The solution is
not to submit replies with font and/or color tags in the server-stored posts themselves, but to simply have them modified on your own computer (only).
This can be achieved easily, if you're using Firefox. Install the Stylish extension. You can target text inside posts by using the
div.post_message CSS selector.
Once Stylish is installed, open its options dialog. Choose Write New. Give it a name, and paste the following code:
@-moz-document domain( {
div.post_message {
font-family: Arial !important;
font-size: 18px !important;
color: #48d1db !important;
It should be fairly obvious what the declarations (font-family, font-size, color) do. The
!important flag tells Firefox to override whatever AO uses by default.
This way Firefox on
your own computer will override the defaults and allow you to customize how text looks, but without affecting how everyone else sees the website.
If you start getting into Stylish you can get very creative with your customizations -- this one is mine:
View attachment 207055