, I was living in a house with about eight friends. I was in my own second-floor room, doing my thing :shy:, when I hear something, look up, and see a guy outside the window painting the house! :coldsweat: Thankfully, he was discreet and pretended not to notice, but there was no way he
couldn't have noticed. It was a big freakin' window, a small room, and he was no more than two meters from me. :exhausted: I was embarrassed as hell, but it was also too good to keep to myself, so I went downstairs and told my best friend about it. We laughed so hard we cried. :lols: