Filejoker exclusive threads


Grand Wizard
Staff member
Super Moderator
May 10, 2009
I feel like the idea of filejoker exclusive threads should be revisited because it goes against the spirit of sharing which is the great thing about this forum compared to many others places.

It's ok to make filejoker links the center of attention and/or give them an advantage since it's the sponsor, but forbidding all other links for a specific movie as long as the thread for a specific movie is alive is going too far.

Personally, I'm not uploading for money so I like my links to be alive for as long as possible and be available to as many people as possible.
The latter is an issue(the former too, but not as big of one) since not everyone is able to download from filejoker without using something to change their IP or they can't download everything they want because of the low download limit so providing mirrors is essential for them, but as soon as I want to post one of my DVD encodes that doesn't go in a mega thread, I'm blocked by the fact that most newer video thread have been created as filejoker exclusive by someone who uploaded a really crappy version of the video really fast and it's blocking me from making my version available(on more than just filejoker) on which I spent a lot of time making sure it looks good.

Making the rule only apply to a specific encode of the video or putting a time limit on the exclusivity of the thread(like a week or two, or even a month) or some other less restrictive idea would be nice ways to still give filejoker links an advantage without restricting the uploaders who want to share their video instead of only earning from them.
Well said, SamKook. Very well said.

You put into words what I, and I'm sure many others, have been thinking about the Filejoker Exclusive policy.

While I'm sure that the Filejoker policy helps keep the board going, in the long-run, I think it'll do more harm that good. We have some great contributors on this board who care about the quality of the videos, these are the people that should be rewarded. Ones who post up a crappy version, as fast as they can to make a dollar shouldn't be rewarded. This policy alienates the good contributors who are vital members of this community and helps those who are just in it to maximize earnings -- that can't be good for the board in the long term.
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