FileJoker Sponsorship

Unfortunately did renew my premium on the 10th, so no extra 50% :(
I've just renewed (VIP Premium) for 180 days, using one of FJ's recommended resellers, but no 50% was added. Max, Cool Kevin, please assist.
I've just renewed (VIP Premium) for 180 days, using one of FJ's recommended resellers, but no 50% was added. Max, Cool Kevin, please assist.

Sorry I cannot help, only notice the sale and passed the info on, if Max does not respond, you can contact them via the contact us button on the bottom of there page, I hope this will help, and it gets resolved successfully
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Sorry I cannot help, only notice the sale and passed the info on, if Max does not respond, you can contact them via the contact us button on the bottom of there page, I hope this will help, and it gets resolved successfully

Thank you, Kevin. I will do so.
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I sent 2 emails to Max about the issue above, through the channels suggested. No response to either email from him. NOW, one week later, an extra 50% is advertised on the masthead. Adding that 50% to my balance would be a gesture of good will to an old customer, but I doubt FileJoker values that. And a response to my emails would have been courteous.
Still no contact from Max or anyone else at Filejoker. However, without explanation, someone at FilerJoker has just suspended my account. Max, was it you? I have just spent over US$100 to renew my subscription to FileJoker, I have been a responsible citizen of Akiba Online for over a decade, and this is how I am treated. I ask for consideration, and instead I'm suspended by a high-handed individual at FileJoker, who clearly lacks the decency to contact me and offer explanation or assistance. Unbelievable. Be careful, File joker subscribers.

Now, to pursue the chargeback option for my subscription...
Thank you, Max. I have done so. Probably due to your actions, and the excellent Kevin's intercession, my account has been reactivated. Also, I didn't think it was you who suspended my account. In any correspondence with you in the past, I have always found you to be professional and a gentleman.
Yes. I did. And you replied. It was worse than useless. See my latest in this thread. No one expects the Spanish Inquisition.
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I just tried to renew my filejoker subscription.$20 transaction fee!! but i thought what the hell i will do it. filled out the cc form hit proceed and i was then sent to another payment processor asking again for cc info and charging a higher price!!!. Why. i then looked at maybe paying with paypal $50 transation fee on a $109 purchase. You must be joking
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I had said on this thread over a week ago that my account was reactivated. It was... for about 12 hours. Since then, my account was resuspended without reason. My praise for Kevin the Mod remains the same. He is an excellent gentleman. But for the FileJoker ''representative", Max Headroom, there my opinion is very different indeed. You see, I've had contact with the individual. According to him, I've committed three cardinal sins, which together warrant suspension without recourse. They are below.

So, fellow AO members, be warned. You too can be suspended if you dare to...

1. Have more than one FileJoker account. I had 2. Remember the 20 gig download limit over 3, then 5 days? Do you recall the bad old days of miserly File downloads. But of course, now we have premium, and hell, aren't we paying or it? Does having 2 FJ accounts violate its TOS? No. On the contrary, when members used to complain about FJ' stingy download limits, Max Headroom used to encourage us long-suffering folk to...wait for it.. purchase a second subscription. His hypocritical, sanctimonious blather about it is either in this thread, or the Filehosting thread further down.

2. Buy your FileJoker subscription from a Reseller. This is in spite of the fact that the FileJoker subscription page lists a heap of them. I use a couple of trusted resellers for one simple reason - NO RECURRING CHARGES. If on the other hand you go directly through FileJoker, recurring subscription charges automatically apply. Do you like recurring charges that creep up on you, then bite you in the keister? I certainly don't. Does buying a subscription from a reseller violate FileJoker's TOS? Again, no. Resellers, are you reading this? Max Headroom is discouraging members from using your services. Are you perplexed... outraged? I hope so.

3. This one really takes the you use a VPN (dynamic or otherwise) for downloading/navigating Akika Online (and for the whole Web, by extension). How many members do not use a VPN for security reasons and peace of mind? Not many, I'm sure. But Max Headroom regards this as 'suspicious'. That's his word. (I have his email.) Does using a VPN violate FileJoker's TOS? Again, no.

To borrow from Monty Python, nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition, do they? Well, it's here, and it's called 'Max'.

It is for these 3 risible and ridiculous 'reasons' that FileJoker, and most especially Max Headroom, suspended my account. I recently paid a reseller nearly $100 to extend my subscription. That looks like money wasted, or stolen...perspectives differ. For the record, I have been a responsible AO member for a decade and a half. I've also had 2 FileJoker accounts for years. I'm a private person. I've never rocked the boat. I download for my own personal enjoyment. Period. And for that, and the three ''reasons" above, my account was suspended.

This is the danger that is always lurking when one file downloader monopolizes a forum. It allows for the rise of petty, autocratic jobsworths like Max Headroom, who get their jollies from suspending members' accounts on a whim. There is zero accountability.

Last thoughts: buy Monthly FJ subscriptions only, watch your back, and complain long and loud when Max Headroom does it to you. Notice that I have not used the conditional conjunction, "if".

And finally, do I think that the petty, autocratic jobsworth in question will whinge to our Administrator, Chompy, for telling the truth and exposing his high-handed treatment of AO members like me? You know he will. Will this said jobsworth try to get me banned? Again, you know he will. I'll have to take that chance. You have to stand up to trumped-up wannabe dictators, even in a world as small as our own.

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What's the download limit for filejoker premium? It was 50GB or thereabouts in 5 days, but since I renewed my membership a few days ago, the number has been extremely low, never recovering above 20GB.
Filejoker links in Hentai Manga Downloads are coming up as "File could not be found due to expiration or removal by the file owner".
Filejoker links in Hentai Manga Downloads are coming up as "File could not be found due to expiration or removal by the file owner".

it happens in most parts of the board, and as Max has said please just request a re-up in that thread, sometimes the original is no longer around, and someone else maybe able to help