I was looking into FileJoker, and it showed up as an example for Zeus File Manager on the Google Play Store, which seems to be a gateway to payment for several sites. The thing is that the FileJoker.net site itself offers two premium types: Premium and Premium VIP. The issue is the amount of data that's provided. For Premium it's 60MB of traffic in a five-day period, for Premium VIP a whopping 300MB of traffic in a five-day period. I don't know about anyone else, but I'm not aware of any modern video files that are complete and over twenty minutes at HD that would be under that figure. So I'm puzzled by such a meager offer. If it was GB I'd have no qualms, but as is I find no incentive to sign up, however much it supports this site.
Or does MB mean something else to FileJoker than to everyone else on the internet? I see people complaining about transfers that certainly exceed the 60 or 300 MB figure, but am loathe to jump in without some reassurance.