Extra from RCT-596 Who Is Extra Special (Sometimes)


Akiba Citizen
Jan 20, 2012

This one may prove to be a really tough one, given that the lady is not a featured player; frankly, I don't even know why I found her to be fascinating. From some angles, she appeared strangely sexy. Others, particularly when she smiles, she kind of resembles a monkey. (Boy, that is cruel; but I'm just calling 'er as I see 'er.)

RCT-596-1  photo.jpg

RCT-596-2  photo.jpg

Yep, there are those times when she looks pretty strange:

RCT-596-3  photo.jpg

See what I mean?

RCT-596-7 DUO  photo.jpg

She is the "second-in-command," a kind of lieutenant to the movie's tormentor, played by Uta Kohaku, in a non-sexual role. (That is, Uta is not sexual. Come to think of it, neither is our mystery maiden. Such a disappointing outcome is precisely the reason why I sometimes consider asking for my money back... but the problem is, I didn't pay to see the movie.)

RCT-596-8 DUO  photo.jpg

Yep, she doesn't even show one boob. So why did I even care?

RCT-596-4 DUO  photo.jpg

Could it be because I felt cheated? I mean, come on, not even a boob, for melon's sake? (If I may psychoanalyze myself, which is one of my favorite hobbies... could it be, maybe subconsciously, if I learned who she was, one day I could see one of her boobs? Have I sunk this low?)

RCT-596-6  photo.jpg

See, there are times she looks pretty nifty. As with the profile shot above.

RCT-596-5  photo.jpg

Below, very nice. Making up for the times when she isn't really all that special-looking. But let's not hold that against her, not all women look equally wonderful from every angle. Sophia Loren, for example, would go out of her way to avoid showing her profile in the movies she appeared in. Do you think that may be a clue? Is it possible this lady is related to Ms. Loren?

RCT-596-9  photo.jpg

Well, thanks. Maybe one of the geniuses around here will have an idea as to whom this offbeat starlet may be.

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I might have found your "monkey"! :) I'm not exactly sure, especially since RCT-596 is from 2014 and the works of the girl whom I found are fairly recent. Anyway, I saw this girl on the back cover of NFDM-436. Top right corner, second from the left, and thought that she looked just like the one you've been looking for.


Unfortunately, the title never got onto the internet, but you can watch a sample video here (she comes in at around 0:40).

Or you can watch an entire title featuring only her which I haven't seen:



Sadly, as you can see on her JavLibrary page, that's half of what she's done so far, so watching PGD-840 would be the best way to see if it's indeed the same girl. Oh, her name's Katsuki Seina, by the way!
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Kharo88 got the monkey off my back!

Now I can appreciate what this guy is talking about, when he says: "This is..."

Trump - Huge.jpg

Truly, this was amazing. I do not know how Kharo88 achieved this. He surely did not come across the re-upping of this thread a month ago, and then made it his business to check out thousands of JAVs to find her. No, he must have coincidentally run into NFDM-436 (which thankfully has a cast listing... a multi-actress movie could have easily not) and then noticing our lady... he then remembered this thread? I mean, it's unbelievable.

I wanted to confirm for myself; a big giveaway was this shot from NFDM-436:

Sena Kazuki NFDM-436.jpg

A-ha! She's got a very characteristic ear.

Well, that didn't do any good; all of the RCT-596 shots from above had her ears covered. (You didn't expect me to dig up the movie in hopes of coming across her ear, did you?)

This shot from PGD-840 confirmed it; I had a Darwinesque "Origin of Species" moment.

Sena Kazuki PGD-840.jpg

Yep, it's her.

All of her output thus far is from the last few months... so no doubt we will be seeing more of Sena Kazuki (the non-mechanical English spelling of her name of "香月星七," per resources 1, 2 and 3); she must have been just getting her feet wet in 2014's RCT596.

Thank you so much, Kharo88... truly, you have accomplished an astounding feat. Bravo.

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She is a good one ^^. She have more aliases: Rei Ayana (あやなれい) - Erina Okazaki (岡崎エリナ) - Reika Ayano (綾乃麗華) - Remi-レミ(gachi854)
It turns out there is more to Sena Kazuki than meets the eye..! Mind blowing.

Her Sougouwiki page provides even more aliases:

Ayana Sato (佐藤あや奈,(さとうあやな)), Suzue Ami (鈴江亜美) and Niimi Ayu (新見あゆ)

It is interesting that Sougouwiki is not yet aware of her "Sena Kazuki" identity, and it is also interesting that the Minnano-av.com site that I linked above (here it is again) has missed every one of Sena's other monikers. (Minnano-av is usually excellent in listing aliases.)

The Minnano-av page for the other mentioned aliases is here; it has also missed the "Sena Kazuki" identity. (As well as the two of the three new ones I have listed above.)

The actress has actually been around, at least since 2012; it appears her career has newly heated up, as "Sena Kazuki."

(Let's see... thirteen movies listed in Sougouwiki, four in JavLibrary -- as Sena... it seems she has almost as many aliases as she does movies.)

Thank you, Mr. Mago!

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