Until seeing taking the time to look through Attackers' site, I had no idea that the New Slave Investigator series was the actualy series as the old Slave Investigator series. As in, it is a continuation of the same numbering. New Slave Island was a reboot, but New Slave Investigator is just... new entries, with New Slave Investigator 3 being the followup to (regular) Slave Investigator 2
Not sure if I'll make a full thread, but I like the series. r***, no aphrodisiac, totally wrecking female investigators that are trying to stop the sex slave trade. There are English subtitles for all but the very first one and the two spinoffs listed on that page.
The standout to me is probably #9. Ami Kiyo is great, the sister is a great a addition and actually gets some good fuckings, and the general debasement over the course of 6 months is great to see. Ami's apology on video to all of the fun she ruined is great, as is her having to apologize for wasting her time pursuing justice and ethics.
I also didn't realize before subtitles that it takes place in the same continuity as the other Slave series. Specifically, they can't have the woman in 8 (or 7?) out there if she knows about "the island".