Font size and color a no no?

In fact maybe you should change display settings on your computer/browser then.

That's exactly what people with eye problems can do, instead of writing in funny font/color/size. This is better for everyone.

Also if someone has really serious eye problems, I would suggest him to spend less time in front of a computer screen. I'm not pushing anyone to leave, it's just a health issue.
That's exactly what people with eye problems can do, instead of writing in funny font/color/size. This is better for everyone.

Also if someone has really serious eye problems, I would suggest him to spend less time in front of a computer screen. I'm not pushing anyone to leave, it's just a health issue.
I can't say more than: YES!

Nice try but you failed again. Who could have thought that 3 letters are so hard to recognize. Well must be the eye problems you were talking about.

What I think Coolkevin meant by selfish is the fact that only four people posted their opinions on the topic and then the rule was changed 16 hours after the thread was started by me.
That's how a forum works lol.

Then 23 hours after the thread was started (that's less than a day), you posted your post about wanting the thread closed so no one could voice their opinion.
That's not what I said. I didn't say that it should be closed so nobody could voice their opinion. I said it should be closed because it wouldn't matter anyways or might just end up in spam. And look up what YOU accomplished now.

I looked up selfish in the wikipedia and your avatar was there.

BTW.... You been here less than a month, posted thirty times, and boldly say the thread should be closed.
You aren't one of those banned members sneakin' back in here under a different nick now would ya? You can tell meeee...:secret:
No. The only place I got banned was kawaii15 for being a normal person which is nothing strange over there. In the end it really doesn't seem you understand what the point of my post was. It doesn't surprise me though seeing in which direction you lead this thread.

(admin check his IP...)
Dynamic IP FTW.

I still don't know what the rush was all about in making this hasty decision, but who am I to question this, I am but an old blind man who can only see posts in size three font with Comic sans and MediumTurquoise text.
Why the hell do you spend time in front of the computer then? Ever thought it might not actually be healthy? I mean every ophthalmologist tells you that screens are bad for your eyes.

Thank you Coolkevin for your concern, I have the best nephrologist around these here parts and she takes good care of me.
I think you might need more than this.

Aaaaanyways: Now is the point I say it should be closed because even OP only leads this into spam. And I feel bad for even letting myself down on that level here.
The solution is not to submit replies with font and/or color tags in the server-stored posts themselves, but to simply have them modified on your own computer (only).

This can be achieved easily, if you're using Firefox. Install the Stylish extension. You can target text inside posts by using the div.post_message CSS selector.

Once Stylish is installed, open its options dialog. Choose Write New. Give it a name, and paste the following code:
@-moz-document domain( {
  div.post_message {
    font-family: Arial !important;
    font-size: 18px !important;
    color: #48d1db !important;

It should be fairly obvious what the declarations (font-family, font-size, color) do. The !important flag tells Firefox to override whatever AO uses by default.

This way Firefox on your own computer will override the defaults and allow you to customize how text looks, but without affecting how everyone else sees the website.

If you start getting into Stylish you can get very creative with your customizations -- this one is mine:
View attachment 207055
...This way Firefox on your own computer will override the defaults and allow you to customize how text looks, but without affecting how everyone else sees the website...

Wow cheers guy, I had no idea...